A good friend of GyllenBabble, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, was kind enough to send us some contraband just now.
We know both videos have their issues - jumpy in places, dark in other places - but in the absence of an official trailer online (which we hope will be soon), these will have to suffice.

Thanks, friend!
Edited to add some crude caps from the trailer.
Wow!!! I'm not capable of writing any kind of coherent comment yet...... I'm going to need to watch these a couple dozen more times to take it all in. :)
To our anonymous benefactor, bless you! You've made many people very happy.
Yay, finally! I cannot wait to see this movie. The trailer does reveal a lot but it does make you want to see what unfolds between the brothers and the brother's wife!
Thanks to the GB poster for taking the video - and the chance - and sending it to us so we could share it with all of you.
Forgot to say I love the title, FL :)
Off to watch a few more times, then back for some analysis.
Oh, and suvee, even though we have real new moving pictures, we're still looking forward to more PoP descriptions.
Never enough Jake :)
Forgot to say I love the title, FL
Ditto..... very nice job, FL. :)
I guess this means I have to go watch Public Enemies if I want to see this trailer the way god intended it - 20' x 40'?
I can't thank our GB poster enough for these.
And is Jake saying to Natalie, "I'm starting to reassess you, dawg" ??
This is just SO cool!!! FL, thanks. I understand the incoherence, suvee!!!! This looks absolutely amazing. Jake looks amazing. I really, really cannot wait to see this.
Jake is one sexy man. He should do more movies like this.
Wow, I'm blown away.
I'm trying not to read spoilers, but this was great! Thanks to GB and the person who gave you this.
I've watched it three times now.
Great way to start the holiday weekend!
Couldn't wait, had to peek - and I'm amazed - very gritty, real and powerful, all three actors, and Sam Shepard. Jake is totally sexay, can't wait to see the reassessin' goin' on. Tobey is too in the shaving scene. I'm a little scared about what's going to happen at the end. I didn't find the trailer "giveaway-ish" at all, it just makes me want to see it more, and I love the soundtrack.
Yay! Happy day! The trailer looks fabulous and pretty close in tone to the original. Finally a Jake role that has me genuinely excited. Jake excels at this kind of drama. Thanks to the anon donor. GB made my day. :o)
^^I was going to add also, I like the tone of it. I haven't seen the original. It looks very good. :)
Oops, didn't say thankyou to our anonymous benefactor, how rude! Thank you, very much! :)
This is amazing!
Thanks UV and anonymous benefactor! Since English is not my first language I had to watch it some times to understand everything: such a torture!!!
Thanks again
YAY! I'm totally excited for Brothers. As much as I love Jake, I think Tobey and his ears win here. Cheers for the videos =]
Is it just me, or does Natalie Portman look a little like Hillary Swank at times?
And why is it always nice and sunny when I'm trapped in work, but then it rains on my day off?!
Whoa, the trailer is amazing! Jake looks baddass and sexy, Tobey looks a bit scary and Natalie looks beautiful.
It does give a bit of the plot away but most trailers are like that now.
Thanks to our anonymous poster for the clip and to FL for posting it and making the caps, love the title of the post!
Whoever supplied our fix - thank you, thank you, thank you :D
Really looking forward to this, plus the bigger of the two little girls, in the brief snippets looks an excellent young actress. Brothers really looks like its going to be a class product.
Right must get back to work (if work is the right word to use for sitting at my desk and trying to watch the Wimbledon semis on my PC - Come on Tommy and Andy (either, I'm a huge Roddick and Murray fan)
Basic premise seems the same as the original, but this one seems...stronger. Much more intense, from a slightly different perspective? Americans, not Danish.
I think the chemistry between Jake and Natalie Portman will possibly burn up the screen?
What a great way to start the holiday weekend! The trailer looks really intense.
From the bit we see I would say that Jake and Natalie have chemistry, I can't wait!!
Thanks so much anon. poster, we are all very grateful and thanks FL!
Goos morning, babblers!
Thanks, anon/friend and FL for this trailer.
Very similar to original ... I hope they have a larger space for the character of Jake in this movie.
It looks like it pretty much sticks to the original Danish version, the trailer looks really good. Thanks to the poster that took the chance and sent it to GB , much appreciated!
Whenever there are scenes when someone is yelling and hysterical..those are always eye-catching. Looks like Tobey does have the most dramatic moments, at least in the trailer.
