Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just a tease

The Demolition trailer has everyone wondering why we have to wait until April to see the whole thing.

Come on, studio heads. Turn our smiles into frowns and let everyone see Demolition!

Preview of Jake on a series called Off Camera:

Preview of Jake at work with producing partner, Riva Marker:


UltraViolet said...

I'm off to TO, so I wanted to put up a new post.

Love this: The 'Gyllenhaal-aissaance' is an unholy portmanteau that should never have been uttered.

The Everest premiere was tonight in L.A. Jake looked good.


I assume there will be an open bar at the #Everest party. That premier audience is going to need a drink. #roughstory #depressed #oscarbuzz

Mary said...

Have fun and keep us posted.

Piruleta said...

Have fun, UV! can't wait to hear your thoughts about Demolition!

That article is really good and so true…

Piruleta said...

Isla Fisher Joins Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams in ‘Nocturnal Animals’ She will play Tony's wife.

Universal Spain has been doing some free screenings for Everest this week, reactions have been good so far. They've even invited some famous mountaineers and they seem pretty satisfied with the result and the fidelity, not only of the story, but the recreation of Everest's topography.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they will open Demolition in limited release this year so it might qualify for some awards consideration, then open it in more theaters later on next year?

FP said...

Have fun UV!! :)

BlueJean said...

Sooooooooo looking forward to your review, UV! Enjoy! x

And thanks for the new post!

"Love this: The 'Gyllenhaal-aissaance' is an unholy portmanteau that should never have been uttered."

Yeah, I've read that as well and didn't understand a thing about it as it was all about English grammar, I believe :) You're welcome to correct me if I'm wrong ;)

BlueJean said...

P.S. Dutch 'Southpaw' premiere today! Finally - better late than never. I'll go and see it on Saturday. UV, you're two movies ahead of me! :)))

Ann said...

Really looking forward to all of the Demolition reactions, especially UV's and other Jake fans who get to see it. I'm also jealous :P

Have fun, UV!

BlueJean said...

P.P.S. This (from previous post):

"No one asks the obvious question: If it's good enough, wouldn't you just release it this year?"

Well... exactly. Maybe they're afraid of releasing too many films starring Jake whithin a rather short period of time. I'm even thinking they should've released the three of them (SP, Everest and Demolition) in a different order. Like, first 'Everest', then 'Demolition' (at around now or October / November) and finally 'Southpaw' in April. Or something like that.

But hey - we've had so much Jake this year. We've even had 'Accidental Love' :P We should be grateful! ;)

Ann said...

I agree with you BlueJean. I think Demolition looks like it will be a good enough film but maybe not Oscar good. And perhaps with Southpaw and Everest out this year there wasn't a better time to release. If it gets released now and it doesn't have Oscar potential no one will pay attention and it could hurt the film. So perhaps it will be better to release it at a time when people can see it and not put the Oscar pressure on it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe switch Southpaw & Everest? But then Everest could have got swept away by Mission Impossible like everything else did. We just never know. I think it is that they had too many Jake movies too close together.A mixed blessing.

BlueJean said...

"[...] and not put the Oscar pressure on it."

Maybe we just want Jake to be nominated too much. Maybe we'll have to get used to the fact that "Oscar pressure" is something we can't control. Just because Vallée's last two films won and / or got nominations, doesn't mean the same will happen for 'Demolition', like you say.

Yes, it is a mixed blessing.

Canuck_Cutie said...

I'm wondering if there was pressure from Harvey W to move Demolition so it didn't compete with Southpaw? Or the filmmakers worried about getting steamrolled by him if both movies were award worthy?

If the movie has good reviews out of TIFF I wouldn't be surprised if Fox decides to open it early, in limited release to qualify for awards. I guess we'll have to see how it's received!

At any rate I will be sure to report back after I've watched Demolition.

Anonymous said...

No expectations for me for Demolition, it would be nice if it came out of nowhere though.

It could get Golden Globe nominations though if eligible.

Sag Actor said...

Can't wait to hear about TIFF UV, have fun!

BlueJean said...

From Facebook:

#‎Southpaw‬—available in Digital HD October 16th. On Blu-ray™, DVD and On Demand October 27th.

Well - that's pretty soon! :)

Anonymous said...

"Well - that's pretty soon! :)"

true but its already online so but I was hoping for another late release but with the recent turn of events.....

BlueJean said...

Yeah, I know it's available online. But I've managed to resist so far *proud* :)
SP premieres here (= Holland) today, that's why I think it's (too) soon.

Anonymous said...

live feed link at below for TIFF Demolition premiere:

bobbyanna said...

UV, I hope you have a wonderful time at TIFF! We're with you in spirit, although I wish I could be there in reality. LOL! TIFF is SO much fun!

Thanks for the info about the live stream, Anon. It starts at 7:25 ET in Canada which is about an hour from now.

I was on Getty Images looking at Red Carpet photos from the L.A. premiere of Everest, and I was happy to see the real Beck Weathers was there, alive and in person. David Breashears was there, too.

Canuck_Cutie said...

from some of the critics i follow on twitter who just got out of the demolition screening:

Gregory Ellwood ‏@TheGregoryE
I'll have a review later tonight but you have to wonder if Demolition could get Jake Gyllenhaal a nod of released this year. #tiff #oscars

Kristopher Tapley ‏@kristapley
Did "Demolition" let out of TIFF yet? I loved it. Vallee's best yet. Love the way he puts movies together. Another strong Jake showing.

Jeff Sneider ‏@TheInSneider
DEMOLITION felt like a 70s movie, the kind of intimate character study Hollywood rarely makes these days. It felt... special.

Scott Feinberg ‏@ScottFeinberg
Jake G=mesmerizing even in a completely off the wall pic like DEMOLITION which would weird out Almodovar! Nice NIGHTCRAWLER companion piece.

Jeff Sneider ‏@TheInSneider
I agree w/ Fox, it's not an "awards" movie per se, but Gyllenhaal's uniformly excellent & 1 of the most interesting actors of his generation

Ann said...

The reactions are all over the place, except for Jake, they seem to really love him in it. At least from what I've seen. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this film now in terms of release date.

Monica said...

Steven Zeitchik ‏@ZeitchikLAT 5m5 minutes ago
Demolition finds Vallee and Gyllenhaal at their best. Like a funnier, more therapeutic Falling Down, with a sprinkling of Hal Ashby #tiff

Adam B. Vary ‏@adambvary 45s45 seconds ago
DEMOLITION was a charming, shaggy dog meditation on how weird grief can be, until it got so shaggy that it couldn't see where it was going.

David Poland ‏@DavidPoland 1m1 minute ago
If Jake Gyllenhaal wants an Oscar nod for 2015, Fox Searchlight pushing out Demolition this year is his best shot. Or wait for Nov ‘16.

ahhhhhhhhhhh yesss

FP said...

Soooooo all those losers from AW were wrong?!?!? oh I can't believe it....

Canuck_Cutie said...

Hmmm so I'm wondering if Fox will rethink then given the fact that Southpaw seems to be out of the running for awards. I think they could easily open it in limited release in nov/dec to qualify for an award run if they so chose. I think if the buzz over his performance is this good then they really should think about moving it up because next year i'm hoping Nocturnal Animals will be in the running for awards!

Ann said...

LOL, FP. Nah they'd never be wrong over there :P

Anonymous said...

I want to know what real people thought of the movie, not the critics. I refused to go that route besides there are just too many bios out this year. I would not be surprised if all the acting nominations are from bio movies.

