Jake Gyllenhaal was papped visiting Murakami Sushi in Hollywood. Though from the video below, it seems like he might have arrived early.
We're all hoping that's a hot new script under his arm.
In case you haven't, vote for Jake in the Best Science Fiction Actor category in the Scream Awards:

Wondering what's happening with Nailed? Well, the producer's creditors made an appearance in Bankruptcy Court this week.
An attorney for Raspberry Financial, an entity that recently took control of the assets of the unreleased movie Nailed, insisted that his company is separate from Tutor, although it appears Tutor still holds some interest in the movie. Although the director of Nailed, David O. Russell, has left the project, the rep for Raspberry insisted they are spending at least $750,000 more, beyond $7 million already invested, to complete the movie.
Some Nailed photos, the first above and last below are new to me:

That's a lovely ensemble, Jake!
(Last Nailed photo cropped from a Just Back flickr shot. Murakami pic courtesy of IHJ.)
Just going back to the previous post Cafe Fanny is an Alice Waters project.
Yes, hence the confirmation that he was in Berkeley.
I hope Nailed go straight to DVD.
thanks, anon.
UV, was trying to say that Safe House and RIPD are big budget films. RIPD is a movie based on comics and will debut in the summer of next year.
I think Nailed is headed for DVD IMO.
Fingers crossed that it is a new script!
I'm watching the reading of the names of the people killed on 9/11 by family members. I can't believe that it's been ten years.
The feelings and emotions are still raw.
Im watching it too cant beleive its been 10 years either
Glad to see that Jake is starting to grow his hair back and look a script (I hope!)
I haven't seen dome of these Nailed photo either, I agree that it looks like Nailed is headed for DVD. At least we will finally get to see it.
I had to stop watching TV, such grief and sadness,I still can't believe what happened 10 years later :(
Listening to the names was the most moving part. Thank goodness for CBS for not talking over them. When they finally cut away, I switched to CNBC.
It is hard to believe it's been 10 years. And it's still hard to believe it happened.
When was nailed filmed? It's been a while I'm trying to think of the time frame.
I like the vids that have been showing up. pics say a 1000 words but a moving pic says even more. It looks like Jake might have shown up early and the restaurant was not open. It looks like it might be getting a renovation done but staying open for business nonetheless.
So Jake was up in Berkley cause of Alice?
I can't believe it's been 10 years since 9/11 either
Nailed was filmed in 2008 Lily. I really don't think that this will ever be seen on the big screen. I heard that the important nail in the head scene was filmed but that it had to be done over.
Very heavy hearts today, It was hard watching TV today but I think the memorial built will go a long way in healing the families. They now have a place to go to remember their loved ones.
That should be the scene "has" to be filmed again is what I had read.
You can vote for Jake more than once on that Scream poll:)
I don't care how we get to see Nailed I just want to see it!
A script and a meeting I hope, and hopefully it will be something to surprise us.
The ceremonies for 9/11 were all respectful and subdued. I can't imagine the pain the families are going through, it all seems like some nightmare.
I hope no one ever forgets this tragedy and always remember.
From twitter:
ClaraCMusic Clara Chung
Sat next to Jake Gyllenhaal on the plane. That was fun. =)
I hope that it was a business meeting too!
There is a possibility that we may never see Nailed on the big screen nor DVD, it's just a feeling. That movie has had such bad luck.
I watched most of the coverage of the 9/11 10 year memorial and it was so sad. I hope we never forget all those who perished and the brave first responders that gave their lives that day.
here is the video of Paul Simon singing Sound of Silence yesterday at Ground Zero:
I wonder where Jake is off to? NY? I figured he'd be hanging around LA for a while then go East
Lily i assume from that tweet hes on his way back to LA from BERKLEY where he was seen this past week end but i could be wrong guess we will have to wait and see where he is seen next.
I wonder if Jake will be at the world premiere of the film Hysteria in Toronto this week. Maggie and Peter are already there.
I would love to see pics of Jake and his family at the Toronto Film Festival.
Homeland Security and Law enforcement officers still searching for the 3 terrorists who were supposed to attack here this weekend. Checkpoints are up and working.
Nothing like seeing a line of black suited helmeted officers, with huge guns in hand, going down to the trains. YAY!!!
The last of two missing trucks was discovered, which is a relief since they had forecast a car/truck bomb set to blow over the weekend.
Yesterday was sad, somber and full of memories.
