According to Jake Gyllenhaal, this:

The folks at Gemma Arterton Online have scans of a Prince of Persia preview from the French magazine Studio Ciné Live. Their 20010 preview issue highlights three of the PoP principals: Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley and Gemma Arterton.

Jake is described as an actor at the top of his game. And Jake describes the Prince:
"Dastan est un mélange de Rafael Nadal, de Mick Jagger et de Denis la Malice."
Someone really needs to do a morph of those three and Jake!
More on Dastan: "Il accumule les bévues, il pense qu'il a toujours raison, il est sarcastique, pince-sans-rire et surtout tres insolent."
Rough translation: "He makes mistakes but always thinks he's right. He's sarcastic, deadpan and always very arrogant."
I love that description! I think Jake then goes on to talk about how this is what he wanted to do as a kid, and also about all the training he had to do.

Paging Lemon or other French-speaking GBers. I can get the gist of most of it, but I don't want to try a real translation! not that we'd expect anyone to do that, either. But if you see something amusing or noteworthy, let us know.
I think Gemma describes a scene where Dastan warns her not to cut herself, and she did just that.
From Jake's newest movies to one of his first, A Dangerous Woman. This clip showed up on youtube, and I don't think I've ever seen it before. Jake's definitely in young punk mode!
There's a quick snippet of Jake at that Maui Film Festival at the end.
If you can stand the cacophony and the inanity, there's a very brief snippet of a very smiley Jake attending the CAA pre-Golden Globes party:
Peter and Maggie are listed, as well, but I couldn't take watching the whole video! Jake appears about two minutes in:

Yup, wearing The Jacket again :)
(Scans courtesy of Gemma Arterton Online.)
For a moment I thought I had clicked the wrong site. Well, a site with a photo of Nadal is never wrong!
I love Nadal, I love Mick Jagger and Dennis is one of my favorite characters. So I think I will love the prince Dastan.
Jake is smiling.
Great find UV! I saw a tweet last night that someone saw him at a pre GG party and he just smiled when he declined to take a pic. I figured it was the CAA party.I only watched up to Meryl Streep arriving so I don't know if Peter and Maggie went, she was tweeted at the Bafta tea party last night. I will have to go back and watch the whole thing.
He seems to have fallen in love with that Jacket!
Nadal, Jagger and Dennis=Dastan?? That's an interesting description and yes we need a French translation!
Thanks for that clip of a very young and cute Jake!
Hey all! Just catching up with all the Jake-news. :D
Jake looks great in this video at the GG party! Peter and Maggie are at the 11:57 mark of the video.
I love Mick Jake et al so I am looking forward to Prince Dastan!
Okay, I took one for the team and watched that whole Buffalo Club Pre-GG party vid.
Remember this from Friday night?
BethDanielle: jake gyllenhaal just laughed at me. made my night!
about 10 hours ago from mobile web
At 8:27 of the vid you can see her get her picture. With Tom Ford. And at 11:01 with Peter. Ha!
Also, Jake's driving an Audi now? That's interesting.
Oops, Peter and Maggie are at the 10:57 mark.
I'm having trouble seeing this video. Go up to a minute and back to the top!
^^It's me!
Wow that's quite a combination - sounds like Dastan's gonna have some attitude. Tamina's got her work cut out for her. :) Oh Rafael!
im having trouble seeing the video too all i see is the buffalo club sign
What a nice look on Maggie at the GGs. The hair is a little severe, but the dress really works.
FL, it is really raining there so maybe that is why Maggie has her hair so sever. She does look nice though. :)
Thanks for taking it for the team FL, I don't know if I could stand all the annoying yelling by the paps! I just watched a bit after Jake. I hope he isn't sleeping in that jacket as well, LOL!
That's quite a description of Dastan from Jake, I would love to read the entire interview.
Maggie does look good there, I wonder if Peter is there, or if Jake will show for Tobey?
Ohhhhhhhh I looooove Maggie's dress! The salmon pink is gorgeous, and the detail. I like her hair up, it brings out her beautiful eyes.