And just IMO, the director of Demolition has never gotten his due and it seems to me that if Valee can bring out 4 Oscar nominated performance in two years then he must be doing something right which just proves the Academy is smoking and or snorting the good stuff. Because they have no clue.

FP said...

Well anon what a party pooper, I like a good dose of realism and analysis, but can we be happy among us for at least five minutes? God knows, if we asJake's fans are not aware of how fucked up is the academy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry FP but I really am interested in what the non critic audience thinks of the movie. Besides its not up to me if Fox Search gives Jake and the movie at least a chance of an early release. Great if the critics like it but even better if the audience loves it.

Canuck_Cutie said...

Well at this point it's only the critics opinions that counts - not the publics. If the critics give the movie strong reviews and think Jake's performance is award worthy then Fox may be willing to bump up the release date and open it this year. Frankly if the audiences at TIFF like the movie I don't think their opinion will sway Fox one bit.

To be honest I wonder if opening TIFF was a way for Fox to test out reception to the movie and contemplate changing up the release date. It struck me as strange for a movie that's not scheduled to open for 7 months to debut at the festival.

The Toronto Star gave Demolition 3 out of 4 stars.

FP said...

No need for sorry! :) I was stupidly aggressive, so I'm the one who should apologize, I just want to be a bit happy about Jake's performance, audience loves Southpaw, but did not help much.

Ann said...

I God knows, if we asJake's fans are not aware of how fucked up is the academy.

Exactly! It concerns me that Fox might make the release date 2015 in hopes of Oscar noms and then the Academy screws up again.

I wonder how this type of film will do at the box office.

Either way, it's just really nice to see more great reviews for Jake's performances :)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the critics spoke about other performances other thank Jake's? I was thinking of Chris Cooper.

likemonalisa said...

Reviews from critics looks not every good. The Playlist and the Guardian both gave very low scores (D & 2/5)Others gave mixed reviews.

UltraViolet said...

Not sure quite how to describe Demolition, but the crowd I was with loved it. I did hear some quizzical reactions on the way out. It's dark and funny and a bit self-consciously quirky. I loved it, too. It's a Jake fan's dream, as he's in almost every scene in the movie. And he's amazing. Funny, weird, sexy, scary. Did I say sexy?

It's a little elliptical, a little melodramatic. But it takes weird turns - not the ones you're expecting. I appreciate that in a movie.

Jake was at the screening. The whole cast and crew were. My friend got invitations to the after-party, but the three-block line was too much. Especially since one assumes Jake and company probably weren't even there. We did see the actress (Heather Lind) who played Jake's wife and gave her kudos.

The film took forever to start, because it was the opening night film and there were speeches and videos galore. Very cool to see Wim Wenders there. And the founders of TIFF, one of whom was irreverently funny. It was fun to be part of that.

Just a fun night all-around, really.

Happy to answer any specific questions folks have, if you have any.

UltraViolet said...

Likemonalisa, I think critical reception will be divided. It's a shame, because there will be endless posts and articles bemoaning the fact that Jake can't get the combo critical/commercial hit. The folks at AW will call it a flop. Ryan Gosling will continue to get roles he doesn't deserve. But I can't be unhappy Jake did the movie. And I'm guessing he isn't either.

UltraViolet said...

LOL, from someone who saw Jake tonight:

My grandma also yelled at jake gyllenhaal... "JAKE ITS ME DORIS!!"

This is hilarious.

Monica said...

It's not surprising that it is divisive. It's odd. But I'm happy that Jake is being praised.
I think all of you give a lot of credit to people os aw. I'm so happy that i left that site. I was beginning to give so much importance to awards.
I'm still looking for awards, but not as much as before.

UV, I want to know more about the scenes of Jake and the kid.

likemonalisa said...

SV, it looks like my kind of thing: odd, funny, and maybe hilarious. And plus gorgeous Jake!I'm in!

Piruleta said...

AW actually liked the trailer a lot lol

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, UV, it sounds good and intriguing, this was my most anticipated film, I hope they change the release date.

How was Jake's and Naomi chemistry (well, and Cooper and the kid)?

Piruleta said...

Variety review:

Jake Gyllenhaal is at the top of his game in #Demolition

Piruleta said...

From Deadline:

Marc Vallee, was actually the perfect slot for the often dicey and bad luck opening film of this festival. The dramedy in which Gyllenhaal plays a man trying to put his life into perspective following the death of his wife in a car accident, played well for the crowd with stars Gyllenhaal, Naomi Watts and Chris Cooper among the many Vallee introduced before the film ran. Following his big run with Nightcrawler which played TIFF last year and went on to great success, as well as this summer’s Southpaw plus recent Venice Film Festival opener Everest, you can see why Bailey used that “Jake Quake” phrase. Gyllenhaal is just terrific in Demolition which provides more proof why this actor is picking some of the most interesting roles of anyone in his generation of actors.

And THR:

Premiering as the opening night selection for the Toronto Film Festival’s 40th edition, Demolition will not hit U.S. theaters until next spring, where Fox Searchlight will need to find savvy ways to market such an eclectic effort to mainstream audiences. But with Gyllenhaal once again delivering an all-consuming performance, backed by a somewhat underused Naomi Watts and the terrific young newcomer Judah Lewis, the film could find favor among those who savor the quirkier side of Hollywood in works ranging from Punch-Drunk Love to Silver Linings Playbook.

(…) As farfetched as that sounds, Gyllenhaal makes it all feel compellingly real, turning Davis into a man who does some wild and questionable things throughout the movie, but also makes us laugh at the same time: One memorable sequence has him walking onto a construction site and offering to sledgehammer a house free of charge, while another has him breaking out into spontaneous dance on the streets of Manhattan.

Such moments seem to come out of nowhere, yet they’re welcome all the same, and it’s unfortunate that the filmmakers wind up pulling a 180 in the last act, attempting to redeem Davis in ways that feel contrived and not necessarily believable. Perhaps, after films like Enemy and Nightcrawler, we’ve come to expect Gyllenhaal to play guys who slide off the deep end and never come back, but Vallee doesn’t go that far.

Now, I'm off to do some work!

FP said...

Rave from Variey for Jake, is the first time in years.

Anonymous said...

Uff, but The Gardian as the last time exaggerated it with they bitter spitting I'd say, this review is too negative:

"One of the main problems with the plot is the sheer implausibility of it all. It’s virtually impossible to buy the chain of events that pulls the two leads together. Gyllenhaal’s letters are unconvincing Fight Club-lite analyses of the uniform world around him and it’s hard to see how anyone would do anything other than roll their eyes while reading them. When paired with Watts, the two have a chemistry-free dynamic that sucks any energy out of Vallée’s light-footed direction.

It’s a disappointment, given how they’ve both been trying to dig their way out of career holes. Gyllenhaal tries his best but he’s lumped with dialogue that would make Zach Braff turn his nose up (“Do you ever feel like everything is a metaphor?”) and ultimately he’s playing less of a character and more a collection of hazy-eyed stoner thoughts. Watts has even less to do and bizarrely disappears for a large portion of the film as her on-screen son becomes Gyllenhaal’s conduit to the real world.

As the Toronto film festival turns 40, directors seek to avert mid-life crisis

The unlikely script is hampered with failed attempts at magical realism and leaden metaphors. Gyllenhaal’s character becomes obsessed with deconstructing objects and demolishing buildings, leading to the film’s title. But, you guessed it, all this means something deeper about his life ...