But good acting is more than just that and I think Jake will get very good reviews for this.
sighting in DC from last week:
• Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, cozying up while brunching at the Blue Duck Tavern inside the Washington, D.C.'s Park Hyatt. The couple ordered up the crab omelette, sausage and veggie side dishes – and also got their caffeine fix with a cappuccino and espresso. While Witherspoon was reading The New York Times at the table, she didn't neglect her boyfriend. "They were cute because they were holding hands a lot," a source says. Before leaving, the couple snapped pictures of the restaurant's open kitchen.
Thanks for the Brothers trailer anonymous friend, off to watch it now!
I watched the trailer 3 times already, it is a bit spoilerish, but it looks incredible!!!
Thanks anonymous friend/poster!
ET have the trailer on there site.
This is such a human story abuot the effects of war. Maybe now these three very famous people in it, then more people will see it.
Finally!!! Thanks so much GB poster, Jake looks tough and sexy, can't wait until this movie comes out!
The ET trailer is a different and although it's less spoilerish, I like the intensity of the one posted. The one posted here is the one that is being shown with Public enemies.
Poor Grace, going through the motions, and she can still smell him on his clothes. :'( This is going to be very intense. I also like that the movie is exploring this unpleasant territory, the aftereffects of war.
I take that back about the ET trailer being less spoilerish. I watched it again and it's the same with some scenes of Natalie. Very intense and powerful from the trailer. Love that they are exploring the emotional after effects of war.
Hi roby! Welcome to you and all the other trailer-philes :)
Updated the post to include the official trailer. As much fun as it was to have the exclusive, it's even better to see Jake in full clarity.
It is a bit spoilerish, but it does leave out an absolutely vital piece of the plot, of which I will say no more.
LOL, oh UV you beat me to it. I was just about to link up the new, clearer, ET video and voila! it's already here. Looks great. :)
And on a completely shallow note, Jake looks delicious, doesn't he? Those kisses with Nat look yummy. :) I always hate to say that when I know actors are more interested in being known for their work, which is great in this. Tobey's been through a lot, but I hope nothing bad happens . . .
Oh man this trailer looks awesome and Jake looks incredibly sexy! Looks like Tobey goes apeshit crazy at the end!!
December, hurry up!
Wow! Such riches we have! :)
Thanks for the ET trailer. A couple of things caught me right in the gut: The look on Tommy's face when he watches the reunion of his brother's family, when Toby arrives home, and the scene in the kitchen, when he says he'd just like to be able to visit the girls once in a while. I think this movie's going to be a three hankie experience. Very intense.
The long drought is over, yay!!!
It looks intense and heart-wretching from the trailer. The look on Tommy/Jake's face is heartbbreaking. I think this movie will be geting plenty oe Oscar buzz.
Thanks so much secret GB poster/FL/UV and ET!
This movie I think will speak to a lot of Veterans and their experiences returning home from war. Jarhead was a very popular movie with a lot of the service men and women, they felt and experienced similar things.
I'm really happy that Jake has done both movies, bravo.
Thank you so much, Gyllenbabble!! This looks terrific in absolutely every way, and Jake ..ah, well...so hot!! To quote you, "Yes, never enough Jake!"
XOXO, from Melby
Playlists review of the Brothers trailer:
"Further, the film is a remake of an award-winning 2004 Danish film by Susanna Bier, was previously set for an August release before being shifted to Oscar-season - evidence of studio confidence - and had reportedly tested strongly for its originally planned December 2008 release before post-production presumably delayed the release. All signs point to good things."
Just finished watching the trailer, WOW!!!! It looks like all 3 hit it out of the park and Jake looks incredible. we waited so long and it's looks like it was worth it.
It looks like it's pretty close to the original Danish version, although here the characters are younger it seems.
Thanks so much for the trailer and the caps, such a treat to see!
OT: Sarah Palin is resigning!:
And may we hope and pray that we will never here from the Moose woman ever again!
Bwahaha! So long, Mooselini!
^^Alaska's wildlife and ANWR thanks you! :)
OONP all I can say is: "Yeeee-haw!"
OK. I went to see Dillinger and got there early enough to see allll the trailers, but no "Brothers." Very disappointed.
And the movie didn't help much.
Did Sarah Palin ever realise by calling her daughter Bristol, she actually named her after a good old piece of British rhyming slang for women's breasts?
Saw Public Enemies last night and was very disappointed. I love Depp but he was misscast as Dillinger IMO. And no Brothers trailer either here bobbyanna!!
There is something going on behind the scene in Alaska for Palin to resign now, and I have a feeling it ain't good. What a weird, rambling speech, more rambling and weird than usual. Good riddance.
