Everest premieres this week across the globe, starting on IMAX screens in the U.S. before opening wider next weekend. Vanity Fair published a series of behind-the-scenes photos. They were taken by Greg Williams, who shot those beautiful black-and-white photos in Venice earlier this month.

From Venice.

Some Demolition from TO:
Introduction of the film at Roy Thomson Hall on premiere night:

Bobbyanna mentioned that Scott Fischer's family is ignored in the movie, which is a shame. But his daughter is happy Jake took the time to meet with them:
Scott Fischer's daughter is ambivalent about seeing 'Everest'. She was five years old in 1996 when she lost her father to the mountain. Seven others died with him in one of the most disastrous climbs in history.
Katie-Rose Fischer Price says those last days, depicted by actor Jake Gyllenhaal, aren't the whole story of her dad.
And she does care about how he's portrayed.
"We weren't contacted by Universal at all, but my brother and I actually reached out to Jake Gyllenhaal and he was kind enough to sit down and talk to us about who our dad was," she said.
She says she respects Gyllenhaal for doing that.
"It was interesting because he mentioned multiple times how inspired he felt to play this character, and that was a really special thing to hear because the last thing I would want is for the actor playing him to not respect him."
Everest cast on what body part they would sacrifice to frostbite.
Video of Cantor Fitzgerald Charity Day. You can see Jake on the phones at the beginning. I saw somewhere that he raised money for the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, where he is on the board.
Here's a bit more teaser from "Off Camera with Sam Jones", was it already aired? They say it returns to Direct TV on September 21.
And here Guardian average review again, I feel they ridicule the movie a bit:
That Jake, doing push ups in the snow. LOL
I thought the Everest trailers were terrible and after reading a couple reviews, the Guardian included, I decided I wasn't going to pay to watch the movie. However on Friday when I went to the cinema Everest was the only viable option and I ended up watching it. I'm glad I went.
I've read Krakauer's book and generally think climbing movies are a horrible idea (imo mountain climbing as a subject is better served by a documentary). While it's not a prefect movie by any means it's a solid, straightforward retelling of the events and even though I'm very familiar with the story I found it to be quite gripping while I watched it. I read a review that suggested the movie would have been better served following one story and that might be true but what was useful about having the entire incident reenacted was seeing the series of decisions that lead to the fateful outcome... and also I didn't feel the movie glamourised Everest.
I usually hate it when movies cast well known actors in small parts but for this movie it was helpful and overall I didn't have a problem tracking who was who and who/what was where. I thought Emily Watson and Jake G were the best and Keira Knightley + Robin Wright were really good with what they were given and the amount of screen time they had. Sam Worthington (who usually grates me) wasn't bad in the scenes he had. For what Jason Clarke had to do I thought he could have been better.
So yeah I thought that Guardian review was tremendously unfair. Everest isn't a 2 star or a 5 star movie, it's a solid 3 and half star movie you won't regret having paid money to see.
They shouldn't just focus on Jake for 'Everest' reviews / promotion / interviews. I mean - we obviously do, but it seems everyone else is doing it too. His name is in practically all of those links. People who don't know better will be disappointed that Jake's role isn't bigger, I suppose. Plus it's not fair to the other actors. I guess it's Jake's "star power", but still...
"I guess it's Jake's "star power", but still... "
Agree but its nice to read
Variety Verified account @Variety · 1h1 hour ago
Jake Gyllenhaal's 'Everest' climbs to $26.5 million at the international box office
And if the movie tanks, he could have read the other way with Jake's name.
And one last thing about Jake being front and center with promotion, I wonder if Universal will appreciate Jake in the future. Probably not.
"And if the movie tanks..."
Tou mean it could backfire for Jake and affect his career? I don't think that will happen. I hope it won't happen.
"affect his career?"
No just that his name would be maybe linked more than others because of the way his name is linked in promotional articles and interviews. For example the NBC Today group interview, it look as if the editing was geared more toward Jake. I think it was editing because I don't know if interview was live. The piece was Jake centric although the movie is not.
Thank you HoneyBadger for your comment! I have to wait another week to see the movie...
Well, thinking about all the material they had for the story... backstories of each character (with a particular note on Yasuko Namba, whose depiction in Beck Weathers' book is so strong), motivations, the account of the climbing and the way back, the storm, but also the account of the whole night where they tried to rescue them... it should have been a ten-hour-film, or a miniserie... and, maybe I'm the only one, but I still would have watched it!
Talking about Scott Fisher, I read some reviews on the movie where he is described as a guide "indulging in alcohol"; I hope it's a mistake in the synopsis and that he won't come out to be a naif, funny guy (also with a drinking problem) who happened to be on the highest mountain of the world, since he was first of all an excellent climber, then the manager of the expedition and, yes, also a free spirit...
I'm looking forward to your comments!
"Everest" is doing very well in limited release:
Deadline: In fifth is Universal/Working Title/Walden Media/Cross Creek’s Everest with a revised upward opening estimate of $7.7M. On 545 Imax and PLF locations, that translates to a per screen of $14,128. What a brassy way to build buzz for a film. Sony/TriStar’s The Walk is executing a similar roll out, exclusively in Imax on October 2 before going wide in its second weekend. Everest made $3.3M on Saturday, up 43% from Friday.
Great news about Everest, Hagen! $14,128 per screen is pretty awesome! I just wanted to say that after looking at the photos you posted of Jake and the others on set, that the special effects were flawless in the movie. Watching them trudging up the mountain in the snow and freezing winds, you really really felt it right along with them. LOL!
Sorry, I meant I was referring to you, UV, about posting photos from the set. : )
I saw the movie yesterday with a pretty good crowd. There was applause at the end. I have not read the books and haven't seen any documentaries, but I didn't have trouble following the story. I find it tense and compelling. Knowing what happened didn't lessen the impact.
I do wish Jake/Scott had more time. But there was a little more than I had anticipated. Not much but a little. And he has an earring! I don't know if we've seen that before. Did Pilot have one?
Tina, I don't think they are suggesting Fischer had an alcohol problem. They could be implying he'd have been in better shape if he hadn't been drinking at night. But there really isn't a lot of finger-pointing.
