New pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal out for lunch with Reese Witherspoon on May 7.

Traveling back to Italy for a moment - looks like Jake and Reese had their photo taken with a waiter or proprietor at Da Enzo when they visited in March:

(Lunch photos courtesy of IHJ.)
Apparently, People has a one-page story on Reese and Jake this week. Not much new, it doesn't sound like.
What a sweet picture of J&R and that luck waiter! Thanks for finding it.
Day two and no hat!!! I actually have grown to like it. The captions over on IHJ says that he picked up Reese at the back of the cafe to avoid being photographed. I know there are times where they have done this,but I think this time it looks like she may have been picking up take out or a doggy bag.
More marriage speculation! I don't know why some are in such a rush to marry them off, they seem fine as is so far. Look at Maggie and Peter: Together since 2002, engaged in 2006 and finally married 3 years later!
The Da Enzo photo is pretty cute. Great find, UV!
I generally assume that pap provided captions/commentary are even less believable than the tabloids. I'm not buying the "don't want to be photographed together" story in regard to these latest photos. I suspect the truth is something closer to your scenario, OONP. :)
The waiter fellow looks so happy! It's a sweet picture.
Maybe Reese had to use the facilities, so Jake went to get the car. :) Who knows! And why it should even invite comment is almost silly. Those paps are always inventing stories for their photos.
Paps don't get as much money for photos of them separate, and they don't get as much money when the view is obscured. (Jake's hat over his face in some of the Italy Wedding shots.)
Sometimes I think when J&R are spotted, as in Italy, or that time in Cabo, publicists "negotiate" to limit exposure. That can involve a magazine getting exclusive rights and specific instructions, like, "OK. We'll give you five minutes at this location." That backs other paps off, and limits the damage. They seem to mostly be leaving the kids alone, so that's something.
Good morning, babblers!
Wow! Jake is so so so young in that photo with Enzo!
Loved the new photos. The look of Jake is beautiful and so young.
I love the look of Reese. She is so beautiful!
Reese & Jake's Invite The Cops To Join Them For Lunch
That video is scarey. There had to be a dozen photographers or more. These guys seem more aggressive and less friendly. They shouldn't be running up on cars like that. They were running and even arguing with each other. Glad the police was there. Even though he didn't do much. It seems like things are getting worse.
Geez, you would think they were chasing after Brangelina in that clip, it's a bit ridiculous.
Love that picture of the waiter and J&R what a great find!
I agree with you Bobbyanna regsrding the pap pics, I also think Jake, Reese and Naomi acted as a decoy in Italy so they would leave Maggie and Pater alobne, just speculation of course.
Thanks for the video heads-up, Monica. No doubt that Jake's picking Reese up had more to do with her wanting to avoid that scrum than any supposedly coy desire not to be photographed together.
Those pap descriptions are always written to be more interesting than the facts warrant. Never mind the regular inaccuracies.
Could anyone catch what Jake was saying to the cop? I think I heard, "Thanks so much, you guys"at the end.
I agree, Monica, that Jake looks really young in the Italy photo. It was one of those pics that made me sigh and realize why so many people comment on how Jake's even better looking he is in person.
Suvee, is it your company that is going to do PoP licensing? I remember you thought they might and then it was confirmed and I never followed up to say "Yay." Not sure why that popped (sorry for the pun) into my head.
I'm sorry, but the two cops there, presumably to stem the onslaught of an all-out paparazzi frenzy, don't seem to be doing anything more than opening the car door for Reese. I don't get it. Why did they even bother going around the rear entrance of the restaurant again?
The tabloids and gossips don't have anything to talk about. Jake and Reese don't do drugs or get drunk in public. They don't hang out in clubs until the middle of the night. They don't have their hands down each others jeans or have heavy make-out sessions in public. They don't run around at the beach half or mostly naked putting on a show. They don't argue and fight each other in public. They don't have a lot of "friends" gossiping about how mean Jake is to her kids, or Naomi hates Reese, or etc. So they make stuff up.
UV, you remember my friend's Mariza?
She's with the scans of Us Weekly this week, which comes with two pages on J & R in Italy!