The film is so desperate to reach some level of profundity that it misses wildly in the process. Its remarkable emptiness and muddled narrative give it the feeling of a Hollywood remake of a foreign film that lost all meaning in translation. There’s an interesting kernel of an idea here that explores characters who rebel against forced adulthood and the relationships and jobs that come with it. But instead it collapses into insufferable cuteness (one scene has the pair turn a sofa into a den) and, despite dreams of something less conventional, sentimentality prevails. In the future, any Oscar-seeking actors might want to have a closer read of the script next time they decide to work with Vallée."


Anonymous said...

It seems that most of the negative criticisms regard the script itself, that appears to be the most weakness. But somehow Jake and the cast and Jean Marc Vallee do an excellent job. This is what I am getting out of reading these articles. I am looking forward to this very much. I already decided after seeing how Jake looks like himself in this movie, even if the movie was not great I will be seeing it. I'm happy it is getting so many good reviews.

Kristie said...

On an older note...I'm finally seeing Southpaw tonight! I was really tempted to get it online but didn't in the end haha so I'm really excited.

Have you seen it already BlueJean?

Office of Nancy Pelosi said...

The reviews so far seem mixed but Jake looks like the is getting praise for the most part. Don't get why they released the trailer now if it's coming out in April.

Hey UV, wish I was there! Hope you are enjoying TIFF!

Anonymous said...

"It’s a disappointment, given how they’ve both been trying to dig their way out of career holes."

Career holes? Who is the reviewer speaking about? I think Nightcrawler set the bar so high for Jake, reviewers see Louis Bloom only. This reviewer losing credibility for me with that one sentence,

Ann said...

I think all of you give a lot of credit to people os aw. I'm so happy that i left that site. I was beginning to give so much importance to awards.

I give them credit for being way too judgemental and changing their opinions on films / actors over ridiculous reasons. Oh and generally having poor taste but that's subjective, lol.

I read AW but I don't take it seriously or let them influence my opinion on anything. The awards narrative will always follow Jake now, almost the way it follows DiCaprio.

I think some put too much importance on box office and Jake being a bankable star. I get it will make a difference in the films he's offered but if he's doing what he likes then ultimately that's all that matters over awards and box office.

Ann said...

UV, just curious had you read the script before you saw Demolition?

Anonymous said...

IHJ has pictures of Denis V with Jake at the after party for Demolition.

Anonymous said...

Generally reading those reviews script is the biggest problem, it sounds unbelievable for them with cliche aspects, neither Jake cannot keep up the whole movie even if he is the best thing in Demolition. This is similar to Southpaw and critic's problem, where Jake delivers great performance in average movie. Not sure if limited release would help for awards. I will watch the movie, too of course and have my own opinion, but once critics matter for awards and year is too packed with great movies with great male performances, the chances are not bigger than SP has. Only thing to help is the compensation for the last year snub.

Carol premiered in Cannes and release is in late November, so it's not that rare. But once they released the trailer for Demolition now, they might speculate about limited release, because there is not even that sentence "Coming soon" or any date at the end of the trailer.

Anonymous said...


Piruleta said...

Press conference

Hagen said...

Rave from Variey for Jake, is the first time in years.

"Best performance since 'Brokeback Mountain' " is high praise indeed.

As much as I would like to watch "Demolition", it's probably a good decision to release it in April.

Anonymous said...


If Jake does follow thru and do a Broadway musical, I am arranging my whole year around that show so that I can finally see him in person.

bobbyanna said...

I think I agree Hagen. : )

Jake isn't the first actor to get great reviews while the movie gets mixed reviews. I hope the critics will be kinder so Rotten Tomatoes manages to go over 60%.

Monica said...

Jake isn't the first actor to get great reviews while the movie gets mixed reviews.

This shows how great he is as an actor. Few actors can do that.

Piruleta said...

Hitflix review:

This sort of storyline could go wrong very quickly, but thanks to some fortuitously funny moments, Vallee’s assured direction and Gyllenhaal’s spectacular performance it’s surprisingly compelling. And, let’s be absolutely clear: it’s Gyllenhaal who keeps it all together.

Over the past three years the 34-year-old actor has delivered one incredible turn after another in pictures such as “End of Watch,” “Enemy” and “Nightcrawler,” among others. Gyllenhaal doesn’t deliver the physical transformation that accompanied the latter film or “Southpaw” this past summer, but his performance in “Demolition” may be the most nuanced of them all. Many actors would be unable to play Davis without a smart audience picking up when the gears begin to turn. Even great actors can fall prey to telegraphing each stage of their character’s development (see Ben Foster). Gyllenhaal smooths over any of those potential rough spots and finds a way to ground Davis’ grief even when it may seem over-the-top on the page. That’s quite an accomplishment.

BlueJean said...

"On an older note...I'm finally seeing Southpaw tonight! I was really tempted to get it online but didn't in the end haha so I'm really excited.

Have you seen it already BlueJean?"

Nope. I'll be seeing it tomorrow! :)

Did you like it, Kristie?

BlueJean said...

"It’s a disappointment, given how they’ve both been trying to dig their way out of career holes."

Career holes? Who is the reviewer speaking about?

That's exactly what I thought!

BlueJean said...

"I think some put too much importance on box office and Jake being a bankable star. I get it will make a difference in the films he's offered but if he's doing what he likes then ultimately that's all that matters over awards and box office."

I feel the same way, Ann!

Anonymous said...

I think people forget, that box office means also people watching the movie. It's about money, but not just about money. One day people state awards don't matter and then box office doesn't matter. But even artist wants people to watch the movie and be appreciated. Everybody who does any job wants his work to be visible and be priced by his/her peers. I don't see anything wrong about importance of those two things. If actor is successful then he may do extra things for pleasure only and for few "gourmets". But every artist is happy for any kind of appreciation and attention. If he does what he likes then I believe he wants as much people as possible to see his work and this is what awards and box office say. SV

bobbyanna said...

So many good points being made. I'm enjoying all our comments. I'd like to share something that happened to me at the gym a few days ago. The young woman attendant was showing me a piece of equipment and we started talking about working out. I said the machine reminded me of equipment I'd seen Jake Gyllenhaal using for Southpaw and she said, "You had me at Jake Gyllenhaal. I love him, but what's Southpaw?" She was a fan...who'd never heard of Southpaw and asked me when it was coming out. I told her it was out! It had been out since July.She didn't know. But she "loves" Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't know how to process that.

Canuck_Cutie said...

So I saw Demolition today and it's really a hard movie to describe, funny, sad, dramatic. The most charming Jake has been on screen in a long time most definitely.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and i definitely thought Jake was fantastic with the actor who play's Naomi's son also excelling.

It's hard to know how it'll play at the box office. Definitely a bit of a niche film. Another great one for Jake to have on his resume though.

Anonymous said...

Took my mum to see Southpaw last nite - she loved it. It's in its 3rd week in Dubai and played to a pretty full theatre which I thought was impressive. Best part was the audience applauded at the last fight scene and the woman beside me was sobbing uncontrollably at the last scene with Jake and Oona. Seems to be having quite an effect, just thought I'd share.

Btw Jake looks amazing and is utterly charming at the Tiff press conference.


Anonymous said...

On an older note...I'm finally seeing Southpaw tonight!
Yes, it sounds so old for me.... but I finally saw SP too!
Well, I knew everything about it, but still it was I read, it really has the pace of a boxing match itself, it' s a 'punching' movie (maybe a little bit too much in the first part), no time to think, just keep your breath... I liked the second part more, I assumed it was the 'conventional' one, but I felt it real and with interesting, subtle detours from clichés. Usually the 'hero' is supposed to find his raw emotions or his deep motivations to reemerge; here, it's the opposite, he has to keep them down and try to use his brain, which is an original point of view in boxing movies, movies about sports...also, movies in general..
And of course, GREAT performances from all the cast... they are so good, you just want them to interact more!