Definitely see t in IMAX if you can. The visuals are jaw-dropping. So glad to hear it did well. Fingers crossed for next week.
Southpaw had grossed €128,518 so far ($246,641) in The Netherlands if the numbers are correct. And it's not showing in every cinema. We don't have many anyway;p (compared to bigger countries obv) I've decided that I'm probably not going to see Everest in cinema, I'll only be watching it for Jake and there isn't a lot of him. It does seem like a good movie but there are some movies coming soon that I really want/have to see! Keep those reviews and opinions coming though it's great to read all the messages on here
I forgot to say tha the Today Show appearance wasn't live. It was taped. And they definitely focused on Jake.
Kristie, are those good numbers? I was happy to see that you enjoyed Southpaw! I can understand passing on Everest, but it really is a pretty good movie.
And Blue Jean, you saw it, too, finally. I can't remember if I commented on your review or not. I understand what you mean about liking it more than NC at first, though I loved both right away. But something about Southpaw is more rewatchable, IMO. Despite all the blood! Billy, though flawed, is fundamentally a good guy. Lou Bloom is harder to accept fully.
From Jessica Fox, a British actress:
Jake Gyllenhaal. Sigh.
just in general.
completely justified. I was recommending Nightcrawler to RC the other day and thought he'd followed it up.
nah there was a clip from donnie darko on TV and made me remember my undying love
And from Brenda Urban, who describes herself thusly: Culinary publicist, former Bravolebrity, pitbull advocate, decent cook, loyal friend
I just want to thank my dog Oscar for taking a big shit right in front of Jake Gyllenhaal as he walked into the dog park this morning.
UV, no clue, not much of a boxoffice watcher, I did just compared the numbers with movies that also opened om september 10th. Like Vacation had grossed double, but that is showing in more cinemas and a typical movie everybody goes to. Humor does good over here. Last weekend SP was still 12th in the top 20 movies.
I saw the movie yesterday too! My first Jake movie in a theatre, yay! lol
It was a good movie. I was pleasantly surprised by how accurate it was to the real events, and I also liked that they did not over-dramatize the crucial moments. I guess that's why some are saying the movie is too cold, but I liked how real it felt.
All the actors did a good job with the amount of time they had on screen, even if I would have liked to see more of some of them, included Jake/Scott and his expedition, but I understand that it was already quite difficult to throw all those names there and make sure the audience understands who is who.
I went with others who didn't know the real events and they liked it. We spent the way home talking a lot about it.I saw the movie yesterday too! My Jake movie in a theatre yay! lol
An earring??? Oh wow :)
"But something about Southpaw is more rewatchable, IMO. Despite all the blood! Billy, though flawed, is fundamentally a good guy. Lou Bloom is harder to accept fully."
That's exactly it. I saw glimpses of Jake (I think) in Billy, which I liked - especially in the Leila scenes. Jake has said his love for his nieces is in those scenes - how sweet is that?! :)
Yaaay, Piruleta! So glad for you!
And this: "I just want to thank my dog Oscar for taking a big shit right in front of Jake Gyllenhaal"...
Her dog is called Oscar - that's got to be a sign! A bad one! LOL!
Sorry to go back to the Denis Villenueve thing from a couple of day's ago but Denis is doing a Reddit AMA.
Asked if he would he like to work with Jake again:
Jake is very inspiring. Always looking for a new way to express emotions. He is one of my favourite actors working today and I would absolutely love to work with him again.
:) :) :) Thanks, Anon!
Top 3 (Pathé Cinemas) in The Netherlands this weekend, according to Facebook):
1. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
2. Everest
3. Vacation
Reading the Denis V. Reddit right now, thanks to anon.
Couple of questions about Jake. I hope Denis answers all of those :)
LOL, someone asked Denis what does Jake smell like.
Thank you, BlueJean! Really enjoyed the film, they did cut Jake's shirtless scene, tho.
I'm reading the questions for Denis, a few about Jake, I'm liking all this Villenhaal love, lol!
"Talking about Scott Fisher, I read some reviews on the movie where he is described as a guide "indulging in alcohol"; I hope it's a mistake in the synopsis and that he won't come out to be a naif, funny guy (also with a drinking problem) who happened to be on the highest mountain of the world, since he was first of all an excellent climber, then the manager of the expedition and, yes, also a free spirit..."
^ I can see why some people would have found the character that way. I think it really depends on what style of movie you like because yeah it's not overly dramatic (which I like) and it doesn't pause to explore character motivations or conflicts in relationships so to a certain degree a lot is dependant on how much you read into it. I think your enjoyment of the movie is dependant on three things: low expectations, familiarity with the story and how much you're willing to make certain connections. The movie does drag in parts, they don't really set up the approaching storm well and the direction + cinematography could have been better but after the movie has ended the whole felt greater than the sum of it's parts if that makes sense.
Scott Fischer in the movie is a bit of an enigma, he does do a lot of drinking but a lot of it is obviously because he's in physical discomfort due to illness. They don't underline his illness so if you're not paying attention you could miss that and he would just seem like a drunk. There's a melancholy that comes across in Jake G's performance that I actually found quite compelling, I would say it's the thing that makes his character pop (for me anyway) and saves it from being simply drunk, chill, hippie, climber dude. The majority of the other characters come across more as talking heads... the type of acting and characters you usually see in a movie like this. There's really not much you see of Fischer but out of all the climbers I would say he's the one I wanted to see more of mostly because there are hints of greater depth or more of a story. When Fischer is climbing at high altitude it really feels like he's suffering' like he's outside... with Jason Clarke I could never quite buy into the idea that he was on a mountain, a lot of the time it felt like he was on a sound stage. A bunch of stuff was most likely cut out to streamline the movie so I'm not sure how the relationship was between Fischer and Hall was originally shaped or written.
