First up, Warrior Dastan:

Then Desert Dastan, four inches and Desert Dastan, six inches.

Every hero has villains - in Dastan's case, the Hassansins. The Lead Hassansin and then the Hassansin with the best name - Human Porcupine Hassansin!

There are also box sets but no pictures of those yet.
So who's your money on - the Warrior or the Hassansin? And whom will you spend your money on!
Don't forget - the Red Cross appeal for Haiti:
(Doll photos courtesy of Toy Whiz.)
Third one's the charm, for me anyway. ;)
Yep - #3.
There is a similarity with Jake. The third is the best!
The third one for me as well, Desert Dastan! That one looks like Jake the most.
Didn't get a chance to comment and thank you for you beautiful tribute to Heath on the previous post UV. The pictures you chose were perfect.
The telethon last night was very well done and moving. It didn't look like Jake was there but he filmed the PSA announcement which is great.
i go with the third one too
I'm partial to #3 as well, but I admit that I'll be collecting all of them!
According to a twitter asking why Jake "was in the 510 last night,"
I think this is where they spotted him. Definitely his kind of restaurant.
It looks like figure # 3 is winning so far, i love that one as well.
I saw that tweet too Bobbyanna. the tweet sounded like they were at Oakland airport, I wonder if he was leaving or that palce was just near the airport.
Looks like it's unanimous - that third one is the charm. They are all better than the ones we'd seen before, I think.
This made me laugh:
Prince of Persia action figures are pretty Gyllensmaall |
Here's the good news: The first images of McFarlane Toys' line of action figures based on the upcoming Prince of Persia movie have been released, and they don't look half bad. Sure, some of the villains' figurines are sort of dead-eyed, but hey -- that's just a natural side-effect of the angry sand infusion they've undergone. Check out Toy News International's gallery to see the rest of the man-dolls.
Here's the bad news: These figures are only four-to-six inches tall. Even if you're a person of limited stature, it would be impossible to play "Jake Gyllenhaal Fantasy Dream Date" with a four-inch-tall representation of the guy.
Sheba, I forgot to say thanks for giving your Brothers impressions in the last post. I'm so glad you liked the movie and finally got to see it!
Another vote for #3! That bit is so funny/cute UV!
OT: Jean Simmons passed away yesterday. She starred in movies like The Robe and Spartacus among other wonderful films.
Fans of the soap All My Children may remember James Mitchell as Palmer Cortland. He passed away yesterday as well. One of the best AMC villians that mellowed over the years.
RIP Jean and James
I'll be the odd one out and choose figure #1, I like the "warrior" look.
Jean Simmons was a beautiful lady and one of my favorites from Hollywood's golden era.
RIP Jean.
Reminder: The SAG awards are on tonight on TNT.
#1 is pretty good, too, SA. The second one is the worst, I think.
Did we know Jake and Billy Crystal were at Craft when that tweeter saw them? I can't remember.
There were a couple of Jake/Berkeley/yoga tweets today, as well.
Two new quotes from Jim Sheridan quotes about Jake:
He will be 61 in a couple of weeks, but speaks about the film industry with the enthusiasm of someone 40 years younger. "Have you seen Avatar?" he asks me at one point. "It's amazing, isn't it?" I congratulate him on his film, praise he seems eager to deflect. "Tobey's very good in it," he says. "He's not bad at all." Portman, he says, "is a sweetheart to work with," while Gyllenhaal seems something of an enigma. "I think he's an odd actor, Jake. You kind of have to let him do his own thing. It's like that Warren Beatty thing. His charm comes out of who he is."
From Digital Spy:
You've previously said that Jake Gyllenhaal drove you mad at points - did you find a way to cope with each other in the end?
"Yes, I think we both realised we'd always be fighting to be the centre of attention - two mammie's boys it's called on the set! But he's a sweetheart and after I'd got used to him I adored him. He's easy to work with."
I remember that tweet UV from Craft. They mentoned that they were there but not together, no mention of Roabert Duvall.
