Jake Gyllenhaal has been named one of Heat Magazine's 101 Hottest Hunks on the Planet. The top 25 were chosen based on a combination of votes from readers and an "expert panel," who judged based on "criteria including talent, sex appeal, dress sense, and personality."
Apparently suffering the same myopia as the People Magazine editors, the judges placed Jake came at Number 5, behind Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling and David Beckham. Here are a few classic "Hot Jake" shots. Feel free to chime in with your favorites.
I also discovered this great Jake filmography on youtube.
It's not comprehensive, but they did a great editing job. Makes me eager for more Jake on film. It also has what I think is Jake's sexiest shot from a movie. Even more than anything in BBM or L&OD. From Rendition:

Do you have a favorite Jake still on celluloid?
Saw this on a blog:
Oh and...
...I saw Jake Gyllenhaal yesterday at ABC Home downtown. He was as sexy as you would think. In fact, with that beard, he was even sexier.
Good morning!!
What do you mean "Hottest Hunks"? I have not found the meaning, of course I know it has to do with beauty. They put Bradley on 1 because of another magazine.
Jake has so many scenes like this Redintion, giving close, it's hard to say which is better
He should be said again, he blongs ahead of the other four mentioned!
He looks hot in that Rendition shot, but I always thoigh that scene in Jarhead where he has is GF up aginst the wall making her, um happy is one his sexiest!!!
Well #5 is still pretty darn good out of 101 but to us Jake will always be #1.
Agree, mary, considering Jake's been so quiet, and the Ryans, Bradley Cooper, and David Beckham are in our faces 24/7 for months and months now, I'm glad Jake made their top five. Gives me hope : ).
Just think. If he had decent PR, he might get to #1 one day. Because I'd hate to think he's paying a publicist who had to settle for #5.
UV, I love the Rendition look!! My personal favorite, too. Gavin really knew what he had to work with, from the very first time we see Jake.
There are scenes in SC, esp. when he's in the pod, where you can really appreciate how physically beautiful he is, and what power there is in that beauty.
I think those two directors really knew how to use his physical beauty to serve the story in a very powerful way that transcends the blatant sexiness of LAOD.
There's a real power in his extraordinary looks, IMO, and when it's really captured on screen it's pretty awesome. There are only a few actors who had that, and they aren't around anymore.
(Sorry to be babbling.: ) )
The photo of Jake in the armchair is a personal favorite, too. (Along with his classic baseball shots and "that one in that car." : ))
More recently, I loved him in his navy Burberry trench coat, and the bearded ones where he's barefoot, with a scissors, or running thru water. I think Esquire did those.
(I need to find a hobby! : ) )
I feel the same bobbyanna, Jake is so much better looking than most other male actors...he's like a throwback to the Tyrone Power era...to me...and he can act. *swoon*
Did you mean that Jake gets more blog posts/tweets than any of the other named actors? Amazing!
As you said Bobbyanna, he has been under the radar for awhile and he still is in the top ten, not bad at all!
I remember a b&w photoshoot that Jake did for The NY Times (I think) and he was smoldeing, reminded me of a young Al Pacino, sigf.
@alexandra_rose NYC
alexandra finkel beat celeb spotting of my life. RT “@kira_lerner: Ahhh hello Jake Gylanhaal in Union Square! @alexandra_rose is freaking out”
21 minutes ago
Bobby on Zodiac also has very good pictures, when I watched on TV I was stupid.
Like this one:
If I could I would put many more lol
Sorry, but I can not stop, it's so perfect.
Ok! last is not of Zodiac
Daniela, I guess you figured out the meaning of "hunk!" Nice Zodiac pics. It's funny, because he's sort of a nerdy type in the film, and I don't think Fincher played up Jake's looks. But there are frames where he is just gorgeous. I guess he can't help it!
Sass, I think sheba baby meant "belongs" not "blogs." Sheba baby, you went in a different direction with "hot." I can't disagree!
Mary, it's good to accentuate the positive :)
Bobbyanna and chica, I do think it's noteworthy that Jake was so high in the poll despite not having been in the news/rags as much as the trio of actors above him.
Jake was apparently at a place called the Dig Inn today. Looks like a classic Jake place, lol.
Apparently I just missed Jake Gyllenhaal at the @diginn Un Sq. May cry into my delicious lunch.
Don't know where this FBer works:
Omfg I just saw jake gyllenhaal at my job !! He came to eat omfg I'm in ♥ :)
Share · 4 hours ago near New York, NY ·
He's a cutie
4 hours ago
dammmmmm. lol
4 hours ago
I'm sooo jealous!!!