I will ask permission to Mariza for you or Steph post the scans!
X17 has a beautiful picture of Jake smiling! It's the most beautiful smile in the world!
Oh, thanks, Monica - looking forward to it!
They don't run around at the beach half or mostly naked putting on a show.More's the pity...
Forgot to say, Monica, that I agree on that smiling photo of Jake. He looks gorgeous and happy.
Jake really does look young in that picture, the picture is really cute!
I agree Monica, Jake's smile is beautiful, stupid capation on X17 as usual though.
I think the cops were already at the restaurant, that place usually has paps swarming around. I think he may have just asked them to make them back off or something. Going around the back didn't resolve the problem as you see.
I added a few of the X17 happy pics.
Also, not that there was ever any doubt except for that one PesistentAnon, the In Touch articlewas referring to Ojai:
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have been hanging out at her farm 90 miles away from L.A.; a witness saw them at the farmer's market: "They were buying tangerines, holding hands and looked madly in love."
X17 says Jake called the cops.
Looking at the beautiful smiling Jake pictures that UV just posted and looking at the video, I find it hard to believe he then called the cops. Police are often there policing since that place is a pap magnet and often camp there.
It was like when TMZ said that Jake pulled over the cops to complain but we found out later that the cop actually pulled Jake over for whatever reason.
I knew In Touch was talking about Ojai! The pictures are great and I love the J&R picture, they both look really young!
That x17 video just cracked me up. Did y'all catch Reese's "Don't touch the car"? =]
Jake looks gorgeous and quite relaxed. But I would very much like a new movie from him!
I caught the "don't touch the car " from Reese too Lemon!!
Yes Jake looks happy and relaxed but I wan't some movie news too as well!
Yeah, I loved Reese's back off warning!
Also, Jake looks completely happy going in. If he did call the cops, I assume something happened while they were inside. Like a few paps turned into a swarm.
Let's try this one more time. Courtesy of Monica and her friend Mariza:
Us scans.
Thanks so much Monica and Mariza. Much appreciated.
UV, I can't stop looking for new photos from yesterday.
I need to see this beauty with a lot of talent on screen of cinema!
Thanks so much UV, Monica and Mariza for the scans! And also for the smiling happy pictures.
Catching up on all the Jake goodness! Love that smile, he looks great! I adore the picture of Jake and Reese in Italy with the waiter, they looks so young!
Much ado about nothing regarding the video, the paps always seem to blow things out of proportion.
Thanks for all the links and updates, especially the Us scan, thanks!!!
Can I take just one moment to praise the beauty and plain ole hotness that is Mr. Gyllenhaal..... as illustrated by photos #2 & 3 in this post? Good grief!
UV, you are correct. My company does indeed have a licensing agreement with Disney for PoP. When last I heard, the style guide had not yet arrived..... but since some of our product is manufactured overseas and has a long lead time, I expect the style guide will need to be in our hands soon. I'll check on Monday.
I really hope we are getting the printed style guide book along with the digital artwork files, and not just the digital only version. Those books are incredible...... they cost hundreds of $ (which we have to pay) and are works of art in themselves.
Okay, sorry I got carried away..... didn't mean to bore everyone with OT gushing about Disney style guides.
Yes, Mr. Gyllenhaal is totally hot, love the pics!! Thanks for keeping us updated with your job's licensing agreement with Disney Suvee!
It looks like Jake and Reese had a more quiet time here:
5) Tavern: Everyone welcome Suzanne Goin's new Brentwood heavyweight to the StarWatch stage: "Had dinner at Tavern on Wed, May 6. Jake and Reese were there!!! As was Suzanne Goin!" [StarWatch Inbox]
Thanks for adding the smling Jake photos, what a beautiful way to start the day! I haven't had time to check out the x17 video yet.
OT: Saw Star Trek last night and what a blast I had! Trekkies and non-trekkies will enjoy this film.
Tavern is an Italian restaurant.
Beautiful Jake.
Tavern is an Italian restaurant.~
Not according to their menu .
Beautiful pictures of smiling Jake. Thank you.
Do you have to register with X17 to see videos? I keep getting a "forbidden" message.