Yikes! watched the whole video, forgot the GGs are on! Peter and Maggie were so sweet! Jake looks all smiley. Going to watch the GGs.
Maggie looks nice. I like the color of her dress. And Jake looks happy. Anne Hathaway attended the party too.
Thanks, FL, for taking one for the team. I saw the car and wondered if it was new and then thought, "FL will tell us!" :)
Oh, thanks, too, get real. No way could I make it to minute 11 on this ancient computer.
I can't decide on Maggie's dress. The color is lovely, but I'm not crazy about the style. Nice to see her in something different, though.
The hair is a little severe. I like the earrings, though.
Don't know where this twitterer is, lucky woman:
Standing next to Jake Gyllenhaal. Try not to be jealous.
I watched the whole video, Jake looks good and looks like he was in a good mood!
What I don't get is why they didn't put a tent up for the GG red carpet, they knew it was going to rain.
Maggie does look really pretty, i like the dress and the color.
Rafael Nadal to Dennis the Menace, wow, talk about extremes!
Jake was such a cutie and still is, thanks for finding that clip UV!
I like The Jacket on Jake! Another one of staples like The Jeans and the Stamp Shirt. :D
Thanks for the tweet info, UV! I am jealous, lol.
Thrilled that Mo'Nique one, mostly because it will make Jeffrey Wells head continue to explode over her. Also, she was incredible in the film.
And Toni Collette, yawn.
Very happy for Mo'Nique. She deserves.
Yay for Mo'Nique and what an awesome speech she gave too.
Wells has been riding her ass from day one. He better get used to her winning because she has no competition IMO.
Glad that Jake made it to the CAA/GG party on Friday and was happy to see Maggie and Peter there too!
It's going to be a long night for NBC based on what Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks said on the red carpet and continued with Tina Fey and Ricky, ha ha !!!
Maggie looks really pretty, not crazy about the hair but i like everything else.
Very happy with the win for Mo'Nique, Toni, meh.
I would love to read that entire interview with Jake in english to find out how he came up with the Nadal/Jagger/Dennis combo!
Is Jessica Lange taking that Grey Gardens role to heart? Drew B looked beautiful.
I think half of the presenters and host Ricky are drunk! The slams on NBC are too funny, they deserve it.
I am thrilled Mo'Nique won! She gave a brilliant performance.
Btw, saw Crazy Heart and The Hurt Locker this weekend. Both incredible movies with great performances. Both must sees. I would have liked U2 to win for best song, but if it had to lose then it was good it was to the Crazy Heart song. CH had excellent music.
No, Drew, you aren't very good at this. But bless, you look great. Despite the bedazzled loofah on your shoulder.
Apparently Tina Fey said on the NBC pre-show, "It's not rain, it's just God crying for NBC."
LOLOL UV...I love Tin Fey! And ITA about Drew.
Meryl's win was no surprise but I loved her speech. Drew win was a surprise, don't get the Grey Gardens love, I didn't like it at all.
Yay for Kevin Bacon, finally! He sounded a bit hammered, LOL!
Saw the Hurt Locker and Crazy Hearts, as you said get real if U2 had to lose i'm glad it was to T-Bone and Crazy hearts. I have my fingers crossed for The Hurt Locker for best picture.
Maggie was on with a brief mention of donating to Haiti relief.
"Drew, you aren't very good at this. But bless, you look great. Despite the bedazzled loofah on your shoulder."
I loved Meryl! SO happy the clip from Brothers featured Jake for Best Music Award!
I love Maggie's dress and I'm as happy Anna Kendrick didn't win as I am happy Monique won!
I think Colin Farrell is adorable.
John Hamm, too.
Quentin Tarantino has been looking very shiny the past two awards shows. Botox?
Oh. And I think Kate Hudson's kind of coarse...:)
Hair or personality, bobbyanna? Or both?
And yeah, Quentin Tarantino looks awful. He's doing something, and it ain't working.
I hate Quintin, very overrated.
And yes he looks like shit.