Ultimately what makes this movie worthwhile (IMO) is that it manages to communicate the story without glamourising climbing Everest. I've watched so many Nat Geo docs on Everest and climbing in general and even when they're about the negative aspects of climbing (the impact on indigenous cultures, the pollution, the money etc.) there's always the sense that... fuck yeah climbing is difficult and come with harsh consequences but man it would be the most exciting thing to do. Even though the docs are usually a bunch of stoic talking heads recounting a story in a fairly undramatic way there's an inherent drama which makes everything feel bigger, more elemental and monumental but in the Everest movie it's the opposite. The less dramatic tone of the movie and the matter of fact way certain characters meet their demise highlights the series of small decisions that lead to inevitable disaster... the devil is in the detail not the in the big, dramatic choices that you make.
Scott Fischer was one of a kind. On base camp he used to wear an earring, hippie necklaces, tank-tops and flip-flops. It's nice that Jake incorporated most of them.
A shaved face like Scott's would've been perfect, but that's just me.
Knowing Jake's screentime is so unfairly limited I wasn't eager to see Everest, a first for me, but all your detailed accounts sparked my interest. Thank you.
The New Yorker agrees that the story needed more Jake:
"The mountaineers are a mixed bag [...] Any of them could merit a whole movie, as could Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal), a friendly rival of Rob’s, who is conducting his own clients toward the roof of the world [...] Other viewers, I suspect, will be crestfallen to get so little Gyllenhaal for their money, not only because he’s the brightest star in the cast but because his dudeish character — the Imperturbable Snowman, shaggy but chilled, first seen sunbathing at seventeen thousand feet — has so much more to give, and therefore so much to lose."
In my opinion, Denis V. gives the polite, standard answers. The "Hollywood speak" that Jake talked about in recent interviews. Americans have two sayings: "Talk is cheap" and "Put your money where your mouth is", meaning basically: if you say you want to do something, DO it, act on it, otherwise is just cheap talk. When a hot director wants to work with a well-known actor, they always find projects.
I will stand corrected when and if Denis will do a new movie with Jake.
Saw Everest over the weekend and it was breathtaking and amazing, a film made for IMAX!
Wish there was more Jake/Scott Fischer but that didn't take away from my enjoyment.
Good supporting cast and they were effective with the screen time the characters were given.
I understand what you're saying Darcy, but both Jake and Denis are busy with other projects and have stated that they do want to work together again but on the right project, not just any project. I believe that point has been made by others here before. I'm glad Jake isn't involved in Blade Runner, for a number of reasons.
I feel like people are pointing fingers at Denis but Jake is also working with other directors at this time and developing his production company. Again, we have no idea what goes on in these deals for films. We're told what the people involved want us to know so all we can do is speculate.
LOL I like this Piruleta :)
@ Darcy- Which movies since Prisoners/Enemy would they have had a chance to work on?
Sicario has a female lead so Jake would be a support act and Story of Your Life has a female lead so Jake would be a support act. Blade Runner 2 had Ford attached when he came on board. Gosling just been recently confirmed but Jake was super busy on three other project's.
There's no reason to target Denis and single him out,Darcy. That's very negative and it is not based on any factual evidence at all. We can't just assume things are bad between them for no reason at all. They both are busy with other projects. I don't think Jake is sitting around waiting on Denis. Jake has a say so in who he works with. Maybe he wanted to spread his wings and work with other directors. I don't see Jake turning down a chance to work with Tom Ford for example. Jake is not some passive person. He comes to play, too.
It is my opinion, based on observations, and I stand by it. Until a real project happens, I believe what both my analytical sense and intuition tell me.
Free thinking for all.
Now, on to news:
THR's 'Hollywood Masters' Series Sets Jane Fonda, Jake Gyllenhaal for Fourth Season
"Moderated by The Hollywood Reporter's executive features editor, Stephen Galloway, each interview in the series takes an in-depth look at the body of work of a major filmmaker or artist. The 90-minute interviews are held before a student audience at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and run exclusively on THR's website.
[...] Other guests this season, which kicks off Sept. 30, include Oscar-nominated actors Amy Adams (American Hustle, The Fighter) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain, Southpaw) [...]"
Looking forward to this interview, and the one from tonight.
Jake and Adams together? Are they promoting Nocturnal Animals already?
I think it's separate interviews. From what I gathered from the article it's a show similar to Inside the Actors Studio. Amy will have her own show.
They do seem to be separate interviews. Already taped, maybe?
Nice photo of Jake and the stylists who helped him look so dandy on the LA "Everest" red carpet. We can always tell when Jillian Dempsey does his hair.
We may have confirmation for "Stronger". From a worth reading story about Jeff Bauman speaking at the SE Missouri State University:
He wrote his best-selling book, the rights for which have been bought by Lions Gate Entertainment for adaptation into a Hollywood film. "I was like, 'Wow that's amazing,'" he said. "Jake Gyllenhaal is signed on to play me."
Someone page Jeff Sneider. He can figure it out. Anyway, forget the silly caped superheroes, Bauman is a real life hero.
I'm not dodging questions so... unless they were supposed to be rhetorical... here are my answers:
Sicario script had a male lead. Denis persuaded the producers to change it to a female lead.
Renner's part in SOYL reads supporting but he's in the majority of Amy's scenes and he matters. Plus, Jake doesn't discriminate between lead and supporting offers. Everybody knows how much Jake and Amy want to work together and how their first project ended tragically. SOYL could've been their second chance. Fortunately, the NA project surfaced at the right time so they will finally work together, thanks to Tom Ford, who brought changes to the story.
Still think that someday Ezekiel Moss will be made. By Guillermo del Toro maybe?
Reactions to The Off Camera interview
Stop what you're doing and start watching #OffCameraShow from now on. Awesome interview with Jake Gyllenhaal - can't wait for the next one!
Appreciated what #JakeGyllenhaal had to say on #OffCameraShow tonight. Learned quite a bit from him. Wasn't too bad to look at either! ;)
I hope that someday with whatever career I do that I can keep my head space clear the way #JakeGyllenhaal does. He's so smart and balanced.
OMG Jake Gyllenhaal quotes poetry. Is he taken? Loving his interview on #OffCamera
"I want people to love the story and enjoy it." -#JakeGyllenhaal LOVE HIM!
Stumbled upon #offcamera tonight and was not disappointed. #JakeGyllenhaal is a cool guy not going to lie.
