Found these gorgeous Rendition stills on flickr and it reminded me of these old videos I never uploaded. Apologies for the watermark, but I didn't feel like paying $30 to get rid of it, which is why I never put them up. But it's a fun look back, I think.
From the Rome Film Festival premiere of Rendition; interviews by Dutch site Films & Sterren. It "tickles" me to share them:
Another red carpet report:
A Reelz Channel interview, with a rare bit of Omar Metwally:
A report on Hollywood dealing with the war on terror in the Culture Show. The segment was done by BBC correspondent Frank Gardner, who was paralyzed after being shot by al-Qaeda sympathizers in Riyadh. Jake appears only briefly, but it is worth a look.

(IHJ has the Jake stills, but they were in gigantic size on flickr. The last two aren't on IHJ because Jake isn't in them. But I think they are gorgeous shots. I loved that segment of the movie, which I think, sadly, turned many moviegoers away.)
Thanks UV gorgeous pics i loved Jakes looks in Rendition
Thanks for uploading these videos UV. Rendition wasn't a popular film when released at the time due to the subject matter but I liked the film.
I love the first 2 pics posted of Jake, he looked really good in this movie and I thought he gave a good performance.
Omar was a standout and should have been recognized as well.
Rendition has Jake in the best opening scene of any of his movies: in bed showing all his yummy chest hair, etc. The photos of him here are beautiful and I love his hair like this.
Not a popular film at the time but important because it addressed an issue that Americans didn't want to talk about.
I really like the 2 last photos too UV and thanks so much for posting the videos.
Going back to the previous post and Jake in SF, it looks like he may be purchasing a new Apple Laptop? Hmm, this is just a guess but seeing how much he seems to be involved in EOW and the way it's being filmed, I wonder if he may be doing dome editing himself? Just a thought.
I love Rendition, and I'm so glad you did this post! The video clips were fun to review, and the still photos are powerful.
Just wanted to say, I loved that opening shot of Jake, and I agree about Omar Metwally. He really deserved recognition. He did a superb job.
Yes, the subject matter, showing the human story, and portraying Muslims in a sympathetic light, really turned off a lot of people. But it was a very well written story on a lot of levels, including as a political thriller, and Gavin Hood was a very effective director. Think I'll watch it this weekend. Wish they'd have included some of the scenes they deleted.
The last two shots are gorgeous UV and yes that was probably one of the many reasons audience didn't turn up for this movie.
It's a difficult subject to tackle, Hood did a fine job and I liked Jake's performance in this.
Loved watching the videos, especially the TIFF stuff!
That should be the Rome Film Festival!
OT: Elenore Mondale and Kara Kennedy, daughters of Walter Mondale and Ted Kennedy died today, they were both 51.
Elenore was an entertainment reporter and had brain cancer, Kara died at a gym from reports and I think she may have had cancer.
What a shock to have the daughters of 2 prominent politicians die the same day and the same age.
My thoughts and prayers go out to their families.
Jake Gyllenhaal at @fourbarrel again. Day 2. He hissed, talked & touched me. Ask @blindrew #forreal
42 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
UV, thanks for posting these beautiful Rendition shots; Jake was great in that movie. Rendition should have gotten more notice and awards, but we know what was going on politically and publicly back then. And I agree with everyone about Omar...he was fantastic.
Jake always take risks with his movie decisions and I applaud him for his bravery. Many thanks to Jake and to this film for educating me about this abhorrent practice by our country.
When is Cheney going to stop appearing on talk shows and writing books about how "torture" worked? And even insisting that torture assisted in the capture of OBL?
Jake in first scene of Rendition... *drool* (Sheba Baby) :)
Kiddos nearly ran me over yesterday evening going to see "3D Lion King." I barely got out of the theater alive. :lol
Jake has an auction item, the proceeds go to GreenPeace
More Jake sightings today, at Four Barrel as mentioned above. And this one:
Ran into Jake Gyllenhaal at FSC on Valencia. Cool dude.
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone
Maybe he got a shave.
OONP, that news was quite a shock, in both cases. Very eerie and very sad.
Sass, I'm glad you escaped! Lots of people went to see The Lion King this weekend, apparently. Quite a success story.