Hsppy 4th of July everyone!
Oh, and happy 4th July from across the pond. Hopefully Roddick can add to the celebrations a day late!
Happy 4th of July to all American babblers. The "Brothers" trailers looks awesome, can't wait to see this movie.
And the implosion of the GOP continues, I love it!! Her speech made no sense, what else is new?
I'm hearing that Public enemies isn't that great from a few people that have seen it, one mentioned the Brothers trailer and said that she is lookiing forward to seeing it.
Have a happy and safe Fourth of July everyone!
OMG..OMG!!!! Had to watch his on mute...grr, but it looks AMAZING!!!!
Can't wait to watch it with sound....squee.
Have a wonderful 4th of July everyone who celebrates in the US and have a lovely day to everyone! :D
Good morning, babblers!
Happy 4th july America!
Squeee!!!!! Love the trailer even though it's tad spoilerish. Jake looks sexy and intense and wow Tobey!, Natalie looks lovely. It looks like it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster. I can't wait!
LOL at Palin, so long and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
Happy 4th to all that celebrate!
going to see public enemies later today hope they have the brothers trailer but i did see it on et las night have a happy and safe fourth
What is the name of the first song? Who sings?
Welcome, Melby and thanks for leaving a comment. It's nice to hear from folks when they drop in :) Glad you got to see the trailer. We've been waiting for a long time for this one!
Bobyanna, I'm sorry you didn't get to see the trailer at the movies. You definitely want to call ahead and ask before forking out the dough, unless you want to see Public Enemies.
The folks at the Boston Common theater were kind enough to find out for me - it's on only one of the three prints of the film. It was in Theater Two, but they shift movies around, so I'd call to make sure. (And it's not on either of the Harvard Square prints, according to the theater.)
The first person I asked at each theater was a little annoyed, but then the second in both places was really nice. I think they had fanboy sympathy.
I had no interest in Public Enemies, but we stayed for it anyway. It was okay, but certainly not great. As many have said, you don't learn enough about what motivates any of the main players really. Christian Bale was pretty bad, as was Marion Cotillard. Johnny Depp was good, as always.
Monica, you've probably answered this by now, but the first song is called "Never Say Never," by The Fray.
Even if I didn't enjoy the trailer on its own, the use of Bad would probably get me. One of my favorite U2 songs. It seems to be for a lot of people from the comments I've read.
It's really cool to see so much positive buzz for the movie being generated by the trailer. I'm used to so much negativity whenever there's a Jake story on the internet. And this certainly hasn't gotten universal praise. But there's definitely some excitement, and not just from us diehards.
I'm really excited about the Brothers trailer buzz too. The only negative comments I have seen so far was that the trailer gave away too much.
I hope everyone is enjoying their July 4th!
"Never say never" by the Fray, thanks! Must have watched the trailer at least 5 times and couldn't figure it out. I'm still on cloud nine about the trailer!
Got back from a barbeque and caught the ending of Yankee Doodle Dandy on TMC and off to watch fireworks at my park.
A perfect 4th of July so far. I hope everyone enjoyed their day!
"Brothers" is about someone coming back from the war who people thought had been killed so seeing that in the previews is o.k. what isn't seen are all the times before he came back & a lot more than we see of what happened after.
Hollywood Elsewhere seems to have negative comments about it in some cases. It looks like a strong preview - it's a serious, grown-up movie. Because it took a while to get to the screen doesn't automatically mean there's something "wrong with it". If there was it wouldn't be released in December - a coveted time for movies.
"Never Say Never," by The Fray.
Bad is great, but did not work in that trailer.
I'm speechless.Thanks for letting me know about the trailer. I watched it 3029750937409 times and I can't wait another second to see this movie.
Jake is looking really good, especially since we haven't see his Royalness in a long long time.
Love to all babblers UV and FL. I hope ya'll had a happy 4th of July!
saw public enemies this evening and they did have the brothers trailer looks better on the big screen cant wait till dec now all 3 look great and i did like public enemies johnny grat as always
OT: Congratulations Serena Williams and Roger Federer!!!
Sass! So glad you popped in and saw the trailer. I knew you wouldn't want to miss it! Hope you're having a good weekend and a good time of it :)
Monica, don't hate me, but I've been humming that Fray song for the past day. Don't think I ever heard it before and I don't know if I'd like it outside the trailer, but I don't mind it in context. And I think Bad works well.
Finally, congratulations to Roger Federer! I'm so happy be won but so sad for Andy Roddick. I didn't really know whom to root for.
