How much of an understatement would it be to say that this was worth the wait?
Not really loving the hair, but..... WHO CARES? Everything (and I do mean everything) else is so fine. Just when I think he cannot possibly get any more attractive...... Clearly, I need to quit underestimating him!
Do you think Reese ever gets used to his gorgeousness...... or like us, does she spontaneously thud? :)
Been reading around a little bit, the PoP fanbois seem to be happy with Jake's look. Which is nice.
Glad to hear that, FL because what I have been reading around has been pretty nasty. I don't get how people can be so cruel when I am sure they aren't models or anything.
Anyway, good to see Jake and Reese together. She is so lucky to be able to touch his buffness. :p
I saw those nasty comments, too, get real. It's an interesting thing, how many of them are knocking his look. Because I guess evidently they don't realize IT'S FOR A MOVIE. Man. It must get very claustrophobic under those rocks.
What a beauty!!! He looks so completely different from anything else he's ever done. He looks as if he just finished work, he is all grimey. Looks like he has some body hair, but not much. Maybe it's the lighting or the make-up. This is going to be huge!!! Yeah, I totally agree. Reese probably turns to jelly. (sigh.) No kids on this trip. I think they are home and probably glad to be there.
Get real, the hate is dispiriting. I wish we had gotten the first pics of him in costume without Reese by his side, because people are just irrational about her. It's idiotic, but sadly true.
That said, I'm happy they are together. And Reese is one insanely lucky woman.
Double posting, but I don't understand all the folks who are so surprised to see Jake looking like this. For one thing, we've seen him bulking up for months. I know everyone isn't following his every move like we are, but I know some of these same folks have seen the pics.
As FL said:
It must get very claustrophobic under those rocks.
Enigma, one might say you're reading the RIGHT sites. But if you go to any of the main sites (ONTD, JustJared, TMZ e.g.), there's a lot of Reese bashing. It's ugly and mean-spirited, so consider yourself lucky not to have seen it.
Also, I'm not sure Reese is in "town" in that other picture. Looks like she has her bathing suit under the dress, so she's probably at or close to the hotel. Their very beautiful hotel.
I did gander at the JustJared comments, 1st page only mind you. Nothing bad, but I'm assuming it gets worse through the next pages. But you get a lot of hatred towards all celebrities in general. It doesn't really bother me since these insults are coming from individuals who have very low self-esteem.
Yeah, you're right about the Reese pic. She is dressed rather informally for a town visit.
We did have this all sussed out, didn't we AK? We're good :) Glad to know Jake brightened up another soggy day in London town.
And Enigma, it isn't so much that people are saying cruel stuff about Reese, though they have and will. It's that her mere presence causes people to behave irrationally. Some people can't see past her to Jake. Sad but true. Also, as you said, not really worth worrying about. It just gets exasperating sometimes. For that reason, I wish we had gotten a glimpse of Jake on set with his colleagues first. Then lots of J/R :)
Goodness, is that bruise I spy on the Gyllenbod, ribcage on the same side as Reese! *Packs first aid kit, practices kiss of life and flys to Morocco*
I've made my mind up to no longer read the comments on Justjared etc - although they tend to be mostly positive these days, some of the comments are just so venomous and sick it's just not worth it - I have no idea why some people are like this, but thankfully I don't have to live their sad little lives where they actually get a kick out of doing this. Just like I weened myself of visiting certain sites, I'm going to ween myself off reading these.
I'm content to stay here, coz we rock *does Devil horns sign thingy*
Do we really need to keep bringing up some of the negativity that comes reese and jakes way. Lets be realistic we all know that the haters are out there and they ain't going away.Isn't that why this blog is here in the first place. Do we really need a report everytime someone goes to one of these sites. My advice don't read the comments and ignore them and stay over here where it is posotivity city.
Can we please move past the haters and focus on what really matters, like can jake stay shirtless for the entire movie.
Some of the haters are "walking" from site to site (Like JJ or ONTD) If you read the comments carefully you will see the resemblance. IMO about 10 - 15 people.
OK, after my first excitement I have to kind of agreeing with Popsugar (usually very Jake friendly) with this comment:
"He's walking a fine line between sexy and silly". And someone on a movie board made a comment like "looks more like Conan than the Prince of Persia". They are obviously going with the "Warrior Within" look. I like that but please Mr. Newell be careful - I don´t want our Jake looking like one of those bulked up stereoid (sp?) taking guys....