Yay, Ricky Gervais. Great shot at Mel Gibson.
Too bad Cameron won over Bigelow.
Too bad Cameron won over Bigelow.[2]
Tarantino deserved more than Cameron.
I agree UV, I wanted Bigelow to win too.
LOL, yes I think Quentin has had work done.
OMG, so glad Glee won!!
Cameron over Bigelow=BS.
Now the movie with the fiant smurfs will win best picture.
giant snurfs, i'm pissed!
Hee, tweety, I was just about to look "fiant" up in the dictionary!
Reese looked good - nice dress, pretty color. Didn't she and Jake go to see The Hangover, with R looking a little like the title?
cant believe cameron won either cant stand the guy
Nikki Finke has been doing the best GG blogging, too funny!:
Reese did look really pretty and yes she and Jake saw the Hangover and she definaetly looked like she had one! It was the say after they went to that concert at the Hollywood Bowl.
Bigelow deserved that award for best director, damn.
so glad rdj won he was great in sherlock holmes loved his speech
YAY Jeff Bridges!!!!!
YAY Robert!!!
YAY Jeff Bridges!!!!!!!!!!
Really? We wanted Bridges to win over Tobey for Brothers? Yes, I knew it was a longshot, but I was still rooting for Tobes. Ah well.
My friend called me so I couldn't hear, but Jeff seemed to go on and on.
Also, I'm already annoyed by the "Reese always looks great after her splits" meme.
Yay for Sandra and RDJ! It would have been great if Tobey won but it was going to be either Jeff or George.
Reese did look amazing tonight and I saw Hangover and thought that it was funny as hell!
FL, I would have been thrilled if Tobey won, but if it had to be anyone it had to be Jeff for me. He has been in the business a long time and I really think he deserves it.
Ugh to Avatar.
And UV, I agree about Reese.
What a great show. I thought Reese looked beautiful too - navy is her color, with her blonde hair. Very pleased with all the awards, so many great movies to finally get to see - I've seen some, but not all. Gotta see Up In The air, I think I can finally see Precious now, and The White Ribbon, The Hurt Locker. I thought Tobey looked really handsome, thrilled for Christoph Waltz. Ricky was very funny. Loved the Scorcese tribute. Jeff Bridges, I've fallen in love with all over again - so dashing, love his hair. Great show!
I thought Reese looked very nice too, but she looked very nice and bright, etc. when she and Jake were together. So i think it's all in someone's mind that she looks so wonderful or better than she had after a break-up.
If J&R weren't to be, it's best for them to move on. Hoping he does find what he is looking for in his life.
It's not easy to get into another relationship right off and it took Jake a while after his breakup with Kirsten to find someone he wanted to be involved with. Her being a "family person" is one of the reasons he was drawn to her.
Just maybe not going to be "his family".
Feel tho that it's not like they haven't talked. I can't imagine him being completely cut off from the kids.
Yep, very happy for Jeff Bridges. Liked his shout-out to Maggie.
I totally missed Reese coming out and presenting, so I missed this dress that everyone on twitter is raving about. Any pics anywhere?
yes reese looked good tonite but she looked good when she was with jake i dont think shes loks better since the split looks the same to me
If Jake was in Avatar ...would have been great for him.
I think Jake would have taken a lot of attention, because he is more famous than Sam.
Not the best of the year, but is not a bad movie.
I saw the dress. Very nice dress. Looked dark blue. She's lost weight, and seemed relentlessly cheerful. Determinedly upbeat. Perky,saucy,etc.,etc.,etc.
"I'm already annoyed by the "Reese always looks great after her splits" meme."
E! has this afterparty show on, and they are SO obnoxious. They are covering three parties HBO, Warners and InStyle. They are also covering the Press Room with Meryl Streep right now.
I'm definitely not a Cameron fan. Ugh! I was rooting for Bigelow and Hurt Locker. I LOVED Robert Downey, Jr.'s acceptance speech!!
Gervais was hilarious. Even the Governor took shots at NBC.