Awww #JakeGyllenhaal loves his mom. I had no idea she was a screenwriter! Learning so much on #OffCameraShow!!
This #OffCamera was really interesting tonight. #JakeGyllenhaal = definitely one of the better actors. Who would have thought?
#JakeGyllenhaal is so humble! Loved him on #OffCamera!
I am thinking that Jake Gyllenhaal is one of the best actors of our day. His interview on #OffCameraShow tonight was SO good.
"I'm precious about the story. That's the one thing for me... That journey is the thing that is amazing." ahhhhh #JakeGyllenhaal is so good!
#JakeGyllenhaal talking about #NightCrawler was so interesting! #OffCamera came back with a great episode.
It's cool to hear about how Jake Gyllenhaal got to where he is in his career. #OffCamera is an awesome show!
#JakeGyllenhaal is an actor that I truly respect. From Donnie Darko to present, he's always been solid. Loving this #OffCamera episode!
Love listening to #JakeGyllenhaal. This #OffCamera interview is great!
I am loving this #OffCamera show. Jake Gyllenhaal is kind of a genius.
I think that tonight's #OffCamera is one of the better ones I have seen! #JakeGyllenhaal is so interesting
"I think there is part of it in me where I kind of recognize the absurdity of what I am doing." -#JakeGyllenhaal
I bet you #JakeGyllenhaal's dad was awesome. he sounds like a great guy. (Watching Off Camera)
YASSSSSSSSS #OffCamera is my JAM! And #JakeGyllenhaal??? PERFECT
I would kill for #JakeGyllenhaal 's career. His work ethis is outstanding though, not sure I could keep up with his schedule...
LOL! #JakeGyllenhaal's so funny! He's on Off Camera tonight! You watching?
With Jake's new production company, he can produce Moss and star in it with Adams. The script is on the blacklist. I heard it's good. Adams would work for free for this movie.
I'm not excited for the 'Stronger' project, sounds too oscary for my taste.
Re. Sicario: I think the lead character was always female, then the studio wanted to change it for a male and Villeneuve was against that.
As for Scott Fischer, he was also known for smoking pot. Not when he was working, tho. I read the review from a Spanish critic and he agrees the movie needed more Jake. He says that he (and his "craziness") was the best part of the cast. I agree that every time he appeared on screen was a breath of fresh air, with that funny attitude he had.
*****spoilers just in case*****
I would have liked to see more of his last moments. For what his sirdar (and the Taiwanese man who was actually with him up there) said he was suffering a lot, talking nonsense… There were a group of sherpas who were able to reach them but they decided to help the Taiwanese man because he looked on better state. Then Scott was left alone, and still alive, until Anatoli found him.
At that point the movie focused a bit too much on Rob (which I understand why) but I would have also liked to see more of the group of people that got lost in the middle of the storm. It was not that easy to find and help them.
I still enjoyed the movie and wouldn't mind to what it again.
I wouldn't mind to *watch* it again. #oops
Darcy, thanks for posting the tweets on 'Off Camera'. We don't agree on Jake & Denis, but that's fine ;)
The Off Camera show has to be taped - Jake has stubble, no beard, so it must have been shot earlier this year. Can't wait to see it (online).
"Villenhaal" is classic! Love it!
In defense of Denis V, maybe he is trying to establish his film credo without Jake in every movie and vice a versa for Jake who has proven he can do great work with any director. Denis hasn't quite established that yet in Hollywood, first look deal or not.
Yes I really hope that Jake with his new production deal can get Ezekiel Moss up and running again with Amy Adams. I was looking forward to that movie and the script (which was on the Blacklist) I read was good. Too bad it was cancelled with the untimely death of PSH.
Ezekiel Moss's IMDB site still has producers attached to it. Last update is April, 2015. The producers all seem to have good credits. I really hope Jake and Adams can make this movie happen. Should we start a petition? ;)
Everest in Argentina
(Del 17 de Septiembre de 2015 al 22 de Septiembre de 2015)
DE LA SEMANA EVEREST 1 EVEREST 109.875 espectadores
Piruleta, I agree that Jake plays a memorable character in "Everest" who sticks out of the bunch. It's a pity that the film doesn't pay a bit more attention to his final scene. However it's very satisfying that the movie stays close to the actual events.
They movie focus less on Jake's character's death as well as Doug's, the one guide's and the Japanese lady's because they actually died in real life. No one knew exactly what and how happened and the details bar some estimates and speculation by other people. They could focus more on Rod Hall because they had the telephone evidence with the camp lady and his wife and of course Beck survived so they could tell more of his story.
We all would like to see more of our favorite actor but you have to admire the director who wants to stay true to his material instead of fictionalizing what might or might not happen. It's also the most respectful way for the dead people, their families and all the people involved imo.
I really should re-read 'Into Thin Air'! :)
Thank you, everyone, for your comments on Everest!!
Thanks, Anon 4:50; I didn't think about that!!
"Into the Thin Air" only tells the story from that journalist on Rod Hall's team perspective though, not the whole picture. I have read that the book came across a bit critical of Scott's team and especially that Russian guide on his team. That's why I think the director does the right thing to minimize Jake's part because he doesn't really have much real material on his person beyond some one-sided information from another team and he needs to show respect not to fictionalize. The movie really doesn't credit any book as the source and I have read an interview from the director who said they really didn't just base the story on a single book but several books and more extra material.
Totally agree, Hagen. As I said, I was pleasantly surprised by how they kept things as real as possible. That doesn't mean, Anon 4:50, I would not have liked that they spent a bit more time showing what was going on to the other people trapped in the storm.
We know more or less what happened to Scott Fischer, He was not alone and the testimonies of his Sirdar and the Taiwanese guide, who spent much of his time with him until he was rescued, are there. The same can be said for the group of people that got lost near the camp 4, except for Yasuko, all of them survived, so we know the hell they all lived during those hours.
I'll agree that I liked the fact they didn't speculate much about the deaths of Doug and Andy Harris.
But, imo, they should have given Scott Fischer a little bit more of screen time, and it has nothing to do with watching my favourite actor, is about character development. We don't see much of Yasuko, that's true, but they did care to put Scott Fischer out there, they even took their time to show him doing something as trivial as drinking in the middle of the night, but then at the crucial moments, this character simply disappears. That's my only complaint, other than that, I'm pretty satisfied by how they handled the story.
