Found this Sky Movies Prince of Persia special online and figured it would be a good diversion while we wait for Jake to go to Berlin and/or sign up for a new movie.
Remember Moscow? This video lets us revisit the fun:
(Thanks to Monica who found the video a few weeks ago, I think.)
Daniela, I forgot to say yesterday that I'm sick of hearing about Ryan Gosling, too! I think people here are just reporting on his movies and many admire him. But this will never be a Ryan G fan site :)
I hope my fellow babblers aren't to upset with my inquiry about RG and that movie. I know the book's/movie's author is not the most affable person on the planet, but I felt comfortable enough to ask here, though I could have just as easily done an IMDB search.
Sometimes you and the blog's members know more about what is going on in the industry than the IMDB board plus I was lazy and in mucho delor that day.
I sure don't Ever Want this wonderful blog to become a RG board...not in my lifetime or beyond.
Insomnia rocks...sometimes.
back later to read and enjoy this posting.
"@Tara_Griffin_ I bet it will. Will it be shot in London, can you share that? Would make sense with "The J" coming to Europe early February."
"@Sasha4Jake your predictions are correct ;)"
I loved Pop despite the bashing from the critics. Loved Jake promoting it and his appearence in Rusia was my favorite.
Love the video, he had such a blast there.
I didn't get a chance to comment on the previous wonderful post UV. The first 2 pics are so bittersweet. Miss you Heath.
Congrats to Michelle on her nomination!!
I like Gosling too Sass and I don't mind discussing him here but I assume he has his own sites so GB will never become a Ryan blog!
Prince of Persia deserves some props, not Jake's best but it was a fun ride. Too bad Disney didn't know how to market it better.
Thanks for posting the video!!
Looks like Jake is back in NY:
OliviaOffnerOlivia Offner
Spotted! Jake Gyllenhaal across the restaurant. In west village with @camilleonstyle
12 hours ago
I've never seen those videos, so thanks UV,I particularly liked that segment here Jake was training sword fight with only his shorts on :)
I have great memories of Pop, it was the first Jake film I've watched with my son and although he was two young to read all the subtitles he loved,he played the video game and when he saw Jake as prince of Persia he said," look Mom it's your friend Jake gyllensomenthing", he thinks is my real friend because of the pics on the blogs.
That video is new to me too, Jake had so much fun making that movie. I really enjoyed it, too bad it wasn't more of a sucess.
LOL, Paula C! Your son is so cute, Jake gyllensomething!
It's fun to look back on the PoP promotions! Jake looked great, and seemed to enjoy himself. The "Russian Interlude" was my favorite part, too.
Jake's favorite sushi place to close. Preceded by his favorite Italian closing just the other week.
Sushi Nozawa Closing Feb. 29.
I wonder if this was why Jake and his friends went to the Sushi place so that they could enjoy one last meal there
Man, twitter doesn't get any less annoying. The Jake-bot is back tweeting a storm. No way to filter for that. Is it driving you crazy, tweety?
I'd never seen these videos, either. Until we get new video of Jake, from Berlin or a London sound stage, we'll make do.
Sass, don't worry about the Ryan G. thing. We know where your heart lies :)
Good to see you, Josie! And Paula C, that story about your snow as adorable!
Wow, no more Sushi Nozawa. Jake must be sad,
Twitter is absolutely nuts!
Lily, now that you mention it,
was that the same sushi place? Makes sense. : )
Yes, twitter is driving me nuts UV, ARGH!!!!
Two of Jake's CZ's are closing:(
Why is twitter driving you all nuts?
Oh I get it, it just proves that girl is a nutjob. Really she is, it wouldn't surprise me if she went all Glenn Close on a guy. I am totally serious, 3 months and probably less than 10 dates and you dedicate an entire CD to one guy. She is so lucky Jake is a gentleman.
I will never get tired of seeing anything from Jake's Pop promotion, especially when he was in Russia. Thanks UV and Monica for keep finding new/old Pop nuggets for us to enjoy!
I think UV and Tweety and other Gyllenhaalics are tired of the Jake/Taylor tweets and the old news tweets that for some reason turn up. Makes actual legit tweets/sightings a bitch to find.
Sheesh! It took some work, but I found this nugget, I'm pretty sure it's true since she's a BK girl.: )
"Look I'm sorry to be like this but HEY I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at City Bakery."
10 min ago
Twitter's very cluttered. : )
gabrielle gonnella@gabby_gonnella
Pittsburgh, NYCstyle guru for @Cfashionista, Style Advice of the week!
