Jake Gyllenhaal has shaved! I know many have been waiting for this day, so here he is:

Jake also apparently said goodbye to another long-time comfort, Angeli Caffe:
Lots of tweeting and checking-in online tonight from the final night at Angeli Caffe on Melrose Avenue at Poinsettia. Friends of founder and chef Evan Kleiman were in the house, including Rome food blogger Elizabeth Minchilli, whose appreciation for Kleiman and Angeli was picked up today by the New York Times. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal was there too, according to tweeter Harriet Ells, who produces Kleiman's Saturday show "Good Food" on KCRW.
"Jake Gyllenhall dining at #AngeliCaffe on its last night
4 hours ago"
Tweet from tonight:
I've never thought Jake Gyllenhaal was particularly cute but, after meeting him, I'm a little in love...
1 hour ago
Thanks to the GG awards, we can now see Jake's beautiful face!!
Thanks UV, can't wait to watch the awards tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I can't watch it live, first cause I'm working ( my working schedule has something against me)but even if I wasn't, here in Europe the Globes start at 1.00AM, so you have to stay up all night and then go to work Monday morning.
I can only imagine Jake stepping into the stage with a nice suit and blow us away with his gorgeousness.
Meant to thank monica for the info about Jake presenting the video clip for My Week With Marilyn, at the GGs.
There are so many people piling on to present, I'm glad Jake was named in the very first batch. : )
UV, thanks for posting these...(sigh.)
He looks gorgeous, I think the beard only adds years to him, he looks better this way. (imo)
I wonder how the award shows pick the presenters? is it something the celeb's agent does or do the award committee seek out certain actors?
wasn't sure how this process works. He will be on stage WAY too quickly I know that.
I won't be able to watch the show, so I am hoping they'll be a clip online of him presenting. I hope it will be the best actress category and Michelle wins.
Jake looks so gorgeous with out the beard hope he keeps it for awhile hopefully I can watch the GGmy daughters sick so her boyfriend brought her out to my mothers last night so we can take care of her she didnt want to stay at my place because my heat isnt working and she been cold all the thing so any way I have to take her back home tomorrow but I told her that I wanted to watch the GG so I told her I would take her home early and can watch them at her place then so hopeflly it will work out that way
He looks gorgeous and just in time for the Golden Globes!!
Thanks for the info Monica about him presenting Michelle's clip, that is so cool!
oh, mary, I hope you can watch, and I hope your daughter is feeling a little better.
Juat wanted to mention, WME agency is having it's annual pre-Golden Globe party at Craft in L.A. One report said the party starts @ 6 PM, so if Jake attends, maybe there'll be some pictures of that too.
Craft is owned by chef, Tom Collichio who's a friend of Jake's. (Aren't all chefs friends of Jake? LOL!)
I read that Tom was repped by CAA, and left them for WME. Since then, CAA is boycotting his restaurants, so it's nice WME is supporting him.
thanks Bobbyanna shes been fighting a temp since new years eve going as high as 104 so her boy friend finally took her to urgent care yesterday but told her there was nothing they could told just to take motrin for the temp and rest but if her temp spikes to go to the er because they couldnt do any lab work there my daughter had to have her spleen removed when she was 16 so she has trouble fighting any infectins
Mary, I hope you enjoy the Globes, but as a mother I know that we are not alright unless our children are. So best wishes to your daughter.
Mary I hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
I must have missed Monica's post about Jake presenting Michelle's movie's clip. That is so nice.
I hope there are some pics of Jake at Tom C's restaurant (I watch Top Chef. I think Tom is great)
Oh, Mary, I hope your daughter is feeling better and that you get some rest. And that you can watch the GGs.
Paula, sorry you have to work. I imagine you'll be able to find a photo or two floating around online... :)
Forgot to say thanks to Monica for letting us know what award Jake is presenting. It's cool that he's getting to present Michelle's movie.
And thanks for the Craft info, Bobbyanna. How juvenile of CAA. Glad Jake is out of there.