That's fine they respect the story and it is director's way how he wanted to handle the movie. What I think was odd, that they promoted the movie in the way Jake has some big part in it. People who don't know the story and went to watch it, might feel a bit deceived about their promotion. Not sure how many people from audience read Into Thin Air, but detached person could expect Jake in leading role. As of February Jake was in every Everest picture, they simply took an advantage from NC success, I don't blame them, but anyway. We cannot talk about leading role, ok, but we cannot talk about stronger supporting as well. SV
You have to understand that the production team and the marketing team are two totally different groups of people. One doesn't need to be responsible for the other. And Jake himself doesn't mind taking such a small role and help promoting a movie in which he has a very small role either!
I think the Russian guide was the last person to find Scott. But in "Into Thin Air", the Russian guide on Scott's team was printed as somewhat of a villain which might or might not be fair. Then the Russian has also died in the following year on another mountain so we couldn't get his side of story clearly. I think the director just doesn't want to create any controversy or any hero/villain scenario so he keeps Scott's side story short.
You can read Anatoli's version on The Climb, he published that book before his death. I've read both books, and there's a few more written by other survivors: Beck Weathers, Lene Gammelgaard… They had David Breashears and Guy Cotter working with them during the filming process. So, they had plenty of sources. And again, they did a good job putting the story on screen. My complain has nothing to do with how big Jake's role was, it's about the development of the character. When things start to happen to him it's like BAM he's gone.
I don't think I'm making my point clear lol! So I'm gonna leave it there.
"You have to understand that the production team and the marketing team are two totally different groups of people. One doesn't need to be responsible for the other. And Jake himself doesn't mind taking such a small role and help promoting a movie in which he has a very small role either!"
You have to understand, that I understand that. SV
I finished reading Tony & Susan. I liked the book and I have no idea what to expect from Tom Ford.
Actually, I'm still thinking about the book.
off-camera with Sam Jones
Thanks, Monica! That site looks a little dodgy. Did you watch the video?
Glad to hear you were intrigued by Tony and Susan. There was a production notice posted on Facebook the other day. Getting close to beginning of filming.
Someone also posted a nice description of Jake's visit to the Naval Base in San Diego in July.
And this is a photo of Scott Fischer's memorial on Everest.
We all knew Jake wouldn't be the star of the film. But they could have done more with his character. It's a shame. But the movie is doing well and seems to be getting a great response. Let's hope it keeps up this weekend.
The roof of a cinema in Madrid fell during the screening of Everest last night. The room was packed, there are 7 people injured :/
Scott Fischer's wife wrote this article about how people see his husband. She haven't seen the movie, but this is what she has to say about the trailer:
"The Universal Pictures movie Everest will be released in September of this year. It makes me incredibly anxious. I recently watched the trailer, which in the first 5 days after its release had received 1.3 million views. At second 00:45 into it we see a lazy, stoned-looking Scott Fischer stretched out in a lounge chair at Base Camp. As he hands what one would assume is booze in a cup to the character who plays Rob Hall, Bruce slurs gleefully, “Sit down, man. Acclimatize.” Ahem. Ok, so they are going to go with the laissez-faire totally unprofessional and disorganized boozer caricature of my husband. Well, at least I’m forewarned."
I feel bad for them and the fact none approached them to have a more personal impression of Scott Fischer. It's nice that Jake sat down with their kids, tho.
Can someone please tell Scott Fischer's wife that she doesn't own him?
Other people have met and spent time with Scott and don't need her opinion.
"off-camera with Sam Jones"
Monica, you're the best! Thanks so much! Watching it now, I'm halfway through.
Listen to what Jake says about Denis, guys! :))) (And Dan and Antoine).
Amazing interview! Lots of 'Southpaw' talk :)
@Monica- I too have rad the book. But I Tom Ford said that he's basically doing an entirely second part of the movie and only the first part will resemble the book. I think he's just taking the basic outline form the book.
'Off Camera' was a joy to watch - truly a JOY. You can tell how much the interviewer respects Jake - and therefor this was such an interesting conversation.
For anyone who doubting Jake and Denis's connection (sorry to bring it up again)... it's there. Whatever will happen in Jake's career, I'm sure he'll always have respect for Denis. What Jake said about the working atmosphere on 'Enemy' - it wasn't new, I've heard it before, but following our recent discussion... I'm glad I heard Jake's side of it once more.
Thanks again for posting the link, Monica.
That Off Camera interview was one of the best ones I've seen with Jake. Love what he said about Denis, Dan Gilroy and Antoine Fuqua. We know he'll be working with Antoine again. Hopefully he works with Dan and Denis again in the future.
I also found his comments about David Fincher interesting. I would love for Jake to work with him again too.
Didn't Jake say he understands Fincher better now that he's older? :D
Yes, BJ, he said he steals from hm and learns from him still. He was very candid about his early years, too in terms of what he thought he knew, etc. It was one of thebest interviews I've seen! Ditto about Denis, too.: )
Monica, thak you, SO MUCH. So glad you found it and posted it. I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to see more than a few clips. Seeing the whole interview was wonderful!
Another Black List script for Jake? I don't know if I can handle the Cumberfans.
Yikes. I know I always try to stay positive about Jake's projects but I hope he passes on that one.
Thanks, UV. Fans aside, it'll be interesting to see them work together. I guess. It doesn't sound very exciting does it,Ann. Reading the article, I was glad to see that Harvey took a meeting with Jake @ TIFF to pitch projects...can't help but wonder if there were any other projects Harvey pitched Jake... : ) I guess this is a good director to work with. I just love seeing Jake so busy!
I agree bobbyanna, it's nice to see Jake busy :)
I'm not a fan of period films so this doesn't sound very interesting to me but it could be something different for Jake which is always good. Jake seems to be doing a lot with Weinstein.
For the Off Camera interview... Do I have to subscribe to the site? I've been asked my phone number.. is that correct?