Here is a report with some interesting theories of the PoP delay:
Loving the bod but not digging the hair, it looked more natural in Paris.
But, damn he looks hot! And yes I agree with you UV, I wish it were just Jake and the set pics and then J&R later, but i'm glad she's there, lucky woman!
Oh my god, that hotel and resort is divine, had to stop looking at the pictures as I was drooling on my desk. And the scenery surrounding, breathtaking.
I noticed several of the rooms at the hotel have their own private pools. That would be enough for me to go!
Didja notice the tan lines and costume discoloration lines around his shoulders and arms. Poor thing is having to wear that Warrior Within torso armor out in that sweltering heat. I hope they constructed it out of breathable mesh wicking at the very least.
Well, most of the horrible comments about Jake's PoP look have nothing to do with Reese. Although I agree would have liked to see the debut of it alone. And I do agree that you have to wonder who these haters are anyway. And they must live under rocks at FL said. Just accusations of Jake using steriods, this being fake, etc. makes me pissed off. Based on Jarhead and all the exercise he does I bet he worked really hard for this.
Anyway, sorry but just had to get that out.
Now, this site is all about the Gyllenlove so again I drool at the pics and go aww and Jake and Reese holding hands. :)
Gorgeous hotel!!! I put in a few dates to book something, but alas, they are "not available"...ever! ;)(Starting at $900 per night?) They have suites and villas(or maisons) with their own private bathing pool. The bathrooms are very sexy. Can you imagine a wedding in such a setting?
Beautiful!Jake looks exhausted in these pictures. I love the way they are holding hands.
gabbana, I have to confess, I've had concerns about him being made to look silly, but I have a lot of confidence in Mike Newell, who is a very fine director. Jerry Bruckheimer blows up lots of stuff, but he is really smart about doing things well.
Roaming around the internets, I've found people out there who just think its clever to be nasty. They think it demonstrates their sense of humor or sophistication. These are jerks who spend a lot of time arguing with each other about whether they are "first" to post, etc. They're on every site and they're just silly.
I agree the hardcore Reese/Jake haters are the same people, certainly not more then a dozen, who post wherever they can. They are kind of sick. They must be miserable people. They used to upset me, but now they are just irrelevant. They get smacked down a lot, too so that's good to see! ;) ;)
If anyone can get a close up of the picture of Reese alone at popsugar wearing a bathing suit under the white dress it would be great! I see a necklace and it's not the same one she is wearing in these pics.
If anyone can get a close up of the picture of Reese alone at popsugar wearing a bathing suit under the white dress it would be great! I see a necklace and it's not the same one she is wearing in these pics.
For a second I thought it was a ring on a chain *and may have possibly squeed quite loudly in the office* - but I don't think it is, possibly the saphires?
We did have this all sussed out, didn't we AK? We're good :)
Oh yeah..... this place does rock!
I'd gladly spend many hours flying thousands of miles if I knew what was waiting for me was Jake in that resort. That place looks incredible..... and seriously romantic. Thanks for the link, UV.
I'm assuming these pics were leaked 'cause TPTB wanted to test the water regarding Jake's PoP "look"?
"I'm assuming these pics were leaked 'cause TPTB wanted to test the water regarding Jake's PoP "look"?"
That sounds logical - I was surprised seeing pictures of him in his Dastan-look so early during the shootings.
I have seen two polls TMZ Jake's bod ... Real fake 57% Real hot 43% Total Votes: 61,079
Popsugar Hot — Look at those abs, no wonder Reese trekked to Morocco! 56% (1,604)
Not — Too beefy and that long hair is gross! 42% (1,183)
Other — I'll tell you below in comments. 2% (53) Total votes: 2,840
Interesting also - like FL mentioned - that many of the PoP fanboys who only know Jake from "Donnie Darko" are pleasantly surprised with his "new" look.
IMO they will tone him a bit down. Lets wait and see....
BTW- the Amanresorts are breathtaking - the most famous one is the Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand - I have visited this one some years ago - it is like a dream come true.