Saw the yoga tweets, looks like he went to yoga classes on Friday and Saturday in SF.
I found these tweets, one of the yoga tweets from Saturday:
bryrah: Casually did yoga today next to a shirtless jake gyllenhaal. After class I approached him and we had a little exchange!
about 9 hours ago from UberTwitter
But then we get this tweet about him at a Starbucks from Saturday It sounds like. The tweeter is from L.A. She could be tweeting from SF but she doesn't say, she just returned from London:
MileyMontanaC: okay I'm going to starbucks!I actually saw jake gyllenhaal yesterday lolz I've been so lucky these days,anyway there's gotta be a downside 2
about 3 hours ago from web
Sounds like Jake took the yoga class aturday in the morning based on these tweet, the toast reference:
BansheGhost: RT @mthrfknluis @ornithes I think the idea was that Jake Gyllenhaal was shirtless and doing yoga, not frustrated and eating overpriced toast
about 8 hours ago from web
This is the re-tweet, a bit hard to follow since mthrfknluis has protected twweets. Can't tell if this sighting is old or new, La Note is in Berkley. The last time J&R were in SF was back in Oct. when they were spotted at the SF airport, I don't know if they were in Berkley:
@mthrfknluis Char and her momma saw him and Reese Witherspoon at La Note lololol about 9 hours ago from UberTwitter in rep
I saw pics of Reese and a friend in Venice having lunch, so perhaps the sighting is from last year.
The Stabucks sighting could be mistaken identity or he returned to L.A. and the sighting was later on in the day.
Sorry for the long post!
What is Jake doing in San Fransisco I wonder?
P.S. The woman Reese was having lunch with yesterday was Kristin Gore, daughter of Al and Tipper and writer of "Nailed."
Thanks, tweety. There's no universe, parallel or otherwise where I could do yoga next to a shirtless, sweaty Jake Gyllenhaal. Yoga depends on breathing, right?
Gloomy rainy day here. Squirrel in my attic is raising hell. Next week he dies!
Michelle M. was a presenter at the SAG Awards last night.
Tho doubt if there are many who have seen her movie 'Trucker" but the reviews for her have been very good.
And have no doubt the acting will be just fine for "Code".
La Note sighting is old.
I could be mistaken, but that La Note restaurant sighting most likely goes back to when Reese was filming 4C in the Bay area. I remember looking up that restaurant back then.
I'm not buying that other tweet about Jake at Starbucks. Did you read any of the other tweets from that person's accout? Sounds creepily predatory -- someone looking to meet and make Miley fans. Totally gave me the wiggins reading that stuff.
Thanks for the report Tweety! I can't imagine doing yoga next to a shirtless Jake either and being able to concetrate!
Thanks anon. Kristen Gore? Man I wish this means that there will be some news regarding Nailed like maybe Reese's prodiction Co. may get involved?Wishful thinking on my part because I was really looking forward to Nailed and I don't think Gore really has any say in the distribution. They are both from TN, so maybe they were just catching up.
Thanks so much for the new quotes from Sheridan UV!
Good luck getting rid of that squirrel Bobbyanna. I once opened up my balcony to my apt. and out of no where a squirrel ran into my livingroom, it took me almost an hour to chase him back out!
The telethon on Friday has raised 58 millon dollars so far.
I doubt Reese is thinking about Nailed. There were plenty of chances for Type A Productions to help Nailed during filming, because they had a lot of problems and she was even there for a lot of them. The message she seems to be sending is that she's "moved on," and she's busy, busy, busy. Kristen Gore's a comedy writer, so maybe Reese is talking to her about a possible project. Reese has Rob Pattinson all signed up for "Water for Elephants." They are trying to get Sean Penn for it, too.
The message she seems to be sending is that she's "moved on," and she's busy, busy, busy
She sure is busy, busy, busy making sure she gets papped every day.
I actually quite liked her when she was with Jake but am starting to dislike her more and more!.
Jake's busy too and before long he'll be in Canada making a movie and as said there are numerous things to do that are involved with the movie before it starts to film.