Agree with you Ann, this doesn't sound interesting and Cumberbatch *yawn*
Tina, I had problems with the site too, but if you have torrent you can try to download it that way :) The interview was really good and interesting. Loved what he said about Denis, Dan and Fuqua, and laughed out loud when the interviewer mentioned Enemy's spiders lol!
I very much doubt the new project rumor. That's no way Jake can have time to do them all between Animals, this, the project with Fuqua and the bombing one with Gordon Green. I guess the bombing one is the most likely he will drop out because that one is not from Weinstein and he seems to have a better relationship/patnership with Weinstein than other companies.
The Boston bombing project is the one I hope he does drop.
Tina, I had to install a certain video player - which I un-installed after watching. No further hassle. Video played fine.
"I'm not a fan of period films"
Me neither.
You can listen to it here I'm hoping Stephanie can somehow download the video and then upload it.
I'm not so opposed to the new film idea. TheBoston one sounds the diciest to me.
Oh, and you can view the entire episode here for $1.49.
I read some Everest reviews here, now it has 80%, but generally quite surprisingly for me, many of reviewers reprehend to movie makers the missing reason of all the tragedy, that they have ignored controversial story that it was Rob Hall's and his company partial fault in the sense he acted like he can get anybody to the top, failed in preparation and made series of incomprehensible mistakes, what led to the fatal ending. Also they find Krakauer - Yasuko - Fischer story mach more interesting and complained about pushing them to the periphery of movie.
Positive is visual, also the real manly drama not typical HW exaggerating, real emotions, that cinematography, story and emotions are more important than actor's ego. They mostly give 4 stars from 5. SV
Well, I couldn't make it to the video interview, but I listened to the audio version... so now I'm really looking forward to the video one.. :) thanks for your advices!
So good to hear how much he's really enjoying his work and how much he's open to be inspired by people, meetings, connections! He could be a guru himself!!
Current War sounds something like The Prestige. I was excited when I read Bennie and Jake in a movie together! Yeah, I love Benedict Cumberbatch! But disappointed that it's being produced by Weinstein.
I don't know if I can handle the Cumberfans.
I read at some places that they wished the cast was reversed. I guess they're looking for Jake to play Westinghose because he can grow an awesome beard!
Form AW: The script is actually a pretty good read. I remember reading it three years ago and telling my colleagues it's gonna be a great Oscar vehicle for whoever playing Westinghouse. Back then Timur Bekmambetov was interested in directing this...
I'm still not sure, but you are right UV, if he has to drop something, I hope it's the bombing film.
Thanks for that link to the off camera interview Monica; one of the best interview with Jake !
I will be seeing Everest today after work :)
The new rumored Jake project with Cumberbatch sounds like a snoozefest.
I take any information regarding the script with a grain of salt, especially from AW. If you read through the thread for the upcoming Bradley Cooper movie Burnt, that script was apparently fantastic and an oscar vehicle. From those who have seen that film already, it doesn't seem to live up to that and no one think it's getting anywhere near the Oscars. Coincidentally, Weinstein is behind that movie as well.
I wonder if The Man Who Made it Snow could get pushed for these other projects. I feel like we haven't heard anything about that. No casting rumors or anything. If it was going into production in Spring, wouldn't we have heard something by now?
While checking their website, I noticed 'Off Camera' also has a magazine (16 pages), which features Jake this month (?). I wonder if it's just about Jake - I suppose so.
Will be seeing 'Everest' tomorrow! :)
"He could be a guru himself!!"
Tina, that's exactly what I thought while watching the interview. He's so inspirational at times, so open to all kinds of influences... I think young actors / artists could really be inspired by his way of working, his ideas.
I'm surprised at the little screen time that Jake has in Everest. What a waste of talent, a role that could have been played by any actor. Only Jason's character feels developed.
It's good, great visual effects, cinematography, a bit of a mess, but worth seeing.
I finally got that interview to play without having to sign up for anything. I managed to download it and will try to upload it somewhere people can watch it.
It was so nice to watch such a long interview. Jake seems very comfortable these days. It's wonderful to see. There was a fair amount of Gyllenbabble, but it was an hour long!
Early Friday numbers for Everest are just okay. We'll see how it does for the weekend.
Some fun tweets:
Spoilers for anyone who plans to see Everest: Me and most of the women watching were like 'omg Jake Gyllenhaal died'
When you see Jake Gyllenhaal show up in a movie you know it's gonna be a depressing/stressful movie
Oscar-winning short film pitch: achingly slow camera zoom on Jake Gyllenhaal's eyes while "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence plays repeatedly
Maybe the DVD will be filled with deleted scenes of Scott Fischer. It seems like such a waste to put Jake through all the rigors of making the film for so little results.
I'm surprised at the little screen time that Jake has in Everest. What a waste of talent, a role that could have been played by any actor.
I'm afraid I have to agree with this. I just got back from seeing 'Everest' and while I'm glad I saw it (it has awesome cinematography and I usually love this type of films), I'm also a bit disappointed as well.
I even had to think of a recent interview quote about Jake, something the director of 'Everest' has said about him (I googled it): "The director describes Gyllenhaal as “a bit of an oddball”. He’d hired him to put a different energy in his cast, and Gyllenhaal brought that in spades." (Esquire).
Why hire someone who has such "a different energy" if you're hardly going to use it? I'm not saying Jake wasn't good in the role, it's just that he was as good as his limited screen time allowed him to be, which is such a shame.
And that goes for almost all actors in 'Everest'. It's clear that the director focused on the journey, the storm; rather than the people in the expedition. It's a good thing I happen to enjoy "mountain movies" (I've watched quite a few over the years), so I did enjoy watching it - but as a Jake fan I expected more.
Also, I hope Scott Fischer's family isn't disappointed.
I'm happy that Jake will star in a period picture set in the 19th century. This could be right up my alley.
Overall I enjoyed Jake's interview with "Off Camera". Though I don't think he should work with David Fincher again.
"Everest" holds up very well in its second weekend in Germany. As expected the film is doing better internationally than in the USA.
"I'm happy that Jake will star in a period picture set in the 19th century."
I thought I was the only one looking forward to this role. Say what you will about Cumberbatch he is a good actor.