Glad for all the Rendition love. I'm such a fan of this movie. And those stills are so beautiful. Wish there were more of Jake.
Despite latter events, I think Reese looked gorgeous that night in Rome. And I loved, at the time, how they matched their outfits.
From twitter:
EmilyGlick Emily Glick
@lukebornheimer and I saw Jake Gyllenhaal @fourbarrel this morning. Wow, I feel cool.
LOL! UV, I saw that, and thought the same thing! Better a shave than a "haircut." : )
The rasberry red dress with that killer neckline is my favorite of Reese's outfits from that time. Both of them looked very sexy and tried very hard not to act like a couple...and were not very successful. ; )
I was very sad to hear about Kara Kennedy and Eleanor Mondale. Kara leaves two teenagers behind.
The deaths were really sad and eerie UV:(
That dress Reese wore in Rome was gorgeous and she and Jake looked incredible.
I was really surprised that The Lioan King 3/D came in at #1 , glad you survived Sass!!
I gues we will be seeing a clean shaven Jake soon:)
I love the interviews from the time of Rendition. Jake was so serious.
I agree, her dress was beautiful. In fact, that year, Reese appeared with the best dresses.
It's a surprise to learn that The Lion King debuted just this week in the U.S.. I saw the film three weeks ago.
The 3D is not the best, but the film remains excellent. I had the same feeling when I saw in 1994.
I hope he got a shave :D
The news about Kara and Eleanor passing today was truly shocking and sad, may they both rest in peace.
I do hope Jake shaves and grows his hair back, these photos just shows stunning he is with a full head of hair.
The Lion King is one of my favorite Disney films, I would love to see it on the big screen again sans the 3D.
And to all the fans of classic films (waves at Bobbyanna!) Mildred Pierce is on TCM now!!
I'm watching it, chica! ; )
Can't believe Lion King's projected to be #1 for the weekend! That was a real surprise.
monica, I loved Reese's dresses during that period. I think Nina Ricci was the designer.
Hope Jake got a shave too:)
From twitter:
"Just met Jake Gyllenhaal n I didn't realize it until after he walked away..."
" Karianilluana Karianilluana
I just ran into Jake Gyllenhaal at the ice cream place)) It's amazing)) I feel awesome!"
Rendition didn't fare well at the BO at the time but I'm glad Jake decided to do this movie. I'm always impressed with his choices.
He gave a very low-key but effective performance in this. Reese and Meryl didn't fare well IMO but they weren't given much to work with, Omar shined in this.
Glad to see that Jake is hitting up all his CZ's in SF!
I caught Mildred Pierce last night too what a great classic.
I never get tired of watching Mildred Pierce, a true classic.
Speaking of classics, Soapnet is airing a bunch of old episodes of All My Children. I stopped watching the show years ago but boy am I getting a kick out of visiting some of my Pine Valley Favs: Greg, Jenny, Angie, Jessie, Tad, Dixie, Hayley, Erica, Adam, Palmer, etc!
I forgot: AMC is going off the air next week:(:(
What? AMC is going off the air permanently? Forever?? I never heard about that! That's awful.
OMG! I just made a huge mistake. I thought you meant the network, AMC, but you meant the soap, All My Children. LOL!! Oops. Guess you can tell I'm not into the soaps much. My youngest daughter loves AMC, the soap. She'll feel bad.: )
I'm sad about AMC going off the air. I've been recording it for the last few weeks. I don't watch it regularly anymore, but I have many fond memories of it and always caught it when I was at home and it was on.
I wish I had SoapNet, chica. Would love to have seen some of those shows.
I'm so annoyed - I recorded the Emmys and then deleted it by accident. Ugh.I know a lot of it will be online, but I wanted to be able to watch it at my leisure.
UV, I started watching the Emmys, and had to walk away. I thought it was pretty awful.
The Emmys wre pretty awful but I was happy with the win for Mad Men!
I also thought that Rendition got a bad break at the BO, it's one of the few political films hat I liked.
Some said that Jake was misscast As Doug but I thought he did just fine.
The Rome videos are a reminder how much we miss Jake at these festivals:(
Hard to b elieve that All My Children is going off the air, I used to watch it back in the day, farewell Pine Valley.