I haven't seen any pictures in the usual places, FL. It was one-shouldered, dark blue, sleek. Very nice.
"Hair or personality, bobbyanna? Or both?"
I forgot to say, I loved Robert Downey's speech too - I still have to see Sherlock Holmes. And Mickey Rourke always has the sexiest voice reading off the women's names for Best Actress. Helen Mirren always looks fantastic. :)
E! has this afterparty show on, and they are SO obnoxious.
What to expect from people who work in this place? All insignificant!
I already sick of this people talking about red carpet and other things. They are all futile!
Reese looked very beautiful I just feel like UV and Bobbyanna that the meme of her looking better after a breakup is so damn annoying.
And I have to say yay to Mad Men winning!
And yay RDJ!!!
Sorry, last spam, lol.
I liked some of the sleeker, simpler dresses - "mermaid" silhouette - I think Reese's was like that too. Loved Maggie's, esp. the color. A little escapism, the award shows. :)
I saw the GG on TNT, and each break they showed the commercial of Brokeback Mountain!
^^Wow, that's great. I always love to see anything about BBM. :)
Maggie and Peter on the E! after show. (Peter didn't go to the show - he only came for the party.)
but basically these things are all a joke.
This was a pretty boring show.
I still can't decide if I wish Jake had been in Avatar. But it would have been fun to see him at all these things. Sam Worthington seems to have the personality of a thick plank.
^^They do go on - but I kinda like them. I love the fashion, bling, guys in tuxes, and of course my favorite movies. I would have loved to see Jake in Avatar.
I like to think Peter and Jake watched the show at home/in a hotel suite and made fun of it all.
FL, you've probably seen this already, but Getty has a pic of Reese on stage.
I was happy about Jeff Bridges. He is very deserving.He did run on, but I didn't mind. He was talking about his father and his mother. I got teary when Meryl talked about her mother, too.
Maggie and Peter did a brief interview in the lobby of the Beveryly Hills Hotel with E! They were very sweet.
So if you're watching the post-show on E! you'll probably note the irony in them cutting off Meryl Streep from the press room as she was mid-sentence talking about the 24/7 news cycles and the blogosphere and the tearing down of actresses on the web. Yeah, good one, E! - wouldn't want to expose your channel for what it is.
Oh and Peter didn't attend the GGs. As we just found out when he and Maggie were interviewed in the lobby of the hotel.
But it would have been fun to see him at all these things
It would have been wonderful to see Jake get so much attention.
The party was boring, but I had so much fun in a chat with film lovers. They have fun with all the comments!
I was happy with most of the wins but I was dissapointed that The Hurt Locker list to Avatar and Bigelow lost to Cameron.
Thought Ricky did a bang up job as host, I hope they bring him back next year.
Reese did look fantastic but i'm sick of the she looks good after break-up crap, she looked good to me whrn she was with Jake.
I turned on E and some schmuck was interviewing Maggie and Peter, Peter was waiting for Maggie to escort her to the Fox party for Crazy Hearts for Jeff and T-Bone Burnette.
I think something that looks like Avatar does and how long it took to put it together. Lot of people worked a long time to get it to look like that.
Jake might think it would be fun to be in something like that but he also says maybe the most important thing would be the script..if he read the script without all the effects would he of still wanted to do it.
Meryl Streep from the press room as she was mid-sentence talking about the 24/7 news cycles and the blogosphere and the tearing down of actresses on the web. Yeah, good one, E! - wouldn't want to expose your channel for what it is.
I love Meryl.
I saw The Blind Side, and while I like Sandra Bullock, that was not an award season movie, or an award season performance. As a whole, it seems like there should have been room for both Maggie and Jake in this season's field of nominees.
I think I'll have to see The Lovely Bones even tho it's not something I'd ordinarily want to see.I'd like to see Stanley Tucci's performance.I like Rachel Weiss, too. Has anyone seen The White Ribbon?
The reason I enjoy the GG is the informality. Looks like a fun gathering. Unscripted moments are fun, too.
The White Ribbon sounds so intriguing, as does A Single Man. I never saw Julie & Julia either. So many movies!