Oh hey jake gyllenhall standing next to me on the train. #cutiewithabootie
2 hours ago
Savannah Waranis @gabby_gonnella he hit on my sister a few years ago... Could have been my brother in law !! But That's awesome!
58 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
I just had a sinking feeling about karma and Jake. All his exes seemed to have moved on with solid relationships and are happy. As hard as I try, I just don't see happiness in Jake in the last couple of years. He seems downright melchanoly. What if Jake is not the nice guy or cool guy we all think he is? Have these last few years been Karma?
This one made me laugh:
"Saw Jake Gyllenhall on the B train. rubbed my beard and threw up 2 peace signs.He laughed&tried not to draw attention frm other straphangers"
1 hr ago
Michelle Katnik@Meeshie1302
New York, NYI err on the side of enthusiasm. I am a self-proclaimed SoulCycle fanatic. I am passionate about all things fun and beautiful. I love the Kardashians.
Having Jake Gyllenhaal right next to you in a workout class makes you both motivated and painfully aware of how much you're sweating.
4 minutes ago via web
Yes, terrible sad feeling. That's exactly what it means. Jake is a bad person who's just getting what he deserves. Like anyone who's not in a relationship.
The NYers are doing their thing on FB and twitter! Loved that one you posted, Bobbyanna. A few more:
Jake Gyllenhaal came into my work today. He gave me a super star smile and asked me to warm up his soup! LOVE IT.
Share · 2 hours ago
Me: You tried Soul Cycle last night. How was it? Katie: Good. Jake Gyllenhaal was there. Me: Right, I think I'll try it. #workoutincentives
3 hours ago
And from the person who saw him in City Bakery:
@beardedceph I could smell his "don't recognize me" fear even over the aroma of pretzel croissants.
52 minutes ago via
God, I love New Yorkers!
It's sort of a cool balance, bcz while you get a sense of what he's up to when he's out and about, they still protect his privacy... and he's expanded my knowledge about restaurants in NYC. : )
Just had an amazing dinner at The Lion - right next to Jake Gyllenhaal!
14 minutes ago via web
That's quite a trendy restaurant.
A bit different from his usual spots.
It's run by the man who's also a chef/partner of the Waverly Inn, ( Graydon Carter publisher of Vanity Fair mag is also a Waverly partner) and it's supposed to be a favorite of media, fashion and celebrity types.
The Moscow premiere is my favorite. Always.
thanks, UV.
Jake promoting Pop in Russia was certainly the highlight of his PR blitz, love the video!
Yeah, the New Yorkers are the best when tweeting about Jake,love it!
Moscow was great, do you remember when he was on Letterman and he showed the pictures he took with that jacket of the Olympic Russian team and in front of the Kremlin with Homer Simpson and in the restaurant with a serious face cause he couldn't smile or else the Russians would think he was crazy. It shows how much fun he had in Moscow.
Interesting article in the Chicago Tribune, about the up-coming Berlinale which begins Feb.9th.
From Tumblr today, I think:
last night my friend told me he met jake gyllenhaal while he was working at the airport. i almost cried. i could see the jealousy in my boyfriend’s face… hehe
I wondered when Jake has to leave for Berlin? Does he have to stay the entire festival? How many movies will he be reviewing?
I wonder how he got on the jury, did his agent have anything to do with it?
Does Jake already leave again from NY?
Lily, I think Jake will be going to Berlin on the first weekend of February.
There is a sighting of him in New York today:
olha, vou te falar uma coisa...dar de cara com JAKE GYLLENHAAL voltando da escola em plena NYC eh pra fazer qlqr um ficar com uma sexta-feira bem mais bonita!!!! ;) hahahhahah
This brazilian was returning from school today when she saw Jake Gyllenhaal. He made her day.
I just saw The Descendants. Much better than I expected.
Film exciting and a good job of George Clooney.
This is from twitter tonight :
"So my theory that if Jake Gyllenhaal just actually MET me we'd totally date? Not actually true. He totally snubbed me @soulcycle tonight "
Does he have to stay the entire festival?
Yes. He and other jurors who will decide on the last day will be the winners. And he will also present an award.
How many movies will he be reviewing?
All films in competition. Sure, he can watch other movies too, attend premieres, etc..
A couple of new tweets about the mystery London project:
Casting alongside some dude named Jake Gyllenhall on Monday. #HighFive
9 hours ago
The moment you realise you turned down a job with Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!! #fml #roadhouse #oops #typicalcarls #truestory 😂😥😁😒😞😖😞😭😪😠
9 hours ago
Wonder if "Roadhouse" is a clue.