Good night, babblers!
UV, I don't hate you. I hate Federer! Hahahahahahahaha
Anybody notice we haven't seen Jake & Reese for maybe 5 days.
Good for Federer!
And good for Andy too.
I know the trailer is just a little snippet, but Brothers looks really good! I have deliberately avoided seeing the original..... I want to go into the Jake/Tobey version with fresh eyes and few expectations.
Watching the trailer, I can't help but think about parallels in Jake's RL that mirror events in the movie. He suffers the loss of a good friend = presumed death of a brother; he becomes emotionally attached to 2 young children that are not his = assumes responsibility for his brother's children. We'll never know how much his performance was influenced/affected by these RL circumstances, but I wonder....
And Tobey's role sure appears kinda Oscar baity to me.
UV, I do believe I can squeak out one more (hopefully) interesting PoP description. :)
I had the same thoughts Suvee after watching the trailer the first time. There are so many things that mirror Jake's RL situation IMO,and they all occured during the making of Brothers. I'm really can't wait until it hit's the big screen in December.
Looking forward to your next installment of your Jake/Dastan photo review Suvee!!!
I can't stop watching the trailer!!!! So freaking GOOD!! Jake looks fantastic and the movie looks so intense...must see it now!
UV, I agree about Federer. What amazing tennis, we were riveted. But I did want Andy to win. Do have to give a congrats to Roger.
LOL, Monica. I'll forgive you for that :)
And get real, I've watched the trailer a time or two myself :) I really have had that Fray song stuck in my head for two days.
Lots of parallels, suvee and shondra. That occurred to me, as well. It will be interesting to see if/how journalists broach those things during promotion. I sort of cringe thinking about it.
Sigh - why isn't there an official photograph with Jake in it? ANd Paul, too, I guess. But really Jake.
Reese with the President:
President Barack Obama with actress Reese Witherspoon in the Oval Office on June 25, 2009. The president was also joined by actors Paul Rudd and Jake Gyllenhaal; they are filming a movie in Washington, D.C.
OMG!!!! Reese and Jake with Obama?!?!?! We NEED a pic of Jake with the Prez too dammit!
Thanks for that UV!
Wasn't it right at the end of filming "Brothers" when Jake heard about Heath. Seems like there was only a week or so left.
I had a feeling Jake and Reese and possibly some co-stars from her movie were going to meet the President based on some twitters around that time.
The twitters disappeared as you mentioned before but I thought that was because they weren't suppose to post such things. I wonder if there are pics of Jake and Paul as well and just weren't uploaded yet??
Great find UV, I guess we can keep our eyes out in case they show up!
Also, here is the photo with caption and comments.
Thnaks GB for the note you sent me at ennisjack. As someone noted in that forum, the trailer is intense.
I hope we don't see any further delays on the release of "Brothers". We've gone long enough without a new Jake movie!
Legally Blond 3, LOL!!! Thanks Get real. I wonder if Jake and Paul are out of the frame in that pic, The President and Reese seem to be looking/talking to someone. I wonder if the photographer just wanted to take on shot and they weren't in the frame. Fingers crossed that they took more than one!
Great find UV, too bad there is only that one pic of Reese and no Jake, sigh.
The comments are funny Get real!
Hope everyone enjoyed their July 4, I took an extra day off. I think I read that filming in Philly starts this week, mostly interiors though so I wonder how many tweets we will get this time.
They must have been looking at Jake, because Reese has that soft, gooey look in her eyes. :)
How cool that Reese, Jake and Paul got to visit with the President! Wish there was a photo of Jake and the President as well. Maybe one will surface, thanks for the finding it UV!
Hi Thomas - glad you got my note. We didn't have to wait long for the official trailer! And yes, no more delays, please. We've waited long enough for this movie. And seeing the trailer just makes me more impatient.
Fingers crossed that there's a photo of Jake at the White House, too. I want to know what he wore :)
Tweeted: Reese was spotted filming with Owen Wilson in Philadelphia today.
A couple of tweets of Jake & Reese in LA yesterday.
ubignut: saw Jake & Reese at RFD during lunch... bar far the cutest Hollywood couple!
about 9 hours ago from web
redban: met Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal tonight, both were insanely nice. Jessica's life is now complete. http://tinyurl.com/n8gv4f
about 1 hour ago from web
The L.A. tweets were from Sunday I assume since she and Owen were tweeted in Philly on Monday.
Great pic of Reese with Obama,but none of Jake and Paul!
extra I think the LA tweets were from Monday, one of them has a pic of Reese. Perhaps the Philly tweeter was mistaken?.