Last night I saw Everest... Visually stunning, very impressive, I enjoyed it a lot.
Jake as Scott Fisher has something special: sparkles of joy and positive attitude mixed with the vulnerability and the pain of a man who maybe knows that something really bad is going on... and I found that very moving...
I would have liked a different focus on the story, though. They went for the "family theme" (which I understand it's very intense and very movie-like also in the reality) but, instead of that, still considering Hall as the main character, they could've gone deeper in other things, really striking in the books, such us the harsh cruelty of the mountain law and the no-choice, over-your-limit situations... For instance, you don't get from the movie how close to Camp Four Beck's group was: actually they were so close, just beyond a "little hill", 200mt away from the tents, but Beck and Yasuko were left alive during the storm (no one had the strength to go there and carry them to the camp) and then they were left alive near to death a second time, the day after (no one could've ever managed to carry them the way back to Base Camp and they decided to leave Camp Four as soon as possible..)... For what I've read, thinking of what happened, everyone who survived felt guilty then and had deep regrets for Yasuko's lonely death...
On the other side, the visual power of the scenes is so strong that you understand just in one footage what "being stuck at the South Summit" means and why no one could ever reach you... And I think the Watson-Debecki-Worthington trio at Base Camp did a very good job (especially Watson)...
I like period movies, not exactly 19th century, but competition between Edison and Westinghouse is interesting topic for me. If Cumberbatch is in too, it might be quite acting concert. But looking at both gentlemen, Westinghouse could be happy for being played by Jake :-).
I'm surprised at the little screen time that Jake has in Everest. What a waste of talent, a role that could have been played by any actor
Maybe, really, something happened in the editor room, they had to make different choices...
'... the harsh cruelty of the mountain law and the no-choice, over-your-limit situations..."
Yes, I agree with that. Many things on the mountain were left out in the open, I thought - and they could have done so much more with that. The film focused almost entirely on Rob Hall - he was the only one I felt sort of a connection with.
I can see why Jake wanted to do this movie as far as the experience of making it is concerned, but there's so little of him in the actual film... was it worth it? I really wonder what else was possibly shot (and cut) - and I'm not even talking about the naked / topless scene ;)
And thank you, Mr. Krakauer:
I guess Krakauer is just butthurt because none bothered to use him as a source.
Yeah, I haven't read all of the various accounts, but other people who have seem to think they did a good job incorporating all viewpoints. Krakauer's book has certainly been criticized for telling a skewed story, so it's kind of funny to hear him complain about the same thing.
And LOL at that Independent headline. Talk about click bait. We know Jake isn't the star of the movie, and his character isn't the focus of Krakauer's complaints.
Dylan Minnette played Hugh Jackman/Maria Bello's son in Prisoners:
One of his career highlights, meanwhile, was working with Jake Gyllenhaal on “Prisoners.”
“He is such a good actor and such a cool guy,” beams Minnette. “He is so laid back and he doesn’t bask in Hollywood life. If I were to continue on with acting as my main thing, I think I’d want to do it like he does. And I’d love to be like Jack Black.”
Jason Clarke is also anti-beard. For different reasons, of course:
Forget about the epic battle against the elements in Everest.
A big-time beard battle brewed on the set of the mountain action adventure now storming through theaters.
Jason Clarke tells USA TODAY that when he showed up on the mountain Everest set, he was surprised that everyone had shaggy beards — even if their real-life characters did not have them in the infamous 1996 storm depicted in the movie.
"When all these dudes walked up with beards, it was like, 'I'm not happy,' " says Clarke.
"There was a beard-off. At the beginning I wasn't happy about it," says Clarke, pointing to Jake Gyllenhaal especially as Scott Fischer. Fischer did not have a beard at the time depicted.
"Jake went full-on with his beard, didn't he?" says Clarke. "I was like, 'Dude what's with the beard?' Scott Fischer didn't have the beard."
Clarke's beard, which is 100% home-grown, was legit as expedition leader Rob Hall.
"Rob (Hall) was famous for having a beard at that time. High-altitude climbers don't have that," says Clarke.
But Gyllenhaal's beard was all about emotional authenticity. And director Baltasar Kormakur was cool with it.
"It helped Jake get a little away from himself in a way," says Kormakur. "I was just trying to make these characters real."
If it really were a contest, I guess Jake would win:
Hollywood celebrities are also getting their fair share of face time on the beard front, as evidenced by the growing facial-hair trend. When asked which famed beard shined brightest, 33% picked Hollywood heavy-hitter Jake Gyllenhaal, star of the new film “Everest.” Joe Manganiello, of “Magic Mike” and “True Blood” fame, snagged 23% of the vote, followed by rapper Drake (18%), and actors Johnny Depp (18%) and Brad Pitt (7%).
Everest is doing really well internationally, okay in North America:
Everest, loosely based on the real tale of two climbing expeditions left stranded high atop the world's largest mountain in 1996, is a bigger player overseas, where it took in another $33.8 million this weekend from 62 markets for a foreign tally of $73.7 million and global total of $96.8 million for Universal Pictures, Working Title, Cross Creek Pictures and Walden Media.
I agree with everyone that Jake's part was too short, and it's surprising that he did it. Would love to have seen someone ask him about it. But I saw the movie again yesterday and was really moved by it, again. To me, it's a great movie and I can see why Jake wanted to be a part of it.
Saw it on Friday and seeing it in IMAX was spectacular but hit enough of Jake , I was actually shocked how small his part was considering the source material.
I think if I saw it in 2D i wouldn't be too impressed. The story is compelling but well known for people who remembered the tragedy and read the book.
It looks like its doing ok in its second week here but dung better overseas.
"... I was actually shocked how small his part was considering the source material."
... and considering all the preparation that went into it. Jake even sat down with Scott Fischer's children to talk with them about their dad, saying how important it was for him to make sure he got it right. Those few little scenes... it wasn't even clear in the film that Scott had a family. Odd. Very odd.
"...it wasn't even clear in the film that Scott had a family. Odd. Very odd."