3 hours ago
Omg girls he's such a hottie !! Idk if he's filming a movie by the area but he had the scruffy beard and a black baseball cap lol Ohhh man
2 hours ago
I wondered about that clean-shaven business yesterday.
reminded me of a young Al Pacino, sigf.
In some scenes of Rendition he looks like a young Pacino.
Beautiful images, UV. Thanks.
Like Bobbyanna one of my favorite pics Jake pics is the one in the car too and the one in the blue trench coat but it is too hard to pick a favorite one
Wasn't there a photo of Jake in front of the Dig Inn? or a facade that looked like this place? It sounds like something with the idea of healthy nature foods. Kind of a place I'd like to try to get away from anything processed (kind of what Jake stands for when he's doing the edible schoolyard stuff.
I think he gets tired of shaving when he's not doing events he just lets it all hang out :D
I'll take Jake at #5 on this list, as alreary pointed out that'd pretty good considering he has been so low-key.
He looks sexy in the still from Rendition :)
Wow, I never thought he looked sexy in Zodiac, but he dis, thanks Daniela!
I think that photoshoot of Jake reclining in the back seat is my all-time favorite sexy Jake image.
This post put me in a mood to rummage thru pictures last night. Interesting trivia I found: James Sheridan, Judy Greer, and Julian Schnabel were all at the Jarhead premiere. : )
I like the first pic, UV, he looks so naughty!
I love the Esquire photo shoot too, especially the one with the dog.
Daniela, you are such a fast learner!
My favorite celluloid still is also from Rendition, that opening scene is just a frame after frame heaven.
I've been feeling extremely nauseated, so at first i thought I was sick but now I'm pretty sure something good is coming, going to the doctor tomorrow to get confirmation :)
Well good luck at the doctors please keep us posted
Paula I hope you'll have some good news to share with us (fingers crossed)
Bobbyanna I loved the pod scenes from SC. Jake can say more with an expression (especially with those eyes) than most people can say with words and Duncan certainly used that to the fullest in the movie.
Whoops anon at 1018 was me:)
Hey we can have our first gyllenbabble baby:)
Paula that's wonderful. I will send you good thoughts!!
LOL!!! "Hey we can have our first gyllenbabble baby:)"
Just found this on twitter. Yesterday was so quiet, naybe it was a travel day? Not sure, really, but Jake was spotted in London.
Melissa Joy Bennett@PushPRmelissaReply
Jake Gyllenhaal on Exmouth market....wowzers...paps are loving this one!
26m Push PR@pushprlondon
We're in the prime location here guys, Jake Gyllenhaal is in the restaurant opposite Push PR towers! #drooool
28m Tiara
Yeah, there are more sightings and mention of paps so we'll likely get pictures.
bethanmjones So Jake Gyllenhall is in the restaurant opposite my office... #droool
Kelly Marie@K_Marie_PReply
Loads of paps hanging around outside of the office, must be a celeb in the restaurant opposite - I wonder who it issssss!
Here's a picture of the paps. It's apparently a Moorish restaurant. That's a new one!
pushprlondon Push PR
The paps are hanging outside Push HQ, we're A-listers now don't you know? Or it could be the unknown celeb in Moro... pic.twitter.com/iPt5cadE
1 hour ago
NickiShepShep Nicola Shepherd
@pushprlondon Oooh who is it?
1 hour ago
pushprlondon Push PR
@NickiShepShep We don't knowww! Trying to find out but we can't see anything at the moment!
1 hour ago
NickiShepShep Nicola Shepherd
@pushprlondon are you all hanging out the office windows? X
58 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Push PR
@NickiShepShep ha if it wasn't so cold we would be, we're peering!
Wow, Paula - let us know what happens. Hope you get good news :)
And Bobbyanna, that's funny that they were all at the Jarhead premiere. Schamus makes sense, but interesting that Sheridan was there. I'd love Jake to work with him again, but on a better movie.
And the car photo - I can't believe I forgot that one. Maybe we'll do a poll or something for a post and vote on the sexiest photos.
One more :)
PatriciaGill_PR Patricia Gill
@pushprlondon Love him!!! My claim to fame, he rubbed my belly when pregnant with Baby Clementine (was now 8 years ago tho!).
52 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Push PR
@PatriciaGill_PR WOW! We want to know ALL about that story!
51 minutes ago
I hope that you get confirmation Paula C, what wonderful news!!
Ah, he's in the UK for that viseo shoot finally!
Thanks for the good thoughts, tomorrow I'll definitely keep you posted on the GB baby, LOL.
If Jake is in London and paps already know that means new photos. I wonder if he is there to shoot the music video
New post.
sorry, anon, for deleting your post. New post has the JJ pics.
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