Cinematical just got their hands on a teaser poster for Brothers. This might make up for YouTube pulling all Brothers trailers due to copyright infringement. Pfft. Please.
It might make up for it had TPTB not gone and screwed around with the most perfect left profile in all of showbusiness. Something is most assuredly OFF in that poster. What have those studio photoshoppers done to you, Jake??
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Jake Gyllenhaal, new poster boy for Intelligentsia/Venice.

And then, Jake and Reese leaving a workout session, pics here and here.
I love this one.

He does look a bit off here and so does Tobey IMO. Hmmm, interesting but not particulary exciting but I'll take anything Jake related! Still want to know why the hell Lionsgate pulled their trailer, didn't they give E and other places the OK???
Yay, he was going over a script, probably Love and other drugs with Annie. And he is wearing a Goodnessmfg T-shirt, that's what that twitter was about! He looks really good here, thanks FL, you are really quick!
Thanks, tweety. I'm bored at work, we were getting into the hundreds on the last post, new Jake pics came at just the right time! :-)
And still not a fan of how Jake looks in that Brothers poster.
As I said in the previous post I love the poster I think it's very effective and thanks FL for the pics. BTW the trailer the that anonymous poster sent is still up, well for now anyway.
If you weren't familiar with the story and the fact that it's a remake, you would think that it was about a love triangle involving brothers from this poster, which it is and isn't sort of.
I think Lionsgate is a bit antsy about the war subject and that's why I think it was delayed, they didn't know how to promote it.
Any war-themed movie does poorly at the BO even though this film really is about the emotional scars of war but still I can see their hesitation.
That said, I love the poster. It's quietly powerful and I like the weird way they sort of "chopped" off Natalie and the look on Jake's face even though the photo of him as you say looks a bit off.
So many goodies this past week for Jake fans: The Brothers trailer and poster, the awesome Pop photo reviews from Suvee and Jake meeting his agent with script in hand!!
He should be wearing a Intelligentsia t-shirt instead!
Ooh. Great post, FL. New pictures and a poster. So pretty. Almost as pretty as the blue green waters off Martha's Vineyard :)
It's annoying that our trailer was deleted. I'll have to see the poster on something bigger than my iPhone before judging. But if Jake is wearing a shirt and Tobey isn't, I'm automatically dubious!
Mostly though it's exciting to see more Brothers promo stuff. This thing might actually be released!
Oh suvee, I forgot to say thanks so so much for the latest photo descriptions. The image of swathed Jake with just his eyes showing? Swoonworthy. I'm sorry you couldn't see all the files. But we are so grateful you shared what you could.
New pics of Jake and Reese on Gossip Girls
It's a good poster.
Office of nancy pelosi note the way the cast appears in the poster:
Tobey Maguire [Jake Gyllenhaal] Natalie Portman
I agree with you!
Script?? hum... very good.
He's so sexy and young!
thanks, anon 5:00!!
I had something else in mind when I was thinking about the Brothers poster after seeing the trailer, but I can see why there is no mention of war.
It's serene, yet intense , I think it works. Just one question : why is Tobey shirtless and not Jake????
Love the new pics of Jake at his new coffee stop. And thanks Suvee for your continued incredile work on describing the Pop photos!
Thanks for the link to the new J&R pics anon, Reese should be on her way to Philly soon and expect Jake to show up there as well!
Brothers trailer HD:
I really like the poster, very stark and moody. Jake looks ok I think, much better than the poster for Zodiac, he looked really weird there!
much better than the poster for Zodiac, he looked really weird there!
LOL, okay, I'll give you that. Not one of his best looks on a movie poster for sure. But this one, there just seems to be something a little amiss with his profile. I have to do some investigating. Oh the hardship.
It's great to see the poster for Brothers! Thanks, FL.
It is an interesting poster...... not sure yet if I love it. I do really like the simplicity of the design, and especially the classic b/w photography. And I like the treatment of the title lettering..... the offset gradually becoming more pronounced ...... nice touch.