The Philly twitter could be a mistake. I noticed no other tweets about any sightings of her, Owen or Paul from Philly, just some trailers and setting up for filming which I read will start later in the week. Could be a lot of activity surrounding the filming and thye assume it actually started.
Some comments on the trailer, but for some reason Wells doesn't weigh in:
from twitter:
alyssaschwenk: @RachelBaye unfortunately, reese, jake, and paul are now in philly. but kal penn!
about 6 hours ago from web · Reply · View Tweet
Don't know if Jake is in Philly or they assume he is.
If he is, then he's there on his own, since Reese was still in LA on Tuesday.
Brief account of the twitterer who met Jake and Reese last night:
finally met Reese last night and Jake.. She was absolutely adorable, so friendly and so very very TINY..She was with Jake at a low key wine bar out here in LA..She said she had a bruise on her eye from that softball movie shes filming, she got hit in the eye and so she said the picture might not be that great haha....
... but she was just beautiful and so nice..
The picture is the same as the one on twitter.
Thanks FL and UV! The twitter from Philly is obviously mistaken. It doesn't sound like Reese is actually on set yet.
This is too funny! Someone sure misses Reese and Jake in DC:
"Jake came to DC to spend time with her while she was filming. They were seen wearing matching workout outfits (gray tops, blue shorts, baseball caps) to run together in Georgetown.
Jake often visited her on set, even when she was shooting late at night. Photos of them snuggling in a director’s chair will make your heart melt.
As promised, more PoP visual treats. :)
- don't know how I overlooked this one. It's a Dastan running in the desert shot. Jake is wearing the deep (as in, to the waist) v-neck white shirt and that remarkable long brown coat, which has long fringe on the bottom. His head is covered with the maroon scarf/head wrap. And despite the exotic costume, this photo is very Jake..... his facial expression, his arms and hand positions just look like all the RL jogging pics we have seen. But what really gets me about this pic is thinking about how freakin' HOT it must have been outside, and that coat he's wearing looks really heavy...... proof that it really isn't all glamour being a film star. And one last little thing....... how do I put this politely..... there is a certain body part that is quite nicely, er, featured here. I take my responsibility to pass on ALL details seriously. :)
- a really beautiful photo is, interestingly enough, one where all of Jake's face, except his eyes, is covered by the maroon scarf. (I keep calling it maroon..... it's really a brick red-maroon color.) It's a shot of Dastan on his galloping jet black horse in the desert. The ornate trappings on the horse are gorgeous..... midnight blue with lots of gold fringe and decorative gold design work. From the angle of the shot it's hard to get an accurate sense of size, but this looks like a large horse to me...... an Arabian? Whatever, it's a very fitting horse for a prince.
There are 3 files that are blank when I open them......boo! I haven't written about 2 other green screen shots..... they are basically similar to the one I have previously described. The remaining photos are backgrounds - desert vistas and a few lovely city detail shots. I'll be happy to describe them if anyone is interested.
Good night, babblers!
Thank you, suvee!
there is a certain body part that is quite nicely, er, featured here.
Great description! I think I will dream of this image!
Sigh, such imagery! Thanks, Suvee. :) It's torture not to be able to see.
Suvee, my angel!!!! :)
I really do admire your dedication. I really, really do.:)
What a beautiful picture you have painted Suvee, just beautiful! What a great was to start thr day.
The photos sound incredible, thanks so much for sharing with everyone here at GB!!
Thank you so much suvee for the descriptions of the pics, you describe them beautifully.
I like the idea of Jake in a head scarf, looking all exotic.
Thank you Suvee, you put a smile on my face this morning.
Between the Brothers trailer and Suvee's descriptions, this has been a fun couple of weeks for Jake fans.
You have such a way with words Suvee, it really is a gift. The description of his face covered with the maroon scarf except for his eyes sound breathtaking.
Your updates and reports have been a real treat for us, thanks you so much!
Doesn't sound like they are there but this person twitted about seeing their placee:
xenijardin: Also eyeballed Reece Witherspoon + Jake Gyllenhall's house nearby. Ojai light is golden, clean. Hippies make good lunch salads there, too.
about 10 hours ago from Tweetie · Reply · View Tweet
You have bee great Suvee at describing all the photos of Jake as Dastan: Romantic, sexy and heroic, I can't wait to see this on the big screen!
Good morning, babblers!
IMDB and Disney Brazil:
Prince Of Persia: 4 June 2010 (Brazil)
I will wait a week to see POP.