What a great clip of young teen Jake. It's nice to see him so young and blond, but it was definitely Jake!
I thought Reese looked pretty, but maybe a little too thin.
Not crazy about Maggie's dress- too much stuff on it for me. But she looked lovely, she almost always does.
The show was good dumb fun, for me. I enjoyed Jeff Bridges and RDJ, and Meryl Streep. And it's nice to see Stanley Tucci getting some attention, he's a fine actor.
GG moments:
Watching Colin Farrell hold an umbrella and carefully escorting his Girlfriend thru the rain,up the red carpet.
Watching Jon Hamm spontaneously stoop to grab the train of Jennifer Garner's dress when it got stuck, after her red carpet interview with E!
Watching Drew Barrymore, post-GG, telling Juliana of E! how humble she is. LOL!
It is good, dumb fun, LG. Perfect description. And ITA on Maggie's dress - too much on it and overdesigned.
Bobbyanna, the Jon Hamm moment sounds wonderful. And was Drew tellig Giuliana that Giuliana is humble or that she, herself, is humble. Both are hilarious!
I wish I had seen Meryl's diatribe. Unfortunately, I got mostly Ben Lyons, everyone's favorite. Ugh.
Oh, and I wasn't as crazy about Reese's dress in the still photo. Kind of a boring material.
Don't you love the color of Maggie's dress though? It's gorgeous - bring out her skin tones. The fabric is beautiful, I love the curvy, feminine silouette, and to me - the dress is simple. I love the off-shoulder, and it might be too plain IMO if it didn't have the embelishments it did. It's my favorite dress of the night. I liked Reese's too - I wish they would show it full length, because it had that silhouette too.
Drew was telling Juliana how humble she, herself is! And it really was hilarious.
Agree about Reese's dress. Boring. But I thought the color was very flattering on her. I like Maggie's dress. I've seen Maggie in outfits that really didn't work. I've also seen her wearing someone's window drapery!:)
I loved this color on her, and actually thought the dress design was rather flattering and conventional for her. She is so tall and slender she can wear anything. I agree with whoever said they thought the rain had a lot to do with Maggie's harido.
Last GG moment..for now: When Paul McCartney said animated films "weren't just for kids, but they're for adults who used drugs!"
That ol' Kate Hudson thinks she's a regular singer and a dancer now she's done "Nine." I think she needs to re-direct her energies and give up any thought of musicals for the future...
Reese looks happier now. Did she dump Jake or the other way round?
Who cares? They are done. Get over it!
Congrats to Jeff Bridges! Maggie looked lovely.
The GG's are one of the more fun awards show because everyone is so loose!
Who would have thought that Avatar would be such a threat to The Hurt locker a few months ago and see Sandra come out of nowhere with the Blindside?
I'm so glad Nine looks like it crashed and burned, i'm sick and tired of Weinstein & Co.
I thought both Maggie and Reese looked really beautiful last night and I loved Jeff's and Mo'nique's wins last night.
Up next the Sags!
Duncan Jones:
ManMadeMoon A note to directors on your second film; Be careful what you wish for.
about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck
Duncan need to be careful what he says on twitter.
He returned to Canada!
I like to think Peter and Jake watched the show at home/in a hotel suite and made fun of it all.
I think both of them are too professional for that kind of immature, "sour grapes" behavior. I thought the GGs were great. :)
Once again it's all in their mind..whoever says Reese looks happier now..just go back to some of the pictures with Jake and compare.
I wouldn't pay attention to those few tweets last night about Reese looking happier. They seem to be from the same tweeter with a link to Us which I didn't bother reading.
The show was a bit loopy , I loved the NBC bashing, LOL!! I liked the Marty tribute but as I said last night, Bigelow and The Hurt Locker was robbed.
"I like to think Peter and Jake watched the show at home/in a hotel suite and made fun of it all."
LOL!I remember the interview Jake did with Diane Sawyer,when he was in NY to promote Zodiac, and he was joking about Gwyneth Paltrow's asymmetrical hairdo, tilting his head, etc.