Thank you for all the infos on Demolition!... I really liked the trailer...from the reviews, I don't know what to think about the movie; I hope it has that smart weirdness based on something 'thick'... But, most of all, I hope it will be released someday also here in Europe!!!


BlueJean said...

That's an interesting comment on SP, Tina. I'll keep it in mind while watching it today.

Monica, have you seen SP already? Please let us know what you think!

Well... I'm off to the cinema now! :)))

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it, BlueJean!

UltraViolet said...

A funny article about Jake and Demolition

I was there yesterday, too, canuck_cutie. How annoying was that lighting malfunction? (The theater lights came on for a couple of minutes. And some lunatic kept shouting for them to fix it. Luckily, it was just a brief issue and didn't come at a crucial moment in the film.)

Been running around so it's been hard to get here. Yay for BJ finally seeing Southpaw. Tina, your review was spot-on, I think.

I saw Our Brand Is Crisis last night, and it was just awful. On the other end of the spectrum, I also watched Son of Saul, and it was powerful and unsettling. Someone described it as "harrowing." That fits.

Monica said...

Monica, have you seen SP already? Please let us know what you think!

No. debuted on Thursday, but not in all theaters of Brazil, that is, not in my town.
However, Everest is in a special session, I think midnight today and tomorrow, but I'm just going to see on Thursday.

Kristie said...

I really really enjoyed Southpaw! I love how I lost Jake and just saw Billy, now I really get the praise about his performance! About the cliché storyline... This is the first boxing movie I've seen:# so yeah you know that he will win in the end and the storyline is predictable but I don't mind it as long as the acting is great. Which is the case in this movie!
The boxing, damn, I loved those parts. That last fight? I was rooting so much (and even moving along a bit haha) and when he switched to Southpaw and Miguel went down I had goosebumps on my arms. I've been boxing since April (training) so for me it really awesome and exciting. I went to see it in a theater in Rotterdam with a friend of mine, not all theaters were showing it so the one we went to was pretty crowded. I was surprised to see quite some more woman in the theater, most were tagging along with their husbands/boyfriends, but hey they went;) Curious what a movie like Southpaw will do in numbers in a small country like The Netherlands.

Have fun BlueJean! Hope you like it, I'm curious what you think of it!

Canuck_Cutie said...

The lighting malfunction was weird UV. I thought the movie was going to stop next. One light came on and then they all came on!

I'm back at the same venue today for The Martian so here's hoping there isn't a repeat!

bobbyanna said...

Love hearing about all these reactions to Southpaw from GBers in other countries. : )

UV and Canuck_Cutie, please share as much as you can about the other films you see. UV, I'll take your reaction to Our Brands In Crisis under advisement. ; I feel like I need to see it because of the cast. Also,CC, please share your reaction to The Martian.

Don't know how your weather is in Toronto, but I'm 270 miles south of you and it's really chilly, gloomy, and windy here. Almost like Fall... : (

Monica said...

I'm so excited to see Son of Saul, UV.
I didn't expect raves for The Martian. yay Ridley, finally!

Monica said...

so funny: Amy Schumer tells Stephen Colbert about the time she drunkenly ate frozen cake at Jake Gyllenhaal’s house

Hagen said...

A funny article about Jake and Demolition

Kyle Buchanan: But Vallée said he trimmed more from the film than just Gyllenhaal’s pelt: In one flashback sequence, Gyllenhaal and his wife (played by Heather Lind) sing the Sufjan Stevens tune “To Be Alone With You” to each other, but in postproduction, Vallée ditched Gyllenhaal’s rendition and kept only Lind’s. “When Jake was singing it, it felt too big,” said Vallée, who, in addition to directing the terrific films Dallas Buyers Club and Wild, is perhaps a monster who should be tried for crimes against humanity. “It felt like we were trying too hard.”

Next Saturday I'll go to a Sufjan Stevens concert. I'm curious how Jake has interpreted Sufjan Stevens' song. Hopefully one day we'll get to see it, maybe on DVD.

UltraViolet said...

I loved the "crimes against humanity" line. It will be a shame if we never get to hear that!

Bobbyanna, I don't think you'll enjoy Our Brand, even with that cast. But I know sometimes, we have to see these things anyway. I'm also really worried about that Boston Marathon bombing movie, because David Gordon Green's direction did not impress me.

The Martian is entertaining. I'm annoyed that i wasted money to see it at TIFF when it's opening in two weeks. I had hoped to see Matt Damon, but he wasn't at today's screening.

This afternoon, I saw Miss You Already, which was funny and incredibly sad. You know where it's going but man, the parallels to some real-life experiences were too much. Big cheers for the cast. Toni Collette was amazing, and looked fantastic in person. Drew Barrymore was also good. Not a great movie, but entertaining and moving.

The Danish Girl is a bit of a snooze, really. Alicia Vikander was wonderful in a lead performance. Eddie Redmayne was good but not great. Not a lot going on internally. A very surface-level performance. The movie is beautifully shot, however, with scene after scene composed like paintings.

TIFF party report:

I watched the man who created Don Draper gingerly shuffle into a place where he could get a good view.

“There he is,” said Matthew Weiner to the gentleman he was with, pointing to one Jake Gyllenhaal, as every atom in the place also swooshed to the bearded fella standing in the corner of Patria, here off King West.

UltraViolet said...

Jake and Ruth Wilson on the subway.


KFC Canada ‏@kfc_canada 8h8 hours ago
Big shout out to @rozweston @mochafrap & @DamnitMaurie for making #JakeGyllenhaal & KFC the biggest story at #TIFF15

I can't believe there's still Everest stuff coming up. This has been a crazy time for Jake! Speaking of Everest... saw Josh Brolin at The Danish Girl. He wasn't looking great. But good for him for going to see other people's movies.

BlueJean said...

Isn't it strange how we talk about three films at once here? :) UV and CC are in their 'Demolition' bubble, Kristie, Tina and me have just seen 'Southpaw', while Monica has yet to see it and the rest of you are about to climb Everest! :D

Southpaw... what can I say? Jake and Oona together made me cry. Jake and Rachel together had amazing chemistry - too bad Rachel had so liitle scenes.

Jake was mesmerizing! I totally focused on the story and the drama and boy, there was a lot of drama! It may heve been cliche, but I loved it. I really did. Billy reminded me of 'Brothers' Tommy in a lot of ways (the look, maybe, but certainly the way Jake connected with the kids in both films). I loved him with Oona. Dare I say it? He'd be a wonderful dad in real life as well, I'm sure.

I loved Jake's scenes with Forest Whitaker, who was great as Tick. Liked the training scenes as well.

The fighting looked great and you could tell a lot of effort was put into it to get those scenes right, both on Jake's part and on the cinematic part - the cinematography I mean. It's just too bad I don't care for boxing and found the boxing scenes a tad too long at times and a bit too brutal and bloody. The make up artist did a hell of a job, that's for sure!

I couldn't understand a word 50 Cent was saying. Thank goodness for subtitles! And what was the Rita Ora scene about? It seemed totally unnecessary and could have been cut.
Also, Leila hitting her dad – she loved him at first, then hated him with a passion and instantly loved and respected him again when he told her he would fight again. That felt strange. I’m sure her respect for him isn’t only in the boxing?