My brother, who was in no way hurt, believed until a few years ago that he would have not been hurt, though he had a 0830 delivery to the towers.
I know what you mean by voice over UV!
MSNBC has an as it happened (2001)telecast--Katie Couric and Matt Lauer were on the air--that it has been showing since 2006...it is unbelievably horrifying.
I hope we can see Nailed as soon as it gets worked out...I look forward to all Jake films.
Going down with my son to see World Trade progress if I can. Fingers xed will take pics of
Tower 1 if I get there.
back soon
Jake and Maggie don't seem to go to each other's premieres these days, though it would be fun to see Jake in Toronto.
From twitter:
Thanks, @AnnaKendrick47 for a lovely interview! Although, I'm sad to hear you're not really dating Jake Gyllenhaal.
It would be fun for Jake to show up but yeah, he and Maggie don't seem to attend each others premieres anymore.
Yes, it would be fun to see him there.
UV, Jake's rep said that those pictures were scenes of End of Watch.
Oh, I know that, Monica. I just thought it was funny. Would love to have heard Anna's reaction to this silliness.
Always loved this scene from L&OD:
From a Berkeley tweeter:
WTF I just saw Jake gyllenhaal #mylifeiscomplete
3 hours ago
I vote for Nailed to go straight to DVD, too!! : )
I SO agree! I hope that's a script Jake was holding.
9/11 tributes were wrenching and sad.
I've had limited access to a computer for the past few days. My daughter and I are traveling, but hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow or Thursday.
Fingers crossed that it's a script too~!
Thanks for that LAOD clip UV, love that scene.
Enjoy your time with your daughter Bobbyanna!
GrantNash Grant Nash
Did u know they found A Jake Gyllenhaal poster from "Prince of Persia".Hanging on a wall of 1 of Gaddafi's Grand halls.The man has g8 taste
8 hours ago
PS: I think the only way we will see Nailed on DVD, I would think that it would have a distributer already if there was a chance to see this in the theater.
some one posted on wet dark and wild Jake was spotted in toronto dont know how true that is so maybe he did go to support Maggies film guess we should hear something soon if true.
Oh, yes, I also love to see her reaction. It must have been funny.
For all who love musicals, The Book of Mormon will be adapted to the big screen.
From twitter:
Maddie7782 Maddie7782
@planetmaurie and my friend were on an elevator and it was going up and then it stopped and JAKE GYLLENHAAL WALKS INTO THE ELEVATOR!!!!
Maddie7782 Maddie7782
me and @maddybojin were in an elevator with jake gyllenhaal!!!!!
Jake in Toronto would be great!!!
I hope this post is not too forward and has yet to be posted. I'm up with steroid hyperactivity. My rheumy gave me a big big dose today and I'm, therefore, racing around inside, still up since early yesterday morning. YIKES!! However, the pain and swelling is 80% less. He will do the L knee in two weeks and he's increased my IV Remicade to every 4 weeks from every 6 weeks.
Anyway, I went over to E Channel, searched for Jake and spotted A Jake interview on film, I'd not seen before, so I'll share it here. Jake's doing a beautiful job talking about EOW with Ben Lyons, I think. Enjoy if you've not seen it; remove it, please, if you've seen it.
link below...hope this is not old link but I have a sneaking suspicion you have anyway enjoy..
Hi Sass!
My Mom is o steroids for rheumy too, it helps a lot but it does make her a bit sleepless but it does help.
I saw the EOW video but I loved watching it again,Jake is so excited about this movie!
It looks like Jake is at TIFF, probably to support Maggie and her film Hysteria which is getting good reviews.
Know someone wondered why they weren't supporting each others films anymore. I am glad Jake is in Toronto but I'm sure he can be there because he has time to be there. No doubt when they have other films opening either Jake or Maggie would be possibly working on other films and couldn't be there or something that would prevent them.
I'm glad Jake was able to be there to support Maggie's film. I remember Peter was in LA for his film and hung out with Jake and Maggie couldn't be there cause she was filming in PA.
Now that he's done with EOW he has some free time until his next project, so why not spend it with his sister in Toronto
Morning Babblers,
I hope everyone is well and happy!
I'm so happy that Jake is going to Toronto. This is going to be a great Festival for their family.