I agree, BJ. I also mentioned this in my post after I saw the movie. Very odd indeed. It was the main thing that struck me about Scott's character. They showed he was ill,mentioned it more than once, but the movie never made it clear why he was ill. They showed him drinking, but I wasn't sure whether his illness was related to a bad hangover or something else. I honestly have to admit, I found the characterization of him drinking, irresponsible.
I haven't read any of the books, but I did read about Scott, and he was a devoted family man, a light-hearted, charismatic guy, who loved climbing, had been doing it for years, even as a child. It was kind of a spiritual experience for him.
So I just couldn't reconcile the portrayal of him drinking so much with that description. Especially if it was the source of him feeling sick. He was responsible for other people's lives and I can't see him putting them at risk. If others have read different versions about him I'd like to know your opinion.
Maybe they felt that concentrating on Rob Hall and Beck Weathers'families was all they could deal with in this narrative. I have to believe as others here have suggested, that maybe it was edited to streamline the narrative, and hopefully we might see more in the DVD.
Yes, I've re-read all Everest comments on here after I had seen it, Bobbyanna, and I saw your post as well. It was you or UV who also said they felt for Scott's family (for him / Jake hardly being in it). I hope his children are aware it's the director who makes those choices for the character, not Jake.
Also found this online:
"The result is that even with a top to bottom cast full of recognizable names such as Jason Clarke, Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Keira Knightley, Emily Watson, and even more, no one really gets a chance to outshine the other besides Clarke who assumes the protagonist role as the key tour guide with a wife and unborn daughter to reach home safely. It’s really, really hard to waste Gyllenhaal (the man has just been phenomenally disappearing into roles lately) but Everest does so, making you wonder what attracted him to the script."
So it's not just us! :(
So I just couldn't reconcile the portrayal of him drinking so much with that description. Especially if it was the source of him feeling sick. He was responsible for other people's lives and I can't see him putting them at risk. If others have read different versions about him I'd like to know your opinion.
It was not the drinking. I don't remember if this is mentioned on Krakauer's book but it certainly does on Anatoli's. Scott guided another expedition (I don't remember where) before embarking on this trip to Everest, so he was already a little bit tired. Also the way he let his clients acclimatise on their own, giving them some freedom (this is mentioned in the movie) obliged him to make extra trips to the different camps if a client had a problem. He had an argument with Anatoli because of that. He also had a little "fight" with one of his clients, Lene Gammelgaard, who was obsessed with doing the summit without oxigen. In addition, one of his sherpas fell ill from pulmonary edema, he was evacuated but finally died (there's a brief scene where you can see a sherpa spitting blood in the movie, and scott/jake running after him). That was a let down for him too. All of this affected him physically and when he was descending from the summit, apparently he was suffering from cerebral edema and hypoxia, according to Lobsang, who was with him, he was saying crazy things like he wanted to jump to camp II or something like that.
The movie needed more of Scott Fischer, definitly.
Thank you, Piruleta. This really helps me understand his situation in a way the movie didn't.
Thanks BJ, for sharing the link and thie comment.
Yes, the omission of any mention of Scott's his family was perplexing.
I don't remember if this is mentioned on Krakauer's book
His disease is mentioned in the book. He had a liver disease, the same symptoms of malaria, but I think only one or two people knew. He managed to hide from others who were there.
Jake was happy to do Everest.
His choice.
Doesn't matter why.
Monica, I was referring to the trip he did before Everest, but you are right about the disease.
@EW: .@JamieLeeCurtis dishes on godson Jake Gyllenhaal and working with Arnold @Schwarzenegger: http://t.co/2HOubmugiG http://t.co/TIH0RXuqPI
the omission of any mention of Scott's his family was perplexing
Yes, I was doubtful too at the beginning... but now I think that Rob’s and Beck’s wives/families were shown because they had an active role on the events. They put the Rob-Jan phone calling as the heart of the story and from the movie you can see just a little of that, but Beck’s wife had actually a big part in getting his husband back home alive (which was another ‘miracle’ for him): with her political connections she managed to high-pressure the American Ambassy in Kathmandu, which persuades the Nepalese authorities to send an helicopter on Everest in a sort of suicide mission and rescue Beck.
Doug’s ex wife and children were mentioned during the talks about motivations (and that’s a reason).
Scott Fisher was up there because that was his job: almost everything about his expedition has been kept unfocused or untold in the movie; a mention from nowhere about his family could sound false, maybe also manipulative (a sort of “oh, they want me to know he had a family too, so…”)
Remember I said I wasn't going to see Everest? Well I did see it tonight, a girlfriend of mine really wanted to see it so I went with her. And I don't know what it is but the movie made an impact on me. I left the theater feeling kind of sad and it really made me think. I thought it was visually beautiful and I enjoyed the movie (I also bawled my eyes out of course). I actually want to read the book now, to get to know more. But I feel like, because it is from Jon's point of view, that it's not going to give me real info or a non-biased story. Is that the case or is the book a good read?
Kristie, glad you saw it!!
For me, "Into thin Air" is a very good book, entertaining, well written... it's totally worth it. Obviously, it's Krakauer's reconstruction on the events, especially for the final climb and descent from the summit... you should read also "The climb" by Anatoli Boukreev (and another journalist) and "Left for Dead" by Beck Weathers (there are also other books by other survivors). Everyone has his point of view and his own truth, so it's quite interesting to match them...
Love Jamie Lee Curtis telling people to check out the audio of Jake. I can't tell if she attended or not. Someone should let her know there's video, in case she wasn't there!
Kristie, glad you saw it. I had a very similar reaction. I found it very moving, and it stayed with me.
Scott Fischer seems like he could have had a move devoted to his life. Fascinating guy. But that's not what Everest is, sadly.
Tina, you make a good point about why the family wasn't mentioned. It might have felt shoehorned in. And the family doesn't seem to have wanted to participate. So not much to work with, I guess.
Until someone asks Jake directly why he took such a small part, we won't really know his reasoning.
Lots of news about Nepal officials potentially banning inexperienced climbers and imposing age limits.
Forget climbing Mt. Everest the only thing @everestmovie did was fueled my dream of climbing Jake Gyllenhaal.
I do hope there is more of Jake on the cutting room floor, more that we'll get to see on a DVD.
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