Hi to Lily, Sheba Baby and chica!
Very funny - from FB:
So M is hanging in my hood today and who does she end up in line with at the local LaMill coffeeshop but the uber star Jake Gyllenhaal...and it would have all been cool except for the low scream that started to come out of her mouth and before anyone could stop her, she jumped at him. If you will imagine with me for a moment what it must look like to see a grown woman wrapped around this man much like a Koala bear around a tasty eucalyptus tree branch...if asked she will deny it all and say she stood in line politely, but I'm here to call her out people-koala bear.
! I thought I asked you not to share my embarrassing story! Wait - no - I really did wait politely in line... Well, I guess the paparazzi photo of Jake being attacked by strange shrieking petite blonde woman will tell all in this week's Enquirer...
That's great.
about an hour ago
I dont know you but that story is fantastic!
about an hour ago
Did he enjoy being a eucalyptus branch? ;)
Yes, Vina - I think he enjoyed my nibbling. And his branch was very tasty indeed...
Laughing a lot! hahaha
Yes, I read about the boycott of the CAA. It's a shame.
He looks sigh worthy, and he looks a lot younger clean shaven!
Love hear the news that he will be presenting Michelle's clip, the critics are predicting that she will win in her catagory.
I love that FB encounter UV, I wonder if she actually did that :)
I read about Colichio and CAA, kinda of petty of them to boycot him but it's great that WME is supporting him.
Hope your daughter feels better (((Mary)))
Jake Gyllenhaal is in this moment rehearsing for the GG at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Cool, monica! I found this from earlier today:
"Actually, he and Busy Phillips were at the table right next to us. "
"And ... we're back. Breakfast with Jake Gyllenhaal, then shopping at the Grove, then design exhibit at LACMA, then drinks at Ray's bar."
Scott Collura@ScottIGN
He wore glasses and denim shirt.
Thanks Monica and Bobbyanna!
I wish he would wear his glasses at the awards, I think he looks really sexy in them.
Love hearing that Matilda's Godparents are hanging out!
I wish he would wear his glasses at the awards
Me too.
I also like his friendship with Busy.
Such lovely news for tomorrow...(((( love to you Mary and your precious daughter))))
I can't wait to see Jake present to Michelle tomorrow and I'
ll be really excited to see all the gowns on the red carpet.
Jake during the rehearsal for the golden globe:
TY Monica, he's looking wonderful! I can't wait until tomorrow night. All these tweets and pics; I'm sure they're as good for me as any Rx in this universe.
TY again Monica,
Reading back just now, I can see, that I miss so much some days. Thank you, for letting us know, Jake will present the clip for Michelle's movie. Fingers xed. YAY!
Thanks, Monica, he looks so focused with his glasses!
UV, the FB encounter was so funny, I wouldn´t mind hugging Jake's branch as well
He looks so serious in his glasses, thanks for the pic Monica!
I can't wait for the Golden Globes tonight, he is looking mighty fine.
That FB encounter is hilarious UV, I can't blame that woman :)
Well, thank you, monica...
sometimes I'll see a new picture of Jake, and all I can do is just stare and shake my head...there's nothing to say....my, my.: )
UV, that FB report is truly hilarious, I agree!
"I wouldn´t mind hugging Jake's branch as well"
Paula, Paula...I've said it before, but sometimes you make me smile. ; )
What a nice way to start my Sunday!
Bobbyanna, the funniest thing is that my husband was sitting right next to me when I was writing that comment, lucky for me he does not understand a word of English ;)
HI UV and everyone!
Thanks Monica for that pic. I am glad Jake will be showing Michelle's clip. I am hoping there will be a video of the awards. I won't be able to watch them
I'm sure there will tons of video clips of the awards Lily!
Great news to hear that Jake will be introducing Michelle's clip, he did the same thing a few years ago for The Curious Case of B.Button.