And the pacing of the movie was a bit odd. Billy went broke really, really quickly... how realistic is that when someone's that rich?

Overall: as I said, I loved it. I'll even say I liked it better than 'Nightcrawler' after I had first seen that. NC has grown on me since then, but I didn't instantly love that at once. Probably because of Lou's creepiness ;)

Kristie, I saw it in Eindhoven during a daytime screening (Saterday afternoon). It was about half full, I'd say. Not bad. Mostly couples. Most people seemd to like it.

P.S. Sorry if there are typos in this. I'm not wearing the right glasses at the moment ;)

ewwwwwwwwwwwww said...

so funny: Amy Schumer tells Stephen Colbert about the time she drunkenly ate frozen cake at Jake Gyllenhaal’s house

Not funny, just stupid and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

"Not funny, just stupid and disgusting."

It was adorable to me, who knows how much Amy exaggerated though including the video of eating the cake.

Anonymous said...

Jake is back in Toronto per Lainey hanging out with Peter and the rest of the cast from Peter's movie with Johnny Depp.

Canuck_Cutie said...

I have a friend who was at the hotel they were all hanging out at last night and spotted him. Her account lines up with Lainey's. I'm guessing he's back for Peter's premiere tonight? And possibly to do some Demoliton promo? He left town awfully quickly after the premiere.

Anonymous said...

Jake Gyllenhaal starred in the Toronto film fest’s opening movie, “Demolition,” but insiders say he’s sticking around town looking for films to develop.

“Monday is Jake Gyllenhaal day,” joked an insider who said the actor and production company Bold Films have invited movie execs to meet and pitch.

Last month Jake signed a deal with Bold to acquire and develop new material.

The meetings will culminate in a dinner with “directors, producers, distribution and studio execs,” a source said.

Canuck_Cutie said...

Ah now it makes total sense why he's back in Toronto!

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks anom at 11:41, Jake the big movie exec. Good for him but its hard to let him grow up, LOL.

Monica said...

Thank you, anon. I saw a sighting yesterday and thought it was a mistake.

Good to know that you liked The Martian, UV. I'm so excited to see this movie after the reviews.

Ridley was disappointing in the last years that I was cautious about this movie.

bobbyanna said...

It's rare that a film star will hang around any film festival after they do their news conference, press stuff, and their movie opens. But for some reason, Toronto seems to allow for some hanging out, maybe it's because it's so accessible. (NYC is only an hour away by plane.)

Reading Lainey, Tom Hardy is still around, and I think Cary Fukunaga is too. I wonder if there are additional screenings of Demolition, because there's a chance Jake may show up for an audience Q&A.

Last time I was at TIFF (for Prisoners& Enemy) we got tickets to see a Jude Law movie that was screening one afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised that Jude, his director and the rest of the cast showed up to discuss the movie with the audience. Floored actually. The movie wasn't that great, but talking to the filmmakers was. : )

I agree about Ridley Scott and The Martian, Monica. I was also worried, because Ridley's work has been not so good the past few years, but the movie and Matt Damon are getting raves. In fact I've read positive things about the whole cast.

One more thing. I saw Jake in the lobby of the Shangri la hotel when I was at TIFF for Prisoners. Only I was having a drink with a friend, and he was coming and going. Mara Bauxbaum arrived to get him and they left, and then he returned. I did manage to walk past him "on my way to the restroom." LOL!

Anonymous said...

LOL at Lainey, she’s oblivious. Jake isn’t back in Toronto for Peter, he has bigger and better plans to launch his new company with Bold Films.
At Demolition afterparty Jake was accompanied by Patrick Whitesell, his WME agent (guy in the blue jacket), proof of Jake’s plans to negotiate new contracts.

‘We noticed that Gyllenhaal’s first and last check-in at the party was with his agent, Patrick Whitesell. Scratch that. Superagent. Whitesell, it’s clear, has been instrumental in creating the recent Gyllensance of sorts.’

Canuck_Cutie said...

I loved The Martian. I thought the book was great and it was a very good adaptation. Matt really carries the movie. He's totally watchable on screen for most of the movie.

I'm seeing Spotlight tomorrow and I'm really excited for it. Lots of awards buzz around it.

Anonymous said...

That's good to hear about Matt. I hope Spotlight does really well too.

Chica said...

I luv the dancing Jake gif UV!! So much news on Demolition that I almost forgot that Everest is coming out next week!

Glad to hear about the good buzz on Martian, I love space movies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Everest is coming out in three days. Some theaters are
showing it on Thursday night. It seems like it snuck up on us.

Anonymous said...

Everest I believe is being released in Imax only for this week and next the bigger release.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you've seen this. It is Off Camera with Jake to be aired on Monday:

Just to note there is autoplay again in previous post, where Baltazar is talking from the second half of interview with Jake.


Piruleta said...

Some funny tweets:

All Stephen Colbert did was say Jake Gyllenhaal's name and I started giggling like a little girl.

Jake Gyllenhaal makes me feel like a envious 20 year old man and a sexually attracted 17 year old girl all at the same time.

Not only has Jake Gyllenhaal never had to once worry about going bald, he also has a phenomenal beard. That is an elite combo.

my mom just skyped me from the other room to tell me jake gyllenhaal was on the late show

Jake Gyllenhaal is so adorable, I'm very happy Mason convinced me to watch Stephen Colbert tonight.

I'm getting a genuine humble vibe from Jake Gyllenhaal on Colbert.

Jake Gyllenhaal seems like such an awesome person to hangout with. Why am I not him

Jake Gyllenhaal on The Late Show with Colbert was the best part of my day. That was great!!! @colbertlateshow #LSSC

Jake Gyllenhaal not only a great actor but also brings it as a talk show guest. #LateShow #LSSC

I think Jake Gyllenhaal just kinda sorta stole my heart. Thanks, @StephenAtHome.

And I guess BlueJean may like this picture ^^

Piruleta said...

Today Show video

bobbyanna said...

I'm going to try to get to an early showing of Everest tomorrow night in 3D. I intend to see it again in IMAX later next week. :) But I was very glad to see that it's at 73% on Rotten Tomatoes. This is a huge weekend with Sicario and Maze Runner:The Scorch Trials as well as Black Mass opening in many cities. Of course you have Mission Impossible and Straight Out of Compton still pulling in audiences, too. Fingers crossed Everest does really well.

UV are you still festivalling? : )

Piruleta said...

Here in Spain, apart from Maze Runner, Everest is the only big movie that will be released this weekend, so I hope it does well. There's been some screenings over the week, and I've seen a few comments complaining that Jake's talent is totally wasted in the film. Either way, I'm seeing it on Sunday :)

Have fun Bobbyanna and all of you seeing it!

Anonymous said...

This is what Deadline Hollywood is predicting for Everest:

"Since Everest will be in a moderate release on 546 localtions, we will be watching the per-screen average to gauge how well it’s doing. It opens on Thursday morning and if it does $6M-$7M on 360-plus Imax screens and other PLF screens, it will be great as they could then push into the mid-teens. Maze Runner will also enjoy the PLF screens, but the thinking is that the YA title may burn out a bit more quickly than Everest, which skews older and could have a nice multiple and good word-of-mouth, particularly on those Imax and PLF screens where it seems most at home."

BlueJean said...

"And I guess BlueJean may like this picture ^^"


They must work together again. They simply MUST! And soon!

Thanks, Piruleta! x

Monica said...

I was wrong, Everest will open on next Thursday in Brazil.

Anonymous said...

"They must work together again. They simply MUST! And soon!"