And I think this is from tonight:
Photo: Jake Gyllenhaal! (Taken with instagram) tmblr.co/ZCllayFTxDBT
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
OMG! You're in the same room as Donnie Darko!
1 hour ago via
Majorly, majorly, majorly hot.
1 hour ago
in reply to ↑
I'd pay $50 to squeeze one of his biceps while he flexed.
1 hour ago
Bobbyanna, the Soul Cycle tweets are hilarious.
Thanks for the translation, Monica.
Daniela, I didn't see that tumblr post today, but it might have been from a few days ago. People need to be more specific! lol
Hi UltraViolet, and hi to everybody, thanks for the precious information, excuse my ignorance but e I have not understood if the last sightings are in NY.
Can you clarify it please? thanks:)
They are all from New York, Goku.
Thanks so much Monica:)
Love the tweets, especially from soul cycle. I wish the photos were a bit clearer, I can't even really see his face. At least they aren't paps, they don't just take pics they like to be harassing too.
Thanks, Monica, for the info on the Berlin FF, I never knew anyone who was going to be on the jury. I bet this will be fun for Jake, at least I hope so.
And I'm anxious to hear more about this project he will be doing (music video?)
Yes, Goku san, seems like Jake is still in New York.
Monica, I liked The Descendants but didn't love it. George Clooney was good, but not Oscar-worthy. The girls who played the daughters were both very good.
Lily, here's a little more info, from twitter:
also need to speak to you about you being a hipster in a music video with Jake Gyllenhaal, can you private message on twit?
20 Jan
So now we know it's a hipster video. We'll have it all figured out by the time it airs!
Love the Pop video! I agree that he had a great time promoting that movie in Russia.
I liked Clooney in the Desendants, the movie was just meh IMO.
Thnaks for that link Bobbyanna on the Berlin FF, what a fantastic experience for Jake!
Why give an Oscar and nominate TIOM or The Descendants? I can't figure it out. TIOM was just meh; The Descendants was good, but why not nominate TGWDT.
back later.
UV, I agree that the two young girls were very good, but I just couldn't get into The Descendants, and I thought George's performance was weak. It was sort of "Lifetime" movie-ish to me.
what is a hipster video?
I found this on Google.
Whoa! Very interesting article in
nymag.com's Vulture column about freebies for celebrities.
Wonder if Jake is planning his trip to Fiji soon! LOL!
Yes Bobbyanna that was a very interesting article wonder if he will use the tickets
Dan Chizzoniti@danchiz New York, NY
Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal in union square. A lot shorter than I imagined. #swoon
Jake,I have a hope deep inside that you read this blog, so I'm going to tell you up front that if you don't want the Fiji trip, cause I know you are busy with the Berlinale, I will gladly take that burden out of your hands and drag myself to that remote island.
LOL! ((((Paula C.)))))
You are so generous, Paula, to make such a sacrifice! I'm afraid now that the article has appeared, there is probably a very long line to "help" Jake out. : )
Jeremy N.
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal but did not yell "Bubble Boy!" quick enough...
5 minutes ago
I would gladly make that sacrifice too Paula C!
"Andrew Hurley
@AHURLZ Andrew Hurley
Legit just saw Jake Gyllenhal outside Trader Joes. Wanted to ask him how he was doing since ......"
Paige Manley@ScarletPaigeXO
New York CityIm a choreographer, artistic director, dancer & actress. I love books, shopping, organic food, fitness, autumn, tattoos, black eyeliner, boots, & glam. http://PaigeManley.com
Just spotted jake gyllenhall in Chelsea. He is so dam sexy. #starstruck
Jason Adams@JAMNPP →
JAMNPP Jason Adams
Paparazzo Fail - I saw Jake Gyllenhaal today and all I got a pic of is the distant ponytail of the girl he was with http://pic.twitter.com/HGDMH5rx
too bad they didn't take that photo quicker. wonder who the girl was
I had my tv on abc not really watching but they were doing a show on LAs hot resturantant and coffee shops and mentioning stars who frequented them and Jake was one of thme but dont know if it was the coffee place or the returant one
aliceryan12 Alice Ryan New York
no wonder it is MY FAVORITE restaurant! RT @Mandy_Mooo: Just ate dinner at Lupa next to Jake Gyllenhaal #nbd
11 minutes ago
I agree on the performance of Clooney. It's good, but I don't think it deserves the Oscar.