Enjoying all of your thoughts and descriptions Suvee, thanks!
Comic Con has the Disney panel for this year and no Pop!! Which is odd since it's coming out in May '09:
I swore I heard that there was going to be a sneek preview of the trailer at Con this year.
I love the idea of Dastan wearing a shemagh headscarf to protect him from the desert sun, wind and sand, with just his gorgeous eyes showing, riding a beautiful adorned horse. A dashing figure. Wish we could get a sneak peek! :)
yea sag actor i read somewhere that the trailer for pop was going to be shown at comic con too i also remember them saying that it would attract a lot of female fans to the event or some like that maybe the trailer ws ready in time
thanks suvee the all the details cant wait for pop to come out
I'm having a serious fangirl moment here Suvee!!! A black Arabian horse, the fringed coat, the maroon scarf, sigh. He is going to be so amazing in this, thanks so much!
Puzzled that Pop isn't listed as being on the panel at Comic Con yet, was hoping Jake would make an appearence, thanks SA.
Check out the link that UV posted about the J&R encounter on Monday, she posted more details!
First showing on Pop missing from Comic con:
"Oddly missing from their line-up is anything on Mike Newell's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. Although you can be certain that Disney has got a few surprises in store for fans attending both of these presentations. Maybe we'll get to at least see the trailer for Prince of Persia during one of these panels at some point, I hope? I'm definitely very excited for both of these - Disney has a fantastic line-up for the next year and they're showcasing the cream of the crop here. Word is that we'll get to see the first official trailer for Tron and I have a feeling this is where we'll see the first footage from Alice in Wonderland as well!
Jake is going to be so amazing in this, this is my favorite description yet, Suvee, with the headscarf and only his eyes showing, and the beautiful coat.
What i rem. (reliable or not) is there was going to be the 5 minute preview of POP but it would be a private viewing for..whoever.
I'm so happy that my PoP descriptions provided some enjoyment, not to mention fangirl/fanboy moments, to my fellow Babblers! Thank you all for the kind words about my attempts to make these photos come alive.
The description of his face covered with the maroon scarf except for his eyes sound breathtaking.
Oh, you don't know how badly I wish there had been a close up of that photo..... those beautiful eyes framed by that scarf. Enigmatic, noble, sexy....
But I am not complaining! I am truly grateful that I lucked into having access to these photos.. I appreciate every one of them. :)
In some of the POP game pictures of the Prince he does have the scarf around his head - always looked so dramatic. Was hoping they would do that in the movie - and also just seeing the eyes.
No one else has eyes like that.
Don't now when this was, short but sweet.
The descriptions are swoon-worthy again Suvee! Wow, you are so lucky to get a peek of Jake as Dastan, thanks so much fo sharing all your decriptions and thoughts with us!
Thanks for the link anon.! It looks like Intelligesta in Venice is a new fav. coffee spot for him and Reese! Although I swore there was a tweet the other day mentioning Jake and some advertising agency in Venice and he maybe was doing something for them, i'll have to search the tweets again!!
The car looks new, or maybe it's his old car, too early in the morning. Another 'rock" question, LOL!
It looks like he got a haircut for the summer, looking good. Reese got her hair done the other day and is sporting a bruise under her eye from a softball! Thanks for the link to the fan encounter UV.
Good morning, babblers!
thanks, anon! Jake is so hot!!
I think this is what you were referring to extra:
goodnessmfg: coming soon: jake gyllenhaal rocking the gMfg brand
1 day ago from web · Reply · View Tweet
gMfg is GoodnessMFG, a new advertising agency in Venice, Ca. Don't know what the tweet means though. They are having a fundraiser this weekend in Venice to benefit 826LA, a children's literacy charity.
Thanks for that short but sweet video anon.!
I'm impressed with the way all of you GBers track these two. If there ever is a wedding you'll probably know it before they do! LOL!
Boo Lionsgate has had the trailer taken off of youtube.
Brothers Poster
I wonder why Lionsgate removed the trailer?
The poster looks like a love triangle, no hint of any war theme which is intentional.
Thnaks for the heads up!
I love the poster, simple but effective.
Interesting poster - Sam has turned his back on them and looks hurt, Grace is split in two and looks like she has chosen her husband and want his forgiveness, Tommy looks left out, and also hurt. Says a lot. I agree, simple yet effective. :)
Wow, that's a very provocative poster. Very simple but says a lot, I really like it.
Thanks for the link Anon.
New post, new pics.
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