Yet Denis Villeneuve picked Ryan Gosling for Blade Runner and possibly Emily Blunt, his "new Jake Gyllenhaal."

"She’s also keen to land a role in Villeneuve’s upcoming Blade Runner sequel, exclaiming, “He fucking better!” when I ask her about appearing in the film, before giggling. “I said to Denis, ‘Let me be your Jake Gyllenhaal.’”

Why not chose the real Jake Gyllenhaal? They MUST! And soon! may not be what Villeneuve has in mind now that he fancies himself the king of the world. He works w/ Gosling now and Blunt, Disney's upcoming Mary Poppins. Opportunism rules in HW. Vallee used to be the canadian king of the world, not so much today. The same will happen to Villeneuve someday, it happens to everybody in HW. Then he will remember to call Jake.

Ann said...

Yet Denis Villeneuve picked Ryan Gosling for Blade Runner and possibly Emily Blunt, his "new Jake Gyllenhaal."

Maybe Ryan is better for the Blade Runner role. Maybe Jake wasn't interested. We don't know the full story. I also hope Denis and Jake work together again. I'd love for it to be soon but I think they're both looking to work with other actors/directors before that happens.

Darcy said...

Gosling will NEVER be a better actor than Jake in any role. Not in this reality. What Gosling has is better PR, buzz and connections and the same allmighty agency as Denis V. who is currently on a power trip. Hollywood does this to people.

bobbyanna said...

Ann, I agree. It's very possible Jake wasn't interested in Bladerunner. It's also possible he had a scheduling cnflict or whatever. You're right. We don't know the full story.

I See no evidence of Denis Villeneuve being on "a power trip." He has the opportunity to work with a lot of actors on a lot of different projects just like Jake has. Why shouldn't they both explore their creativity in a larger world. It might sound silly to some people, but I would love to see Jake & Duncan Jones work together again. In fact, if I were picking a director for the remake of Bladerunner (and why do they even have to remake a classic!) I would pick Duncan over Denis. It seems like something he would love.

Then there's Dan Gilroy. Brilliant writer, excellent job directing Nightcrawler. Jake and Dan worked so well together. Really, really excellent work. They definitely need to do more together. I'd also love to see Jake & cary Fukunaga work together. Absolutely.

Anonymous said...

"In fact, if I were picking a director for the remake of Bladerunner (and why do they even have to remake a classic!) I would pick Duncan over Denis. It seems like something he would love. "

This I agree and Gosling was already the pick of the studios a gazillion years ago when the movie was with another director. I thought about Jake in the new Mary Poppins film but I much rather see Jake doing a Broadway musical.

Has anyone noticed that Jake does not go the way of other HW actors, he's more like Matt Damon and does his own thing his way. Jake know has more control of at least some of the material coming his way with the new first look deal. I like Denis V but I too think Duncan would have been better for the director. I would have picked someone older than Jake or Gosling though.

Jake is not the actor that everyone can tell what's his next move, it just keeps on surprising. Just maybe Jake does not want to work with Denis, all due respect all the characters that Jake played in both movies would have been just a wonderful with Duncan or Dan Gilroy because they do let Jake do his own thing. Its Jake that made those characters not so much Denis V.

BlueJean said...

Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by 'Source Code' then? I mean, I like it - but it's not in my Jake top 5 to be honest.

And Denis V - it must be my neverending love for 'Enemy', guys. I'm sorry ;)

Ann said...

BlueJean I agree with you on Source Code, Denis and Enemy :)

BlueJean said...

Thanks, Ann! :)

bobbyanna said...

I understand how you feel, Blue jean/Ann. There are movies I wish I loved, like Moonlight Mile. But I'm just not that crazy about it, even though I love everyone in it. I really think Rendition is an overlooked gem, and while I like Brothers, I sometimes forget he was even in it. It was well cast and everyone did a fantastic job.Jake was particularly good as the black sheep in the family, rough at the edges.

And yes, I love Source Code. I wasn't "blown away" by it, but I thought the acting really was superb. it was well cast and the actors were all very strong. I especially loved the scenes of Jake in the pod as Coulter Stevens. He was so vulnerable it literally brought tears to my eyes. Just to be clear, I like Denis too. I really do, and I'd love to see him work with Jake again.

Piruleta said...

Jake has said that he and Denis have talked about working together, just that they want to choose the right project. So, maybe none of these projects are right for them :)

Anonymous said...

I think he did the best job in Prisoners though, but not sure if it was because of director, many things came from his head as tattoo and the ring, letting him look like he is hiding something. The same NC. Originally he was supposed to have shaved hairs and Lou wasn't supposed to be so skinny, so it says me it's usually Jake who adds any additional mysterious value to his character, he has great imagination how to portray any character in the best way showing that x factor, which can't be written on paper. But every director did a great job with the movie. That's why he needs director, who is good filmmaker, but gives him a space to create character in certain way, not just strictly follow the script. Disaster is, when actor's work is lost in bad movie, where director gives him that space, be he alone is so average that instead of support he drowns the actor.

I wasn't blown away by Proof. I didn't believe him "math skills" at all, for me it was his worst performance at all. I don't count AL, I don't even call it a movie. SV

Anonymous said...

How is Blunt the new Jake? She only made one movie with him. Amy Adams is the female lead in his next movie. He may work with her again in Blade Runner.

Anonymous said...

How is Blunt the new Jake?
From the horse's mouth. Emily Blunt: I said to Denis, 'Let me be your Jake Gyllenhaal'.

Maybe Ryan is better for the Blade Runner role
Who'd be better playing a detective from a future dark world? Think Loki. Who'd be better as a dark android? Think Lou Bloom.

Maybe Jake wasn't interested
Not interested in a dark SF directed by Villeneuve and shot by Roger Deakins?

I would have picked someone older than Jake or Gosling though
Harrison Ford fits the older part. New story takes place 30 years after.

Agree that Duncan Jones would be a better choice to direct BR 2. Denis V landed the job because of his first look deal with Alcon, who owns the rights for the sequel.

Agree that Duncan working with Jake for a SF movie would be perfect.

Agree that Duncan is the first director who gave Jake creative freedom and in return Source Code featured Jake's best performance at that time. Ever since, Jake continues to surpass himself culminating with NC and SP.

Anonymous said...

"Agree that Duncan is the first director who gave Jake creative freedom"

Wasn't Duncan Jake's choice for director when the original director dropped out?

Again Gosling was already attached to the film way before Denis V. Playing another detective futuristic or not in another film would be kind of redundant. I would love for Jake to get the lead role in the new Shining. He can do things with those eyes of his that would scare Jack Nicholson.

Monica said...

I'm sad to see that we have a sequel to Blade Runner and a Akira trilogy. WTF Hollywood

Dennis and Jake are still friendly as we saw at the party for Demolition. He's a great director, who gave two great opportunities to Jake. In my opinion he is the best director with whom Jake worked in recent years.
I don't know why anyone would want to be in BR2 that will be compared to the original and that probably already has critics sharpening their knives against this sequel.

Anonymous said...

Emily Blunt is not the new Jake. She said she wants to be Denis's new Jake. But Denis picked Amy Adams over her for Story of Your Life. I heard Blunt is campaigning hard for the Mary Poppins role. She's singing on the talk shows, creating headlines. She's going out of her way to beat her frenemy Anne Hathaway for the role. Blunt is so thirsty.

I do think Denis will cast Adams as the female lead in Blade Runner.

No one can replace Jake. He has a new production company. He'll work with Denis soon.

Anonymous said...