He and Diane did a teensy bit of dishing. Jake has a great sense of humor. It's great that he has the pretentious aspects of these awards shows in perspective.
A dangerous Woman must be the only Jake film I haven't seen, Jake was adorable, thanks!
The trio of Nadal-Jagger and Dennis is a very interesting and wacky way of describing Dastan, Jake is so goofy and funny!
I actually sat through the whole GG party video, good to see Jake was there along with Maggie and Peter but those paps are beyond obnoxious.
I was happy with the Sandra, Meryl, Robert , Jeff and Mo'nique wins, not so much the Avatar win.
Jake will be getting plenty of attention this year from POP and LAOD.
I'm sure next year's award season will have him featured.
Thanks for the pics of Jake at a pre GG party. I was watching E news after GG and Maggie and Peter were at that party. I didn't see Jake. Maybe he just went to the Pre party (I didn't see him at the awards sitting with Maggie)
A full length shot of Reese's dress here. It's kinda fuzzy as it's a screen grab from an x17 video of her waiting for her ride to the after party.
I didn't watch the GGs as I don't really like awards shows and I don't know most of the actors (I have just a few that I follow/am interested in).
Thanks. Looks like the same woman she was out with the other day, with the red hair, is with her.
The full length shot shows the detailing. Very nice dress.
^^Elegant. The color is amazing - sapphire blue, great on her.
Reese was only talked about here because she was dating Jake. Since that's apparently over, why do people insist on talking about her? Does anyone really care about the color of her dress or whether she looks happy, or what parties she attends? I know I don't.
And we should care about what you think because... ?
It cracks me up when anonymous posters get all indignant, especially over other anonymous posters.
Apparently Jake hung out with his manager for most of the night at the Buffalo Club party. It's a fairly funny take on GG weekend.
Does anyone still remember Rock of Ages?
"Rock of Ages"— Maguire Entertainment purchased this property, though it doesn't seem to be something Maguire is looking to star in. Adapted from the shitty Broadway jukebox musical, it concerns a romance that blooms in the middle of a scuffle between devotees of capitalist mall-bound attitudes and shitty, corporate hair metal. It's everything you imagine the demise of the musical would sound like. Still, if Maguire smells the money, who says he can't find a way to star?
Wow, that's quite a long list of properties for Tobey. I wonder if he can sing? They certainly didn't make it sound like an appealing proposition for Tobey - or Jake!
Afternoon babblers, UV and FL:)
I can't add much to what's already posted. I love the GGs too. Everyone has a glass of wine or a cocktail or beer or stiff drink and kicks back with gusto.
I miss Jake on the red carpet. I'm afraid I'm not interested in watching it knowing he will not be walking it.
Hmmmm, I wonder why Ms Thing didn't do awards shows when she was with His Gorgeousness. I am not going any further for now, but you know I'm not happy with this PR situation...she looks happier now etc...Bah Humbug! I will talk about her all I want as long as I can if the mods are OK with it. I'm through for now.
I liked her Ryan coming out dress that hot lemon color and red sandals looked good on her.
Anyway, Jake looks da*ned good so I am happy for him. I just hope he gets nominated next year. I'm dying to see him on the red carpet alone or not. I miss him...:(:(
Tobey looked unhappy when he didn't win but who wouldn't be sad.
I like that Kevin Bacon finally won a GG. He was so looped...probably because he thought he wouldn't win again this time.
Michael C Hall finally won for his portrayal of scary scary Dexter Morgan. I hope he continues to be "No Evidence of Disease." That's what they tell us to say now...no more in "Remission" just NO Evidence of Disease. GO Michael! I'm happy for Sandra Bullock but I didn't see her movie yet.
I'm still in shock about the NY Jets...WOW!
love you all
The woman Reese is with in the X17 pictures is her manager Evelyn O'Neill from Management 360. I wonder if she is still Jake's manager.
I agree with UV and get real...I'm annoyed too by the "Reese always looks great after her splits".