For me, the Oscar should go to Gary Oldman or Brad Pitt.
Gary Oldman is great in TTSS. For someone used to seeing Gary in intense roles, it was great to see him in a subtle role, where he proves the extraordinary actor he is.
You can't get more subtle than Commissioner Gordon in "The Dark Knight." (I thought he was wonderful in the role but very overshadowed by the showier roles--the Joker and Harvey Two Face).
Lots of Jake sightings today. He was apparently at ABC Kitchen, so he's definitely back in NY CZ mode :) I think he's been to Lupa before, as well, hasn't he?
From FB:
A series of unfortunate fucked up train lines led me to getting on the train with Jake Gyllenhall ...I'll take it.
6 hours ago near New York, NY ·
6 hours ago
6 hours ago
6 hours ago
Omg you're so lucky!!
6 hours ago
Victoria Stern He was was with a really pretty brunette
6 hours ago
Yeah but for the life of me I couldn't figure out who it was for like three or four stops but I was like I KNOW YOU lol
6 hours ago
I recently rode the train with Jake too. He was with his parents.
5 hours ago
*Swoon* he's so hot. ...
I hope Jake does go to Fiji. That would be a wonderful adventure.
Bobbyanna, I need to read that Berlinale article. I missed that in all the posts somehow.
UV, Lupa is one of Mario Batali's restaurants with his partner, Joe Bastianich.
ABC Kitchen? what a surprise...not! :)
@imhotshyt I'm already therr!!! Oh and btw I saw Jake gyllenhall today in the train station today =0)
2 hours ago via Twitter for iPad
imhotshyt imhotshyt
@Jygga718 What the fucking fuck?!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@imhotshyt lol he was standing RIGHT next to me!!!
imhotshyt imhotshyt
@Jygga718 Oh my fucking God! I would've raped the shit out of him
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@imhotshyt lol He was with his girl shopping. I would've went up to him and greeted him but didn't want to cause a scene for him
Boy those NY tweeters are spoiling us loving it:)
Wonder if Jake will go to Berlin from NY?
Seems like, according to this tweeter, Jake was at the Chinese New Year Parade around Canal street and E.Broadway on the LES. this morning. It started @ 11:30.
"Just had an eye makeout sesh with Jake Gyllenhaal at the Chinese New Year parade. Def a good omen for the new year"
I wonder who the girl he's hanging out with is? It would be nice for Jake to start dating again (this time someone outside the industry or low key)
hoping the paps don't find him in NY
Our local cable channel, NY1 are showing parts of the parade during their news breaks. I have some friends from Flushing Queens that went to that parade, if they saw Jake they would have texted me, LOL!!
Anon said:
"start dating again"
You're assuming he ever stopped! LOL!
He's a popular, gorgeous looking, single man, who seems very sociable. I bet he "dates" a lot.
I Heart Heels Gotta luv NY RT “@eye4style: Um, yeah, that's Jake Gyllenhaal leaving brunch at The Fat Radish, with someone who clearly resembles a model.”
Guess Jake was eye glass shopping today too. A tweeter ran into him @ sol moscot a very short time ago.
"Bella Marie @thatBeee
My luck this week omg!!! I just sat and talked to Jake gyllenhaal on the subway! <3 his smile is to die for"
All the Jake tweets...so much fun to read.
If the Academy does not present Gary Oldman the Oscar for Best Actor this year, I will be disappointed...but it won't be my first time being upset with them.
Heath might have won best Actor for BBM and it should have definitely won Best Picture if not for the prejudice against homosexuality by older actors.
Heath might have won best Actor for BBM and it should have definitely won Best Picture if not for the prejudice against homosexuality by older actors.
Holy words Sass
The 2006 Academy Awards were a travesty, I don't think they will ever live that down.
And speaking of awards, The SAG awards are on tonoght on TNT/TBS tonight.
I would love for Michelle to win but I think that it will be between Streep and Davis, Clooney for BA and The Help will probably win for best ensemble.
I'm watching the red carpet. Michelle's dress is beautiful.
I'm watching too, Monica.
Viola Davis is my best dressed.... she is stunning, like a glamorous movie star! Hoping she wins tonight, but I suspect Meryl will.
Yes, it did, monica. That color red is hard to get away with, but it worked for her. SAG Actor, I'm really hoping Michelle can swing it. I'm also hoping Brad Pitt or Gary Oldman can pull off a win.
Hi Suvee!