Also he's got some movies on the horizon to be made. There always seems to be talk with the people involved with that even when making other movies.
And of course POP. We're close to 4 months away from it. That means in March it will start to build and April will be pretty busy with POP stuff..and then..May!
(Iron Man 2 is also out that month but opening earlier).
Someone saw the SAG? I'm so happy for the victory of Inglourious Basterds, Christopher Waltz, Jeff Bridges and Mo'Nique! They deserve!
Jeff mentioned the name of Maggie Gyllenhaal! Lovely!
Type A Films is a joke. After the disaster that was Penelope they can't get another project greenlit. The "company" (one person in a small office suite) is now situated with its FOURTH studio in FOUR YEARS (FOX Searchlight) where she doesn't even get development money.
That Elephant film looks stupid as well and I fully expect it to bomb as well.
Face it, without Vince Vaughn starring Reese can't open a movie and she has barely any name recognition outside the US at all.
Recently Forbes did a list of the 100 most influential people in Hollywood, she didn't even make that list.
Yes, the SAG Awards were very nice. As it is given by actors for actors I think they really appreciate it. And it is one of those - just to be nominated - does mean something to them.
The Betty White speech was worth it all by itself.
She had said earlier she couldn't believe that would be something she would ever receive.
Christopher W. truly is appreciative of what has happened.
Glad Jeff mentioned not only his parents of course, but Beau.
He mentioned Maggie at the Globes too.
An interview with her somewhere she mentioned meeting Jeff so many years back and him telling her he felt they would work together someday.
I've always liked Sandra and she keeps saying..this is a fluke thing..because she thinks there should be a Meryl Award every year at the Oscars and she comes up to get it and then they can have the "other one" for others.
'Water For Elephants" is a book and a highly praised book. I have not read it but know people who have and they loved it.
Have no doubt if done right it will be a good movie.
Its been a while but I rem. seeing some pictures of Ryan with the kids and also the kids with Abbey & Ryan.
Jake cared about Reese & except for the one picture of her during the POP filming there were other times she was there (which meant a day of going there and a day going back).
There were many times during the past 3 years when we didn't see or hear anything about them.
Whatever their problems were they still certainly seemed to have some very nice times together and that can't be changed.
Water for Elephants will do very good. Rob Pattinson has a huge fan base, so does Reese. I don't get the Reese hate. They dated. They broke up. No scandals, no other woman or man, no drugs or beatings,it just ended. I liked Jake, but I got to like him a lot more once I got to "know" him when he was with Reese. I still like Jake. I'm looking forward to PoP. I hope they both have lots of successes.
Type-A is more than a suite with one person. She moved it to a larger space last year and is fully staffed. I don't know about projects not getting greenlit but Water for Elephnats is not a joke, read the book. Patterson and Penn are in talks to join the production.
I'm not going to comment on the other stuff. It's one thing to dislike someone but please don't post false information.
I saw the SAG awards Monica, pretty much a repeat of the GG's except for the win for IB as best ensemble (Avatar wasn't nominated).
Although I'm a big Meryl fan, I was happy for Sandra, as I was for the wins for Jeff, Mo'nique and Christopher!
As for the Dastan action figure, it's # 3 for me too!
Why would Type A Films need a "fully staffed" office? They haven't produced a project since Penelope in 2006.
Rob Pattison has a "huge fanbase" when that Salvador Dali film was released as well, how well did that do?
12:27/12:30/12:31 Are all the same jackass. Who pissed in your coffee this morning?
She needed bigger space because she hired a staff that's why. Just because you haven't heard about any A-type projects since Penelope doesn't mean there isn't things going on, they are.
So you read the script? I guess Penn and Pattison like crap scripts too. You sound jealous that she may be starriing in this film bvased on a bestseller, with Penn and Pattison possibly attached and that she has a production Co.
One thing i never understand is the hatred some women have against strong,independent women, it's like the are threatened.
Not everyone is going to like everything.