Jake is still in Toronto, I think Maggie's film Hysteria screens tomorrow:
Maddie7782 Maddie7782
haha for anyone who wants to know Jake Gyllenhaal seemed really nice :) but he was reaaaaaaaly shy :P
4 hours ago
This is the second tweet that I have seen in the last week that said that he was shy!
I think that's the same elevator tweeter. I'm waiting for someone else to confirm Jake's presence.
If he is there, I hope it's to do some networking of his own and not just for Maggie's movie.
Oh, and anon, no one was wondering why Jake and Maggie don't go to each other's premieres, just noting that it's the case.
I think Jake doesn't go to more of Maggie's premieres because he doesn't want to take any of the focus off Maggie. And probably vice versa, though Maggie would be less of a story.
Jake did go to the Green Lantern premiere but avoided the cameras.
Yea if Jakes there for Maggies premiere im sure he wont do the red carpet
Looks like he's in San Francisco:
Having a slice of pizza and the next table Jake Gyllenhaal.
I want Magggie have a great night!
I saw Cowboys vs. Aliens. The movie has its good moments thanks to Paul Dano, Sam Rockwell and Daniel Craig, but the rest is a waste.
Before the movie I saw the trailer of Source Code and a new poster at the movie theather. I hope they don't change the release date again.
(((monica))) I also hope they don't change the release date!
I wish Maggie the very best. I liked the trailer for "Hysteria."
Jake isn't involved with this, but The Hollywood Reporter is saying that Mark Gordon is adapting Source Code as a TV series for CBS.
wow Source Code as a TV Series, I wonder how that premise would work?
Oops. It's ABC developing the series, not CBS. They've already hired a writer, and Mark Gordon has an ongoing relationship with ABC. I love that they reference the success of the movie and Jake! : )
Wow, what great news about SC! Of course that means that there will probably be no sequel for the big screen if this pans out.
Lily, a number of people pointed out that SC is similar to the show Quantum Leap, Jones even gave a nod to QL in SC if you are familiar with the TV series and saw SC:)
Here is something reported about SC on Trekmovie.com (they made a boo boo about the network too)
CBS developing TV series based on Duncan Jones’ Source Code
Producer Mark Gordon has sold a TV version of Duncan Jones’ sci-fi thriller "Source Code" to CBS, THR reports:
Like the film on which it is based, the action/procedural follows three former federal agents who are part of a top-secret program. Each week, they’ll use "Source Code" technology to jump into the consciousness of people involved in tragic events.
It's a great idea for a series, and with the right people, could be very cool. But I'd much rather have seen a movie sequel with Jake than a TV series.
Of course, if the TV series is a hit, maybe we'll get both.
Work has been way too busy this week, so sorry about the sporadic posting. Working on something for later today, hopefully.
Afternoon, I just watched the trailer for Hysteria and nearly fell over laughing.
back later...
I agree UV, a movie sequel for Jake would've been fantastic. I'm checking movies sites again, and it does seem that Jake is not making as many movies as other male actors, probably by choice.
I can't wait for EOW. Jake is such a great actor...I can't wait for more movies from him.
PR can be tricky before a new movie; I don't know how I'd handle it. How much of your inner thoughts and feelings do you allow the press to feed on? How do you to keep yourself safe and not allow the press to twist your statements to hurt family and friends...scary world Hollywood!
I hope RW is not afraid to take time off for healing (we know Hollywood will sideline you in a NY minute.) Often injuries, particularly ones involving cars vs pedestrians, will manifest secondary problems, during the first few weeks post recovery.
Have great weekend everyone.
Back later to read more.
I may go downtown to see SJP's new movie. It looks funny and I love to laugh! Anyone see Bridesmaids? It was roll on the floor laughing funny to me.
UV, Duncan is on Twitter, and every time he mentions SC I tweet him "Sequel!!!???!!!" but he doesn't seem to notice! LOL!
SC's ending was tailor-made for a sequel.
Sass, the trailer for SJP's movie looks fun.(I agree about the trailer for Maggie's "Hysteria" too. Looks hilarious!) I'm in the mood to blow things up this weekend. : ) I might see "Drive."
Tomatometer reading on SJP's movie is awful (20%) but audience likes it(67%).
I may go see Drive and wait to see SJP's movie later this month.
(sass waves bye for now)
Hey there bobbyanna...looks like it's Drive for us this weekend. :)
Hey there bobbyanna...looks like it's Drive for us this weekend. :)
From twitter:
doitforlea Lea
Jake Gyllenhaal is at @fourbarrel #keepingitcool
Wow an possible SC TV series!!! The film obviously hit the mark to be considered for a TV series, though not sure I can picture it without Captain Colter Stephens....