But I'm not thrilled about how Jake is positioned, almost out of frame. It makes him seem peripheral, almost like an afterthought. But since I have not seen the original movie, it might be an appropriate visual representation of his role in the story. And yes, he does look much better than he did in the Zodiac poster.
Love the Intelligentsia pics..... I'm digging his sideburns!
Sorry, but I forgot to thank Monica for the link to the fabulous Brothers trailer. So much better than the YouTube/ET version!
I agree with you, suvee about the b/w photography aspect of the poster and I've always loved pics of Jake in b/w, but maybe the fact that he's almost out of frame completely makes me love it a little less.
Without getting too spoilery, Jake's Tommy has more screen time than Tobey's Sam - at least in the Danish version. Sure, Sam gets to chew all the scenery in the scenes he's in, and sure the film is more about how Sam deals with home and war and home again, but I think Tommy has the better story arc. Or maybe I'm just biased.
So yeah, this poster will have to do until the real beauty of a poster arrives...the PoP poster(s). In all their staggering imagery, which you have so generously and gorgeously described.
Stephanie had to remove the Intelligentsia pics from IHJ. But they're still up, under a F-locked post at ONTD.
Jake and Reese leaving the gym on IHJ.
Also, some slightly different angles here.
I think I'll add one from that set above to the main post because his hair looks so adorably sun-dappled.
Gawjus! :) Thank you!
Thanks for the pictures, FL.
I don't much care for the poster, but I love Jake's summer look.
UV, I hope you are having fun.
Good morning! Jake looks great in the new pictures, glad that he isn't wearing a hat, his hair is beautiful!
Just repeating my comments on the previous post regarding the poster: it's very provocative, yet simple but says a lot.
These are some great pictures, FL! Thanks.But I have to say, I agree with the reservations expressed about the movie poster. I'm really happy there IS a poster, but this one just doesn't do enough for me.
I need more Jake. The composition seems off.
Monica thanks so much for this new, improved trailer.
it's beginning to appear on the gossip blogs. Well, on justjared. :) I'm really looking forward to this movie. Finally.
UV, I'm jealous! Hope you have a great time on MV.
I'm not digging the poster that much, it almost looks like Jake was added on, detached but maybe that's what they wanted to portray. I do love the fact that it's in b&w, it give it a dramatic look.
The apple trailer is much better, thanks monica!
Too bad Splash made IHJ remove those pictures, thanks for posting the J&R pic of them at the gym, he looks amazing!
Oh, yes! Have a great vacation on MV UV!!
Good morning, babblers!
thanks for the pics, FL.
Comic Con:
11:30-12:30 Disney Press: Comics and Graphic Novels— Jordan Mechner, Prince of Persia creator and writer of the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time graphic novel, and artists Todd McFarlane (Spawn), Cameron Stewart (Seaguy), Bernard Chang (Wonder Woman), and Tommy Lee Edwards (Daredevil) for a discussion and Q&A session. Plus, get a sneak peek at the upcoming Prince of Perisa: The Sands of Time graphic novel, and an advance look at the book's connections to the secrets within the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. Panelists will also look into the future and announce some of Disney Book Group's upcoming graphic novels for 2010.
Have a great vacation, UV!
Thanks for the Jake pics FL, he looks really relaxed and sexy here.It also looks like his hair is lighter or maybe it's the sun.
Mixed feelings about the poster, there is something off about it as others have pointed out. I agree that it's a lot better than his Zodiac poster!
Disappearing videos, pics, what next! Thanks for the links monica, maye Jake will make a surprise appearence at Comic con!
Have a great vacation UV!
I love the idea of the poster but not crazy about the photo of Jake if that makes sense. The art is beautiful, I love b&w photos but it almost looks like they added Jake as an after thought, like he was just pasted into the poster. I have to think about it a bit more.
He looks great in the pics from yesterday and yes he did lighten his hair! They both look really happy.
Thanks for the link monica since Lionsgate pulled their trailer and fingers crossed that jake shows up Comic Con!