Kara and Eleanor's passing was sad, I remember Eleanor's activism when her dad was running for President both before and after. And I pray for Kara's children.
May Kara and Eleanor rest in peace.
I have some pics of Reese's dresses from that time; they were beautiful and she looked beautiful in them.
V.V.V loud construction is happening across the street, with loads of tall steel beams being pounded by tall machines into very rocky ground. arr!
It's hard to emcee award shows. Jane did as well as or better than some hosts of these shows.
And she didn't make matters worse, by insulting the actors waiting for their awards.
back soon,
I agree, sass. I had no problem at all with Jane Lynch. I think it was the writing. The presenters were really given some horrendous lines to read, and some of the skits were just silly, and not in a good way.
Good luck with the construction project. : (. Sounds like a good day to spend at the library: ). It's really hard to deal with when it's right outside your building.
I think the designer Reese dealt with during that period, was Olivier Theysken for Nina Ricci.
LOL - tow descriptions of a Jake sighting, with very different tones!
My son played peek-a-boo with Jake Gyllenhaal while we were standing in line @ritualcoffee this morning! Great start to the day. :-)
Spotted: Jake Gyllenhaal in front of my motherfuckin faaaaace @ritualcoffee
There seemed to be some funny skits, but I have seen a lot of negative press for the show. Not a tragedy that I don't have on on tape, just an irritation.
I did love the Lead Actress in a Comedy bit, where they all got up on stage. Martha Plimpton had a great dress.
Yes, UV, Martha Plimpton looked good last night. The skit with Fallon and Kimmel was the funniest for me. I enjoyed that one a lot.
Funny tweets!
Bobbyanna, that's definitely one of the skits I want to see.
Looks like Jake's Bay Area visit might be over, if this sighting is true:
Just got a text from my bff that Jake Gyllenhaal is on her flight to Greece. He was wearing shades inside. Way to not draw attention.
Correction: I guess she's on her way to NY first, then Greece. #thatshowrumoursgetstarted
5 minutes ago
It would be kind of cool if he were actually going to Greece!
Sorry you got mixed up with AMC last night Bobbyanna!!
I was switching back and forth from Soapnet to the Emmys. I thought that Lynch did a pretty good job hosting and I liked the Mad men opening, but most of it was pretty lame.
Glad that Mad Men won, I'm just pissed that none of the actors won.
Sounds like NY instead of Greece, we will fond out soon enough I guess!
I love that first photo of Jake, sigh.
I miss Jake at these festivals, I loved Reese's dress too.
A film like Rendition should have had a limited release at the time, I know people that caught on cable and they liked it.
I wasn't really paying attention to the Emmys but when I did, Modern Family was up on stage receiving yet another award!
Looks like Jake is on the move again according to the Greece/NY tweet!
OT: A member of my forum is going to study in New York for two months and today he receive the information that he will stay in Brooklyn, in flatbush ditmas park, and he wonder if it's a good place, if not too violent. He's a little nervous.
Monica, I'll ask my brother how it is there, and if it is OK for your friend, who is not familiar the area...violence, gangs etc., and will let you know what he says.
It looks as if Jake likes flying under the radar. I like that for him, and pray he can maintain as much of his privacy as possible.
He is evermore cautious since that DC board debacle, about giving his personal on movie set time for charities...Once burned...and he was burned.
My heart bled for him as I knew those days were past and gone forever.
I love you all and am grateful I can once again come here and have kind fun loving Jake time.
Hey Sass what was the DC board debacle??? Has this made Jake more cautious with the press and all??
Sorry Monica :(
My brother doesn't remember much about that area of Brooklyn and neither do I. I think that's a fairly good recommendation, maybe, since we hear about the high crime areas a lot.
The Wiki page on that neighborhood makes it sound pretty cool, Monica:
I can also ask a friend who lives in Park Slope.
Hey Monica!
I have a friend that used to live in that area of Brooklyn. It's Ok if you like hipsters and musicians because they seem to be moving there now . Crime is pretty low in that area, a lot of really nice/old apts but a bit pricey.Some nice cheap places to eat and lot's of coffee houses. Not too far from Park Slope another nice area.
New post.
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