BladeRunner is a big movie and I doubt Denis has full creative control particularly where the casting of the main stars is concerned. Marketability and precedent play a big role and although I'm not a big fan of Gosling he has the "cool" street cred that's probably necessary for a movie like this.

Also nobody knows what role Gosling is playing yet maybe there's a lot of poe-faced mumbling in which case Gosling will be perfect.

Piruleta said...

I'm sad to see that we have a sequel to Blade Runner and a Akira trilogy. WTF Hollywood

There will be a reboot for charlie's angels too…

I like Emily Blunt and I don't see anything wrong on wanting roles and fighting for them. A lot of actors do that, Jake included.

Some of you have said that Jake needs a director who lets him some freedom, do you really thing a project like BR will let any of the people involve have any creative freedom? No, it has an established universe and the fans will be very critic with whatever they do. At first I also was like "Gosling, really?" but now I don't care. And btw, I like Gosling and is not his fault the producers wanted him.

As I said many times, I would like to see Denis and Jake work in something original that lets them play around like they did for Enemy.

But again, there are so many good directors that Jake could work with… By now, I'm really looking forward to see what comes from Tom Ford.

Anonymous said...

Whoops... I meant po-faced.

Anonymous said...

Is Warner Brothers attached to Blade Runner sequel?

Piruleta said...

Lol Why You Should Start Growing Your Winter Beard Right Now

Anonymous said...

Denis has influence over casting. He picked Adams and Blunt in his movies. Adams's movie won the highest bidding war in Cannes.

Denis said he wants to direct an arthouse movie after Blade Runner. Maybe he can reunite with Jake.

Anonymous said...

I actually think Dan Gilroy might have got the best performance out of Jake and I would love to see them work together again. Here's an interesting article -

Piruleta - the GQ article is hilarious! Thanks for sharing, I wonder is there someway you can post the actual link for the Today show - I can't get the one you posted to work. Thanks!

It's also just occurred to me that after the flurry of Jake activity things are going to quieten down now after Everest's premiere today. ��


Anonymous said...

I'm not saying he doesn't have an influence over casting just that I doubt he has final say. There's a lot of money going into Blade Runner do you think they'd hand over complete control to him? He may have only been able to choose from a certain pool of actors. Having said that... Gosling has already done a few film noir-ish movies so I can see why he'd be the easy choice for a director and studio. It's very easy to picture him in Blade Runner.

lol said...

Denis has influence over casting.

So what?
You have no idea if he or producers picked Adams or Blunt.

Anonymous said...

"Gosling he has the "cool" street cred that's probably necessary for a movie like this. "


Anonymous said...

WB is distributing Blade Runner 2.

As for female lead I'm pretty sure it won't be Amy but I can see Emily being cast.

Anonymous said...

Then again Amy does play Lois Lane for them and if it's a studio/producers say more than the directors they might as DV to cast Amy.

Darcy said...

Actually no. It's absurd to picture blond pretty boy with blank expression Ryan Gosling in noir stylized BR. What feels normal is picturing chameleonic, intense, dark Jake Gyllenhaal in Blade Runner.
As far as marketability goes BR sells itself by iconic status of its universe and the presence of Harrison Ford. As for bankability, pffft Gosling never healined a big hit. He opens movies much like Jake, moderately.
There is no legitimate reason to hire Gosling but one reason to hire Jake: he fits the BR universe.
Opportunistic Villeneuve lied through his teeth in 2013 when he claimed he would do all his films with Jake. When V was a nobody for Hollywood Jake was his perfect actor, when he's handed high profile movies V develops amnesia. It would be insulting for Jake to do another indie with V: he's good for small movies but not for Villeneuve's big projects?

bobbyanna said...

Darcy, we don't know anything about how this all came about. For all we know maybe Jake didn't want to do it, or maybe Jake's schedule and his other commitments wouldn't allow for it. There's just too much we have no idea about, to come to the conclusion you seem to have reached about Denis. I have to disagree. Denus would never have hung out with Jake @TIFF if there were any problems between them.For all we know maybe Jake suggested Ryan G. They are friendly.

The other thing I'd like to comment on, is that from all the stuff I've read about the filmmaking process, the Director usually picks his own cast. Of course it depends on how the project evolves. Sometimes an actor, a writer, or a producer will already have some pieces in place and shop around for a director. But Directors are in charge.

Directors might consider casting "suggestions," and it can all get very "political" especially if it's a big studio backed project, but they have final say. If a director feels like a studio or the Producers or Financing people will exert too much pressure and interfere, the director will walk away. It happens all the time.

Actors, like Jake for example, have certain things they look for and need when they consider joining a project. So do directors. Example: Reese Witherspoon Produced Gone Girl. She hired David Fincher to direct. He decided not to cast Reese as Amy, and he asked her if that would be a problem. She said no, thank goodness, because I have no doubt, David Fincher would have probably not wanted to do a project where his artisitic vision and his authority was compromised. Those things are decided before anyone signs on to a project. That's part of thhose "early discussions" we often read about.

Producers mostly facilitate, and bring disparate pieces together like financing, distribution, and trying to find whatever a director might need to get his movie made. They traditionally run interference for the director when necessary.

Anonymous said...

Did you or Jake himself believe that V really meant he want's to work with him all the time? Hey even married couples need time away from the other half once in a while. They shouldn't be joined at the hip.

BlueJean said...

"Who'd be better playing a detective from a future dark world? Think Loki. Who'd be better as a dark android? Think Lou Bloom."

Excellent point. I'm enjoying this conversation.

Both Denis and Jake have said they were "deeply inspired" by each other while working on 'Enemy'. I thought that was such a wonderful thing. And yes, as Darcy said, I also seem to remember Denis said he would like to do all of his films with Jake.
I must say I was disappointed that Ryan Gosling was cast for BR instead of Jake.

But who knows what the furure will bring? I can see Denis and Jake doing another indie together. Why not? I don't think either of them feels they're "too good" for a low budget movie.

I can also see Jake and Dan Gilroy working together again. Who would've expected 'Nightcrawler' to be as successful as it was?

Anonymous said...

"I must say I was disappointed that Ryan Gosling was cast for BR instead of Jake"

Gosling as much as I dislike his over hype, was always attached to Blade Runner way before Denis V, so I don't think Jake or any other actor was a choice unless Gosling walked away. As for Denis V, he sure has Roger Deakins wrapped around his finger.

Darcy said...

What you are suggesting would be absurd, anon 11:14. But V made 2 movies the past 3 years with other actors. Jake made 4 movies with other directors. V's next movie BR fits Jake perfectly, the universe, the atmosphere. Surely you wouldn't think making one more movie together in 2016, 4 years after Prisoners, means being joined at the hip?
Nobody took V's words at litteram but claiming you'd do "all your movies" and then not working together in the next 3-4 years means V is full of... something. It means he used Jake's talent to get a foot in Hollywood's door and now he doesn't need him anymore. There are many words to describe this kind of person, none of them nice. By the way, Scorsese working constantly with DiCaprio means they're joined at the hip?

Anonymous said...

Bobbyanna you made a very good point with Fincher. He is the director with his vision and anyone who wants to work with him must fill his condition. Witherspoon had no other choice, if she wanted him. But sometimes the process is opposite when studio picks the actor first, then director, director may pick the rest of cast, but first star is political.