Maybe they will show a picture or a teaser trailer of POP!
I found this photo of Jake in Nailed:
Jake Nailed
So funny!!!
Two more images of Nailed:
Jake and Jessica Biel
Jake and David O.Russel
Ha! I love the caption under the first one:
This is what happens if you fall asleep at 4:30 am while filming "NAILED" Joan got Nailed.
Haha, Joan got BUSTED! I feel for you, Joan. But Jake looks as chipper as can be!
Maybe one day we'll see this film.
Great finds, Monica! Thanks!
OMG, he really does look like a politician you can't trust!!!! But cute. lol :)
The pictures are too funny Monica, thanks!!!
He is adorable in a dorky way. I wish we had some news regarding Nailed and the release date, last we heard there were a few scenes that still had to be filmed!
Have a great time on your vacation UV!
Video of J&R at burn60 from Friday:
It always amazes me how many pap pics can come from 14 seconds of a celebrity spotting. Fourteen seconds. Wow.
Martha's Vineyard!!!!!
It sounds wonderful...
Have a great vacation UV!
Baci e abbracci.
It is amazing how many photos emerge out of one of those short pap videos FL! Jake looks really nerdy aand funny in those pics you found Monica, looks like he had a blast on set.
I have a feeling Jake may be making a surprise visit to Comic con, I can't see him or Disney passing that up.
Hope you are having a relaxing vacation UV!
Twitter update:
jeremyElowe: Just saw jake gyllenhal and reese witherspoon grocery shopping at whole foods in brentwood!
about 1 hour ago from txt · Reply · View Tweet
Aww, hopefully this will be a good show. According to a twitterer, Jake and Reese are there.
Home from vacation - had a wonderful, relaxing time. The weather was gorgeous, which was a relief after all the miserable weather we've had. I'll be off again later this week, but it's back to work for a few days :(
I was happy to be able to see the pics and the poster in full form. I like the poster concept. It's a cool design. I do wish Jake looked different, but I can live with it. I never liked his picture on the Rendition poster, really. I like this one more. I think. I'll have to examine it some more...
I don't think Brothers will be successful. The trailer and the poster indicate an advertising campaign that will mislead the public and word of mouth will be disappointing.
I also think Natalie Portman is not a sympathetic character. Toby might pull an Oscar nomination out of it but I doubt it. Jake will underplay his role as he usually does and will disappear from discussions about the movie by most rational people.
Time will tell regarding how this movie is received. When Jake, Natalie and Toby do the talk-circuit thing, people will understand what this movie is about. I can understand the studio "misleading" the public witht the poster becasue of the war theme though.
The poster is beautiful and I love the black & white photography but I don't like they way Jake looks on the poster, definately better than the Zodiac poster or Rendition!
Love the new Jake and J&R pics.I don't think Jake did anything to his hair, I think that's his natural color. I think he has and still does darken his hair, but I think that's his natural hair color, just check out the hair on his legs and arms.
I hope J&R had a great time at the concert last night!
Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation on MV UV, i'm so jealous!
I can't see how the promo and the poster are misleading the public as to what the film's about - it certainly leaves out a very significant event, but the premis of the film is there, I'd even hesitate to call it a war film, although that is central to the plot, it's more, to my mind about redemption, choices made, the aftermath of traumatic events and family relationships. That said, it won't be a blockbuster, but I can see it doing pretty well, and a probably Oscar nod for Toby. I can see, although slightly unlikely, a supporting nod for Jake, as it's a strong, although less 'flashy', story arch for him as well.
Pics of Jake and Reese at The Hollywood Bowl.
Not sure about the shirt Jake.
Wow, they look cute together. I love the shirt, it looks kinda 60s-70s rock star-ish. Love the pic of Reese looking out the car window at something too. :)
It's a good thing Jake was driving because Reese was feeling on pain last night!! I hope they enjoyed the concert, and very happy that Jake stayed friends with his ex-gf Jenny!
I like his shirt!