Isn't Viola gorgeous? O'm pulling for her too, if she loses I hope it's to Michelle, who lokks stunning in red!
Bobbyanna, nothing against Clooney and he was fine in the Desendents but boy would I love an upset in this catagory, Oldman and Pitt were so much better.
I have not seen Viola. Everyone is saying she is beautiful.
Hi Chica!
I'm pulling for a not Clooney upset, too. Just don't think his was an award worthy performance.
I would love for Jean Dujardin to win, but I would be fine if Brad wins. (Haven't seen TTSS yet, so don't have an opinion about Oldman.)
Oops! That was me. :)
Hi, suvee!
Either Michelle or Viola Davis will be fine with me. Viola's a brilliant actress.
(The other night I was rummaging thru YouTube and found clips of Viola Davis and Denzel Washington in August Wilson's play, "Fences" on Broadway. )
Congrats to C. Plummer and O.Spencer for Best supporting actor and actress!
I love Meryl but I'm hoping for Michelle or Voila, it's a tough catagory.
It's so good to see you Suvee!!
I don't love Viola Davis's dress. Michelle's is lovely, but a little dull.
I'd be happy to see Gary Oldman or Brad Pitt win it, but not George. Enough already.
Also, is this the last time we have to se eMildred Pierce nominated?
It could be a result of having just reread Conjugating Jake, with its post-SAG scenes or maybe it was Michelle opening the ceremony, but I am feeling nostalgic for BBM times tonight. When it seemed like Heath and Jake would be at events like this for years to come.
It's sad that Jake hasn't been able to experience this again. Tragic that Heath never will.
I'll try to get snarky in a minute - don't want to be a downer.
I want an upset for Best Actor, come on Oldman!!
I liked Michelle's gown and Viola looks beautiful but I didn't like what Meryl was wearing.
You are so right UV about Mildred Pierce and it wasn't even that good IMO.
Well, Extra, I'd call that an upset!t!
I'm happy for Jean Dujardin!
I hadn't realized Oldman wasn't even nominated for a SAG. Leo was.
(A friend reminded me that Berenice Bejo was in A Knight's Tale with Heath!)
Want to say hi to Bobbyanna, OONP, UV and Extra. Good to "see" you all!
Wow I didn't expect Dujardin to win!
Happy for Viola Davis. Great speech and I think she is the favorite now.
Hi suvee! Good to see you, too.
I didn't watch all of the SAGs, but I'm glad George didn't win. Dujardin was very good, though I think the movie is overrated.
It's kind of an off year for awards movies, actually.
From twitter earlier:
Spin class with Jake Gyllenhal again. Seriously. The man loves him some soul cycle. cc @whatsfordina
3 hours ago
That was a great speech, Monica. Viola was very calm and contained. It's a nice change from some other speech-makers. I also loved Christopher Plummer's speech.
I agree with you UV, about BBM and about Jake not experiencing this again and Heath not being able to again. I think he would have been at awards shows again for something he would have done.
I thought Michelle looked nice she was with her BFF Busy. I couldn't see her gown very well.
I was touched to see Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore (Her getting the life time achievement award)
We got an exercise bike recently, I hadn't been on one in a long while. I can't imagine spinning, I wish I could see Jake spinning (he'd make my head spin :D)
Jake did such an amazing job in SC, I was so disappointed that Summitt decided not to campaign for the movie, or for him. I believe Jake's best days are ahead of him, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter begin.
He's a brilliant actor. We'll see his work acknowledged by his peers in the future. I'm just as hopeful and excited for him today, as I was six years ago.
That was definitely a magic time for all of them. I'm glad we had a chance to experience it with them, and appreciate what they were capable of.
i'm soooooo glad that someone finally speak out how sick of hearing sooooo many RG. i'm here for jake not him
Congrats to Jean Dujardin! (even though I was pulling for Oldman)
We got our upset Bobbyanna!
And wow on the Davis win I was pulling for Michelle but I have no problem with her losing to Viola, I loved her speech. I expected The Help win.
Well this sure shakes up things a bit for the Academy Awards.
Loved the Lifetime Achievement Award to Mary Tyler Moore.
Jake was wonderful in SC Bobbyanna and Summit could have really pushed the film and Jake for award season but foir some reason they didn't.
The Dujardin and Davis wins sure made an interesting SAG show that would have been otherwise predictable.
I was on the Awards Daily site last night and couldn't elieve some of the racist comments posted after Viola won saying that she won because of her race :(
What decade are we in?? They were from so-called Streep fans. She looked geniunely happy that she won by the way.