@Darcy, what you say about DV crossed my mind, too at one point. Jake open HW door for DV . Enemy was just experimental movie from any POV, Prisoners was already Fincher-like movie and I was thinking what will be the next, if DV will use his credit and get some block buster occasion, will be Jake his first choice?. I am not sure about it, too. Because surprisingly Loki was one of the most interesting and talked thing in Prisoners, so it was also big part of the success. But then, when you realize Jake's schedule, where is the space where he could work with him without cancelling any other project? I thought about Sicario, but then Jake would have to miss Everest or SP probably. I don't mind BR, but Sicario was my first choice, where I could see him. SV

Piruleta said...

Darcy come on! Denis has no obligation to work with Jake in every single movie. Again, Jake said they have talked about working together, but they want to choose the right project. Don't understand all the sudden hate for the guy. He is free to work with whoever he wants, as is Jake.

Jake is not doing Blade Runner, move on!

And now that some of you have mentioned it, I would love to see Jake working with Dan again.

BlueJean said...

"It means he used Jake's talent to get a foot in Hollywood's door and now he doesn't need him anymore."

That's harsh. Like Bobbyanna said, we don't know what's going on.

BlueJean said...

"Don't understand all the sudden hate for the guy."

Me neither :( He gave us 'Enemy' and 'Prisoners', two (or three) of Jake's finest performances in recent years.

Darcy said...

"Jake is not doing Blade Runner, move on!"

I'm stating my opinions politely and like everybody else here with a username, I have the right to express them. I know Jake isn't making BR but it isn't my point. Everybody here talks about things related to Jake. So no, I'm not moving on!

Bobbyanna, I have a lot of respect for your opinions but I see things differently. As I see it, V wasn't at Demolition party for Jake. Yes, they greeted each other, they are civil, polite, friendly, not friends. Big difference. The lack of any kind of connection in Cannes, even at the Deakins tribute, speaks volumes. We saw pictures of Jake and Emily, Jake and Benicio, Jake talking to Deakins at his award ceremony, none with Jake and Denis.
Denis went to Demolition party for his Montreal friend, Jean Marc Vallee. They spent the next days going to industry parties together. Another reason for Denis was Black Label Media, the producer of both Demolition and Sicario.
With Jake being the focal point of the party, all media eyes on him, of course they took pictures together. But facts are facts: 3 years after the proclaimed "I love him deeply, he inspires me" and several movies made with others, V still doesn't have at least a project planned with Jake.

UltraViolet said...

First off, thanks to everyone for keeping things going while I was away. Lots of great conversations. And Piruleta, I saw some of those funny tweets you posted and wanted to gather them. So thanks for doing that. I'll try to do more of a TIFF/Demolition summary and answer any questions if people have them. I know Monica was interested in the scenes with the son.

Welcome, Darcy, if I haven't welcomed you previously. And even if I have :)

I am also disappointed that Gosling was cast in Bladerunner, whether he was attached before or not. I have no idea how much power DV was given on the movie or if Jake even wanted to do it. But it's another example of a prestige project for which Jake (seemingly) was not chosen.

You can certainly state your opinion and you don't have to move on. But you can't state with certainty whether Jake and Denis are still friends or why they weren't seen together in Cannes. Jake still speaks very warmly about Denis, and I hope they are still friends. And that they will do more movies together.

Southpaw up to almost $85 million at the box office. I wish it could have gotten to $100 million. Maybe it can get to $90m.

This is a funny photo, even though it looks photoshopped. But I think it's real.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it some photo-shop of Sean Penn once there are some gossips about Jake dating Theron? Or is that guy sitting on the floor just look like Sean Penn :-))))? SV

Anonymous said...

Nocturnal Animals casting news. She's playing the daughter of Jake and Amy.

Anonymous said...

Adams won't be in Blade Runner. I heard she is playing Mary Poppins. Blunt has Captain Marvel. WB will find a newcomer or an actress like Rebecca Ferguson in Blade Runner. Enough discussion on these two.

Let's get back on the topic of Jake. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

I just got home from watching Everest at the BFI Imax in London...and I loved it! Jake's role is memorable, but not very big as previously mentioned. Beautifully filmed and had a really good pace.

I loved that the cinema was packed, and when I left there were queues for the next viewing (Everest is the only film showing at the Waterloo Imax).

Only complaint is the vertigo I felt watching it in 3D!!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't filming begin in Nov for Nocturnal Animals?

Anonymous said...

October for Nocturnal.

bobbyanna said...

Hi Sal! I saw Everest @ early evening show, and just walked in the door. The 3D certainly puts you RIGHT THERE!! LOL! I thought the movie was very well done, although I wish Baltasar had done more with Jake's character. The lead character was Jason Clarke's Rob Hall and he handled his role beautifully. I thought Kiera Knightly was fine as Hall's wife. (she made me cry.) and Emily Watson and Robin Wright were good. Robin played the stoic, tough on the outside wife to Josh Broin's Beck Weathers. Elizabeth Debicki didn't have enough to do as the base camp physician, they could've ramped up her presentation on the effects of altitude sickness a little more.

Scott had a family and for some reason they chose not to acknowledge that. As I read about Scott Fischer, he was a free spirit, yes, but he was an avid climber, and very experienced climber for years, so I think the way he was portrayed in Everest missed the mark in some ways.

I don't mind Jake not being the lead character, but I wish they had given his character a more well rounded portrayal.

My last word on Bladrunner2 It reminds me of when they remade Tron with a cameo by Jeff Bridges and Garrett Hedlund played the lead. (yawn.) IMO BR's a classic and remaking it makes no sense to me, so I don't care about the outcome as much as some of you may.

Darcy said...

Thank you, UV. You're right, we don't know the full story. My opinions are based on what I've seen and read the past years, the subtext. We'll never know for sure, unless someday they will do another movie together.

I'm happy with SP numbers, though I wish for more. Do think Jake could be the twist of the awards season with SP, oh how I wish!

Glad to hear about Everest, Sal. The US IMAX limited release is unusual, unprecedented but hopefully will work and next week's wide release will crush the competition. It does take the oompf out of the opening though.

Here's a review that praises Jake's performance and also reveals details that the movie doesn't even touch.

"Jake Gyllenhaal is particularly excellent as a complex US tour organiser, Scott Fischer. Fischer is the climbing equivalent of a surfer dude, in love with his own freaky brand of furriness (he combines his long beard with a man-bun) and aggressively chillaxed. Yet, as becomes clear from his encounters with a fellow guide - down-to-earth Kiwi, Rob Hall - he's no slouch when it comes to business, either."

FP said...

I am sadly agree with Darcy about DV

Darcy said...

"Scott had a family and for some reason they chose not to acknowledge that."

I was afraid of this, Bobbyanna. I read 3 interviews the last few months with Scott's daughte. The subtext and sometimes the text revealed her lack of desire to see the film for fear of how the producers will present her father. I think, talking to Jake, she and her brother understood how the studio was planning to portray Scott, as a character on the side versus the "leading hero" Rob Hall. Mountain Madness approached Universal but they were turned down.
We aren't thrilled that Jake has a limited part, but think about Scott's family. For them it must be tough and painful. I'm sorry for this.

Anonymous said...

"My last word on Bladrunner2 It reminds me of when they remade Tron with a cameo by Jeff Bridges and Garrett Hedlund played the lead. (yawn.)"

OMG you read my mind, and it does no good to think about should have beens. As for Denis V, he's a little caught up in the HW scene. He has a first look deal that he's taking advantage as I hope Jake will take advantage of his first look deal. Can't blame Denis as Jake will be doing the same thing.

UltraViolet said...

Will see Everest tomorrow. Thanks for the report, Bobbyanna!

Please continue the discussions in the new post.