I usually love it when he goes into protective mode, but he looks really irritated. The only picture I like is the last shot:
I usually love it when he goes into protective mode, but he looks really irritated. The only picture I like is the last shot:
She look like I felt on Friday Major headache this morning!
The Mama bear comes out when I see pics like this because it looks like Jake may had a bit as well and he is driving. The few other times I think he looked Ok and she looked tipsey, except when they went out for his birthday.
It looks like Jake and Reese were in Ojai on Friday, the twiter:
gnawledge1954: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal came to our Granada Doaba CD release concert this weekend, spent $5 on the record... photos on the way
And mention of the concert on their blog:
I wouldn't worry too much about them last night, i'm sure they enjoyed themselves and were careful. Jake was the driver and he looked fine to me.
I love Reese's sandals, Jake looks fine to me. I love it when he goes into protective mode! She may be a little bit tipsy, but I'm sure she knows when to quit. ;)
Jake's shirt is psychadelic hot. Chest hair 'faints'. Jake I'm sure is a responsible driver especially with his precious cargo on board. Yeah he looks pissed but adoreable. In fact he looks like Stephen in some of these.
Jake's shirt is psychadelic hot. Chest hair 'faints'. Jake I'm sure is a responsible driver especially with his precious cargo on board. Yeah he looks pissed but adoreable.
ITA. :)
Looks like they had a blast, love his shirt and her sandals!
I'm sure everything was fine last night, he looked annoyed/ pissed but just concerned about his precious cargo as you said anon!
Looks like Reese isn't wearing makeup and some of the pictures are of them talking to someone - when people take pictures of people talking and they catch them in that split second - you're not going to get "the best" pictures.
As for "Brothers" its not the type of movie to be a "blockbuster" - its a serious, adult movie (as mentioned before) and making movies that are of quality looks pretty good on your resume.
Everyone will get good reviews.
Many of the "serious" movies that have been well reviewed & win awards - if you see how much they took in sometimes its not more than 20-30 million if that.
Good night, babblers!
The photo of Reese in the window is funny!hahahahaha
I love these pictures!
Comic Con:
Disney has left its upcoming Jake Gyllenhaal live-action video-game adaptation Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time off its Thursday film panel schedule; it will be the subject of a Friday panel on the comics and graphic novel tie-ins. But it's possible Disney could sneak in a glimpse at new footage from the movie, much as it sneaked a tease for Tron last year. Persia opens May 28, 2010.
Fingers crossed!!
Oh, bother! She doesn't look so very tipsy, just loose and having a good time. I've been there. But carrying around a bottle of beer probably didn't help. Ohwell. Much ado, etc. Chill, Jake.
Oh, bother! She doesn't look so very tipsy, just loose and having a good time. I've been there. But carrying around a bottle of beer probably didn't help. Ohwell. Much ado, etc. Chill, Jake.
ITA, anon 7:27. And I've been there, too. :)
A fan called Reese rude because she wouldn't sign an autograph last night at that concert. IMO Reese was in no condition to sign anything! Yet apparently Reese posed for a pic and was feeling no pain, the pic posted is similar to the pap pic with beer in hand.
This pic is of Reese, some chick and a red-eye Jake, she said that Jake was cool:
This guy is working on a graphic novel based on Pop:
Thanks for the link and info on comic con monica!
I see nothing wrong with the concert pics, Jake looks more concerned than pissed and Reese looks like she is just having a good time.
The concert pics look like they were having a great time! I've also been there, being giddy, and silly, and having fun. Jake does look a little stressed at the paps, but they were probably swarming their car...again. And I agree, he is very protective of Reese.
Kirsten she does not forget:
Thank you for the news of Jake and Reese!
Hello Leonor - good to see you again. That Kirsten story is making the rounds again. Who could forget something like that? :)
The Reese "fan" report is suspect. Most fans I know wouldn't care about an autograph if they got a hug and a picture!
Agree that the concert pics are just fun - no need to get all exercised over them. It's late, but we did a new post. Sorry for the delay. Rough day!
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