Michelle for BA in a comedy/musical. Meryl for BA in a Drama, Clooney for BA in a Drama and the Artist for BP, these are my predictions for the GG's.
A little correction in my predictions:
The Artist for musical/comedy BP, The Desendents for BP Drama.
Michelle is a shoe in for My week with Marilyn and i may have to change Meryl for Viola Davis for the Help for BA in a drama.
Viola Davis made me cry with her speech at the Critics Choice. And I think if she wins today, she will become the favorite for this season.
She gives a great performance.
My choices would be The descents and the Artist for drama and comedy.Viola and Michelle for actress. Fassbender and Jean Dujardin for actor. Berenice bejo and Plummer for supporting role. Michel Hazanavicious for director and The skin I live in for foreign film
Viola gave such a moving speech when she won the Critics choice award, she made me cry.
I think that Meryl will have competition for the Best actress award tonight and I think she is the favorite to win the Oscar IMO.
I think that Dujardin will win for Best actor in a musical/comedy tonight and Clooney BA.
Michelle will win Best actress in a comedy/musical.
I think The Desendents will win Best picture although Hugo was the Best pic IMO.
I'm guessing the HFPA will name Viola Davis and Michelle Williams,Best Actors, Jessica Chastain for Best Supporting,
Pitt amd DuJardin for Best actors, and Plummer for Supporting Actor.
I think Best Picture will be "The Artist."
bobbyanna I think that might happen...
There is a movie scene I'll never forget, that occurs in the movie Doubt, between Viola Davis and Meryl Streep. They have an intense and emotional conversation, about the Priest( Phillip Seymour Hoffman) who is in charge of the school, and his relationships with some of the students and with Viola's son who is alluded to as Gay by Viola.
Meryl wants the Priest to resign, or be fired, for behavior she's become aware of in his past, behavior that brought him to her school.
Viola's character pleads with her not to let him go for personal and heartbreaking reasons that involve her son, whom she feels, may need the Priest as a friend, mentor and maybe an even more close personal relationship. Her son's father rejects him 100%
Viola broke my heart...
UV, Tom Brady, threw 6 touchdown passes yesterday, the most ever thrown in a playoff game and the Patriots won the game.
Tom and the NE Patriots, are the main topic of conversation on the the Sports and news channels this morning .
This afternoon we'll see how Eli fares. fingers xed.
It's one or two degrees Colder here than in Green Bay; 19 degrees.
Yeas, sass, I remember very well that scene. It was very powerful.
JustJared has a few photos of Emma Stone, Olivia Spencer, etc. attending the William Morris pre-Globes dinner @ Craft, but I couldn't find any others, and none of Jake.
Oh, too bad, Bobbyanna. Maybe some will sneak out.
Sass, the Patriots game was a massacre. I actually felt bad for Tebow, who seems like a nice kid. If only he'd tone down the Bible thumping.
From FB:
From FB:
Just told Jake Gyllenhaal, the Prince of Persia, at the Hollywood Farmers Market that we love him. He said, and I quote, "Thanks man". We are very close... :)
And from twitter:
Jake Gyllenhaal at the Hollywood farmers' market trying not to get noticed
2 hours ago
I am, sadly, at the office. I'm hoping to be home by GG time, but I might not make it for the red carpet. I'll try to put up a new post, and people can live blog/comment/post links to photos.
I haven't even thought about the winners, but I'm looking forward to Ricky G.
Bummer, UV! NBC does red carpet starting @ 7PM. E! Probably started broadcasting already, maybe Ryan is helping them roll the carpet out! LOL!
I'd love to see Jake arrive, but he might not do the red carpet.
"Jake Gyllenhaal at the Hollywood farmers' market trying not to get noticed"
If he doesn't want to be noticed, he shouldn't walk around in that body, with that face. Even with a beard he was noticed, now you can multiply it by a thousand!..: )
Hi, girls! I came to follow the GG hope that Jake will not be long
Hi Daniela - opened a new post. I'm on my way home, so I will update once there :)
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