Jake always looks great...
Apparently Jake hung out with his manager for most of the night at the Buffalo Club party. It's a fairly funny take on GG weekend.
Fascinating read. I love all that insider stuff.
From Lynda Obst in the story UV linked: As a small, aging person, circumnavigating this crush takes a skill I don’t possess: it calls for subtle martial arts moves involving the legs and shoulders that I’ve seen successfully performed by Koreans and Israelis at airport baggage claims, and by Hollywood agents in lines anywhere. Young blondes on the make are also quite good at it, as I learned on Friday.
Lynda wrote a book a few years ago I keep meaning to pick up. I like her writing.
Reese did a counry music awards show when she and Jake were together and she was at the People's Choice Awards last year, which she won.
Might of been something else too but those are the only ones I can think of.
reese was a presenter at the oscarslast year hopefully jake will present at this years oscar
Reading all the comments about the GG awards here were more entertaining than the show! As good as Ricky was as host I wonder if they will ask him back.
Thanks for the X17 link of Reese at the after party, you can really see her dress here. I thought she looked great as did Maggie. I think that Cher was the worst dressed, Morticia Adams as someone put it, LOL!!
I think Evelyn O'Neill is still Jake's manager. Usually when an actor changes agents it's a big deal and hear about it.
Interesting that he was glued to his agents side on Friday and Reese was with her at the GG after party last night.
Thanks for posting the video of Jake from Friday, he looked good. Tommy Lee Jones looked really cranky.
There's a chance that Jake may ask to present at this year's Oscars.
Reese presented last year and she presented at the CMA's late 2008.
I think Evelyn O'Neill is still Jake's manager. Usually when an actor changes agents it's a big deal and hear about it.
I know there's always confusion about this, but manager and agent = two different things. Also, I believe Jake has a newish manager. Kim Hodgert of CAA is still his agent as far as I know, but I believe Evelyn O'Neill has taken a backseat to Suzan Bymel as Jake's manager at 360.
Good publicists and agents see to it their clients get involved, especially if they have a movie coming out. Jake will probably present at the Oscars, unless he is really busy with Source Code. Bet he gets invited to present at BAFTA,too, being a previous BAFTA recipient.
^^ Agree.
Jake is still represented by Mara Buxbaum?
Today I was again watching Avatar. I saw on Saturday and today!
I'm in love with another actor of Perth ...
Today was special, because I saw a banner of the film Brothers:
Thanks UV for thst bit from the party on Fridat. Jake also of course hung with Maggie and Pwter and chatted with Jennifer:
Golden Globes weekend got off to a starry start at the Buffalo Club in Santa Monica, Calif., where Creative Artists Agency held a private party on the restaurant's garden patio. Jake Gyllenhaal chatted up Jennifer Aniston, and despite his recent breakup, the actor "was in a great mood," a party guest tells us. But the actor spent most of his time talking to his sister Maggie and Peter Sarsgaard.
Of course the picture they use of Jake in the internet People is of him not smiling. But the kind of surprise that he could be having a good time. They're the ones who have made it seem like he was so miserable. And, once again, it wasn't fun for either of them I am sure. But no one is going to hide away.
I bet there are numerous people who don't know Jake and Jennifer were in a movie together. They have really had a really nice relationship. They'll always be pals I bet.
Jeff Bridges met his wife on a movie set 30 some years ago. They were filming at a Dude Ranch where she worked. She was not in the business. But am sure very understanding of his work as an actor. (Gotta have that).
So Jake - pay attention...ha.
If Jennifer stands next to a man they have to write up something. This isn't the first time the rags have done this with those two. Supposedly at some after GG party, Jennifer and Gerald Butler were "making"out at some party.
Blame her reps for the above.
Not only did People post a non-smiling pic but he doesn't look to great overall in tha shot.
According to E! Jake will be participating in the George Clooney Haiti appeal.
Thanks Anon. that's great news. I think Maggie mentioned that she will be involved as well.
^^I read on IMDB!
That's is great news!
The event will be on January 22!
New post :)
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