Jake sure has love for SF possible due to being able to blend in away from paps!! Does he have friends/family there as can't be any fun staying in hotels??? And I've always wondered what happens to atticus when his daddy is out of town??
Here's hoping we get news of a new project soon
wilsonminerWilson Miner
Jake Gyllenhall just hanging out with a laptop at @fourbarrel this morning. Researching a role as a SF startup hipster coffee snob?
Was just about to post that anon. He also said no one was bothering Jake:
Everybody there was too cool to say anything, I didn't want to be the one who broke the seal and started the picture line.
This made me laugh, since when you do any internet searching, you always see these people:
Term for someone who is afraid of fake gay people: fauxmophobe.
@NickMcIlwain1 Those would be all the dudes who have issues with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall(sp) post "Brokeback"...
Source Code was definitely set up perfectly for a sequel. Too bad it's going to be on TV.
Hey everyone!
I was w/o my computer for awhile and I forgot my password to sign in among other things:):)
Thanks so much for all the updates, it looks like Jake wasn't in Toronto for TIFF. I can't wait to see Hysteria, looks like it's going to be really funny!
Paps don't hang in SF, you will here about celeb sightings but rarely do you see any pap pics.
I don't like the idea of SC the series only because that means there will be no SC, the sequel.
I'm not yet convinced there'll be no sequel to SC. But OTOH, maybe Mark Gordon went with the TV option bcz DJ and Jake weren't up for a sequel. Don't know what the thinking was behind this latest development.
I'm still going to pester Duncan about a sequel to the movie with Capt. Colter Stevens.: )
"Term for someone who is afraid of fake gay people: fauxmophobe."
"@NickMcIlwain1 Those would be all the dudes who have issues with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall(sp) post "Brokeback"..."
Love it! Thanks, UV. Good to know there are such astute people out there! Also kind of sad to think there's actually a "type."
Thanks for the info about Jake being in SF. I saw some pics of Maggie at an interview session for her movie with the cast. I guess Jake didn't want to be there to overshadow her moments
oh and I would love to see a movie Sequel to SC (but am also curious about this TV Series. I wonder if Jake would be involved if only for the first ep?)
Thumbs down on a SC series, I prefer a sequel to the movie.
Also the similarity to Quantum Leap has already been pointed out and I'm afraid that this will have a hard time keeping the audience interested week after week IMO.
yea Jake sure has been spending alot of time lately in SF i wonder also who takes care of atticus when hes away
Jake establishing his Berkely CZ - here he is at the Apple Store tonight.
Sad that Jake's name doesn't appear in this.
Guess Jake is causing a stir at the Apple store in Berkeley. There are several tweets and a cute picture of him. Boy, his hair grows fast!
Oops! Sorry, UV! Didn't realize you were posting too! : )Plz delete?
NP, bobbyanna. Great minds and all :)
Looks like he was at Chez Panisse today, also:
I think I just had lunch next to Jake gyllenhall
5 hours ago via HTC Peep
what does donnie darko eat? rabbit?
1 hour ago
I couldn't see, but I bet it was local and organic. Chez Panisse don't do unhappy rabbit.
Forgot to say hi to Josie. Glad you're back. Being without the computer must have been tough!
Sad that Jake's name doesn't appear in this.
I don't want to see Jake in a movie like this so early. This would be a risk as Prince of Persia.
hello, josie!
Jake sure likes to hang out in Berkley, at least he's away from the paps for a while.
Jake's hair/beard grows VERY quickly. So we'll be seeing a full head of hair soon. Just wish he'd keep his face clean shaven.
Me too Lily unfortunely the beard groes just as fast as his head hair
I'm still going to pester Duncan about a sequel to the movie with Capt. Colter Stevens."
I'm with you girl!
Hey Duncan, sequel to SC for Jake G please.
Drive is a wild ride!.
I'm still scared, though I watched "Drive" 4-5 hours ago!
nitenite babblers :)
I've heard it's pretty intense, sass!
Monica, I don't think the Man from U.N.C.L.E. is as big a risk as PoP. I have no idea if I'd want Jake to do it, but it's just sad not to see his name floated in the top young actors.
We all know Jake likes to grow the beard. No reason to obsess over it.
New post.
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