Smiling Jake...sigh..swoon...he is looking fantastic.
Thanks for the nice sightings. :)
Sorry for the double post. I forgot to say that the picture of Jake in the car with his hand up makes me sad.
I just donated to I Heart Jake.I don't know what I'd do without Stephanie providing all these wonderful pictures for us.
Smiling Jake is definately swoon worthy, thanks for the Tavern sighting extra!
Thanks for the Us scan uv and monica!!
What a cute picture of J&R in Italy with the waiter, he looks so youthful there. I prefer pics like these and sightings, the pap shots are getting a bit hard for me to look at some times.
Ditto on Star Trek oonp!
Sorry. The urbanspoon describes Tavern as serving both Italian and American foods. I guess with items like pecorino and parmesan as well as olives, garlic and achovies, I just think of those things as Italian.
Barbara, I saw the video at X17 and I'm not registered. But here it is on youtube.
That photo in Italy is making me laugh, Jake seems to have a slight case of 'hat head' going on =D
Lovely photos, appreciated as always.
BTW, if you want to see something completely unexpected, have a look at this youtube from tonight's Britains Got Talent - as surprsing as Susan Doyle, but in a completely different way
I saw the video on YouTube, thanks UV.
At the end the cop on the phone was saying "very pleasant" (I think). I assume he was talking about Jake.
Jake did thank the cops , but I couldn't hear the first part either.
I guess they need a new place to eat lunch. It's a shame.
Youtube keeps track of the number of views. this "nirvana" who posts on Youtube has a pretty big collection of celebrity videos.
I guess they need a new place to eat lunch. It's a shameLots of tweets today that Reese and Jake were at Intelligentsia, with no paps around. So it's nice to know they can go out undisturbed.
Tabloid check: People, Us and OK all used basically the same picture from Italy - Jake nuzzling Reese's neck.
And the In Touch article had nothing new in it except that tangerine story. They said something about Jake liking to fix things around the house and take his dog for long walks.
Exciting stuff :)
Just watched that clip, Agent K - that was great. I hate all the surrounding stuff, as I did with the Susan Boyle video. But it's great when they just get to perform.
Jake and Reese also are left alone while shopping for organic food at the S.Monica co-op grocery store and eating at Real Food Daily according to twitter!
It looks like Jake is influencing Reese regarding organic food it seems. Thanks for the heads up UV regarding People, us and In Touch. I think In Touch should have added gardening to the list of things Jake likes to do at their place in Ojai!
Since I am not into Twitter (yet), I appreciate hearing any J&R news that comes from that source. Thanks, UV and extra!
The In Touch article reminded me that we haven't seen Atticus in a while. I miss him!
Great news on Twitter, UV! I just got myself a Twitter account recently, (my kids said I "had to") but I'm not working it right. I can't reply to, or send messages. Got to figure out how to work it.
I'd also like to wish all Babblers a very Happy Mother's Day!!!!!
Man, Jake has the BEST SMILE!! Swoon...
Thanks for the Twitter info on Jake and Reese enjoying a quiet meal undisturbed by paps.
Btw, what a great picture of Jake and Reese in Italy with the waiter.
Wow, that clip was amazing AK, his voice is awesome! Not to many really good counter-tenors around, Simon was speechless! Thanks for the link.
Love all the twitter reports on Jake and Reese, I have a twitter account but haven't got around to figuring out how to use it yet like you Bobbyanna! Looks like I have to check ou a few tabloids this week, LOL!
Happy Mother's day everyone, I'm off to see my Mom in a bit on Long Island.
Happy Mother's day to all the lovely motherss on GB!
thank you
Good morning, babblers!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers of the world, especially for my mother. She's the most important person of my life!
Morning UV, FL and babblers all,
TY for pics of his royal deliciousness. Gorgeous shot of them in Italy...back again real soon
Happy Mother's Day to all moms!
New footage of PoPLooks good.
Thanks for the great tip, anon. New post with some caps and the embedded link.
Happy Mother's Day, Sass! Hope you get to see this treat. And a happy day to Monica's mother and all the mothers out there. And to folks like me who are missing their mothers today and everyday.
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