Water for Elephants if it is done as a first class movie, and why wouldn't it be, may or may not do well in the theater But Some of Jake's movies haven't done well at the box-office, but they are not failures as content and performance. The Oscars completely ignored "Zodiac". And it didn't make big money. It still makes list on one of the best movies of the last 10 years.
Many excellent movies have not done well but have gone on to be appreciated.
J&R just didn't date - they lived together. He seemed to be quite involved with the children's lives.
Rem. the quotes from people who knew both of them and spoke well of them as people and a couple.
The idea of Reese playing Robert Pattison's love interest IS LAUGHABLE! She's going to get laughed at. This is the worst casting match up I can recall. Thus, I doubt she'll get any awards love, which was this film's only hope. Also, Francis Lawrence, who is directing the film, IS A HACK! "I Am Legend?" "Constantine?" Before that Britney Spears videos?
This may even get some Razzies, it's that bad.
The script had all sorts of crude sex scenes and such, thus Robert Pattison's "fan base" of TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRLS will not be allowed to see it anyway. Again, you'll note how unsuccessful his more "serious" films have been without the presence of 12 years at the theater.
Sean Penn has never been able to open a film and Reese can't open a film unless it's headlined by Vince Vaughn.
This project has disaster written all over it.
Re: Type A, every project Reese has attached herself to as a producer has failed to get greenlit, regardless of studio. She also doesn't have a marketable name outside the US, where most money is made nowadays.
Tho not esp. a fan, Pattison being in a movie that didn't do well doesn't mean a whole lot. What actor hasn't been in a flop.
Denzil Washington has always been considered a successful actor, but there are many of his movies that haven't done much business at all.
Directors are a funny lot. Sometimes they don't do well and sometimes with certain movies do a great job.
Why don't we wait until the movie is out.
Oh, and Sean Penn is considered a great actor. Whether he is in a movie that does well or not he does not give a bad performance. He's there for the story as most actors (Jake included)are.
Reese's does get papped a lot,especially "out with friends." If you add the news about her movie projects,IMO,I'd say she's got an agressive "strategy." Her message: "I'm fine!" As in,not a failure.
I like seeing Jake being "fine" too.Glad he was photographed at a couple of parties,and the hockey game. Don't want to think of him depressed or staying in the background because he's "a gentleman" giving Reese her space.
IMO, his behavior says the relationship meant a lot to him. He's not moping, but he isn't acting like it didn't affect him at all,either. I'd bet being in LA must not be easy for him. His life was pretty full with Reese & the kids. Glad Source Code is coming up fast.
I confess,I don't feel friendly towards Reese now,&I'd feel uneasy if I heard they got back together. I just wouldn't trust it. But I don't hate her. Jake has lots of good friends. He'll be OK. Reese,too,I'm sure.
Oh. And I wish dear Kate Hudson every happiness with her secret new guy!(She said he's a photographer! Perfect!:))
i ddont like reese as much as i did before but i dont hate her either and the reesefan poster didnt say anything bad or negative about jake said she likes so we need to rise above all this pettiness and just concentrate on jake jake will be fine
I wish people would stop with the Reese bashing. I don't hate her, Jake is a grown man, i'm sure he will be fine.
I like #3 as well, altough I will probably buy all of them when they come out!
I wonder if all this yoga stuff with Jake has anything to do with him getting ready for Source code?
Watched the telethon on Friday, what great news that they raised 58 million dollars.
Yoga for the 3rd day in a row, maybe it is for Source code:
My mom is freaking out because Jake Gyllenhaal was in her yoga class this morning. xD
44 minutes ago from web
I'm liking the #1 picture more as time goes on. It's a good "action" shot. #3 & #1 would be the first two I'd get.
Usually when they make all the smaller action figures. They will do at least one larger one. (maybe two).
The Sag awards were a bit of a bore to me, pretty much the same winners as the GG's. The only highlight for me was Betty White!
I'm a Giants fan but I was pulling for the Jets. It would have been great if they went to the Super bowl, oh well.
Go Saints!
New post.
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