There was very little comment on Michelle's lost which I thought was odd but than I looked at the first praise fro her performance and her critic awards and I think she was even with Meryl leading up to the SAG's. I think things tipped in Viola's favor when she won the critics award.
Congratulatons to all the winners!
I'd like to congratulate all the winners. I saw "The Help" and thought it was a powerful movie and I expected it to be part of the awards. I was very happy Viola won, unfortunately there will always be bigots out there that have something negative to say.
With Jake signing onto a new agency I can only imagine what new projects they will bring to the table for Jake to choose from. I only wish he already had something on the table (or that we knew about it if there already is one)
It was nice to go along for the ride in 2006, I loved Heath's reaction when Jake won the Bafta (and the look on Jake's face was priceless when his name was called)
I hope we get to see that look again at a future award event.
Ugh, Chica. That's awful. And a very sad sign of how far we have to go in this country/world.
It would have been nice for Summit to at least try on Jake and SC's behalf, but I don't think it would have mattered. Someday :)
CZ time:
Jake Gyllenhaal sighting @ La Colombe Torrefaction http://instagr.am/p/mOLdl/
chica, I get really angry too, reading those ugly comments. I was so, so happy to see Cecily Tyson at the SAGs, and to see how genuinely happy Meryl was for Viola Davis.
UV, it's not that I expected Jake to win an award for SC, (even if I felt he should : )) but it would have been nice for him to be "in play" and get recognition for his work.
Nice picture! Guess the shaggy look is back, beard & all. : )
Jean Dujardin's win was a surprise but I nice one. He is Clooney's only threat for BA at the Academy Awards.
Davis edged out Streep and Don't be too surprised if she win BA. He win was well deserved. The movie, The Help velt like some Hallmark movie but she really hit it out of the park.
I can't believe that some people used a movie fan forum to spew their racism Chica, unbelieveable.
Just when you think that things are finally changing.
"Tatsnlipstick @_ShesVINTAGE
· I was starstruck seeing jake gyllenhaal eating at my job and I was the one to take care of him!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Oh union square I fucking love you!
· lmao omg I was a mess I got so nervous wen I saw him I messed up his order like 10 times 😂“@StonerXGonzalez: @_ShesVINTAGE Lmao You Cool?”
he had this wtf look on his face 😂😂😂 lmaoooo"
I wonder what Jake ordered, lol that the server messed it up so many times
I wonder around where Jake's place is? Must not be too far from Union Station since he is there so much (I know it's not hard to hop on a train)
I saw the comments, Chica. And they still keep coming in a new post.
They are deleting these disgusting comments.
I have not seen the other performances to tell if Viola is the best.
I saw The Help and she gave a great performance.
Looks like Jake was at SoulCycle again tonight:
Super-fit Jake Gyllenhaal just schooled me and about 50 others at Soul Cycle. So my entire belief system remains intact.
53 minutes ago
this is killing me. Everyone is seeing him there but me. I have bad Jake karma.
45 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
A watched Soul Cycle never Jakes.
26 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Soul Cycle. So my entire belief system remains intact.
55 minutes ago
so sad that i read this and realize i will never be super-fit! #Truths
53 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
None of this 'never' talk! Sitting behind JG while he spins might be all the inspiration any of us need!
And did he shave before spin?
You know you have a problem with you call your spin studio frantically on the subway to tell them you're running late. #HoldMyBike!!!!
3 hours ago
Jake Gyllenhaal spotting! Clean shaven now. At this point we are pretty much workout pals.
2 hours ago
I gotta ask myself WHY did I leave NY? I could be watching Jake SPIN! :(
clean shaven sounds nice me like :D
As always, I don't understand getting upset about Jake's facial hair. He always grows it back, and he always eventually shaves.
This made me laugh. From a Soul Cycler:
maybe next time were standing with gyllenhaal we don't talk about pot..? #justathought
16 minutes ago
I think Jake probably appreciated that topic :)
UV, that last tweet was my best laugh of the day!
I popped over to Awards Daily and saw those vile comments about Viola's win. Ironic considering the subject matter of the film.
Who knew that some fans used their disappointment that thier favorite actor losing to unleash their hate. I feel like I need to take a shower after visitng that.
The Jake in NY/spin cycle twets are becoming my favorites!
I am avoiding the Awards Daily swill. I can't stand all the awards talk anyway. I definitely don't need to read racist rantings.
The Soul Cycle tweets are priceless.
New post.
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