An excellent place to relax after a day shooting in the Moroccon heat...:-))
Interesting also - like FL mentioned - that many of the PoP fanboys who only know Jake from "Donnie Darko" are pleasantly surprised with his "new" look.
Just had a quick look on imdb, and the majority do seem to be coming round to it, although there's some nit picking going on, not entirely sure some of them realise that Dastan, PoP *whispers quietly* is not, nor ever was, a real person - err, and getting an exact double of a cartoon character was always going to be a wee bit tough.
I think this may have been the first weekend they opened the set up to visitors and knowing that the paps had their opportunity to get pics under the disguise of visiting somebody on the set
How come our guesses are right, and everybody else's guesses are incredibly wrong? :D
I've already answered that, it's because we rock, and they don't ;-)
Actually Anon 10:27AM I think you're right, I can understand leaking photos of Jake, but I can't either Jake or Reese agreeing to leaked one's of them together - plus I think they'd have probably used an 'action' shot, rather then a sweaty, grimey Jake walking away from the set *has a hot flush at the thought of a sweaty grimey Jake*
Why do I have Queen's "We Will Rock You" ringing in my ears? Hee. Not bad for a blog "so few people trust," is it? < /bitterness over random IHJ comment>
What cracks me up are the alleged fans who can't get past the fact that Jake doesn't look like Donnie Darko anymore. For god's sake, this is for a role. He's not going to look like this forever.
For a second I thought it was a ring on a chain *and may have possibly squeed quite loudly in the office* - but I don't think it is, possibly the saphires?
Oh, man, I'd love to see the sapphires again. What did you do with them, Reese??
You can see the necklace in the IHJ embiggened photos. I didn't recognize it, but Reese does like her jewelry. And I think Jake likes giving it to her.
UV, I saw that snarky comment at IHJ....... thankfully, a couple of regulars there quickly jumped in to refute that stupid opinion. Good for them!
I also agree with you about fans who are moaning about this PoP look. You are right..... he ain't Donnie Darko (or Jack Twist for that matter) anymore. It's time to move on.
He's an actor...... there's a good chance there will be future roles that will require possibly major alterations to his RL appearance. Luckily for me, I LOVE this particular one...... personal taste totally, but his PoP body is perfect!
Yes, suvee, I was grateful to Vicky and Sheilah for saying nice things. And I've heard form other folks who disagreed. I think it just caught me off guard, since it came out of nowhere. But I don't think it's reflective of the way most IHJers see this place.
And the post was deleted. I'm just whining :)
It's funny how people don't trust us but they sure use all the info they find here over and over again!
It's time to move on.
Hallelujah. Celebrate the past. But don't live in it.
Suvee, I agree with you. Jake is an actor and actors make changes to each character. Today it is with this body, tomorrow it could make a paper they have to lose muscle mass or stay or go bald or blonde ...
I remember that Jake spoke stated that losing the muscles acquired in Jarhead to Zodiac!
Happy birthday early Sass! I also do birthday this week. My birthday is on Friday! I will complete 27 years, the same age as Jake!
Jake is a work in progress, and yes I agree that they leaked these pics to get a reaction. The usual gossip blogs comments are mixed (the ones I visited anyway) but most of the fanboy sites were positive which is good.
He look hot BTW and I will re[peat what others have said that Reese is one lucky woman!!
I do lurk on IHJ and I can't imagine waht was posted there but i'm glad it was deleted, and yes funny how they come here for information!
"...not entirely sure some of them realise that Dastan, PoP *whispers quietly* is not, nor ever was, a real person - err, and getting an exact double of a cartoon character was always going to be a wee bit tough." Bless you, Agent K. That was my first laugh out loud all day!!!;);)
"...I think Jake likes giving it to her."
ITAWTS!!!!!!!!!!! ...about the jewelry, UV.
Happy early Birthday to Sass. In my family we celebrate birthdays fow a week. (My iced tea just went up my nose!!)
Bobbyanna, a lot of people seem to be having trouble typing for some reason. Can't imagine what's distracting them!
Early happy birthday, Monica! The same age as Jake, you lucky thing. And you and Sass are Leos - my astrologically inclined colleague tells me that Leos are the best: loyal, kind, generous, caring. Fits the bill for you two :)
Office of Nancy Pelosi - did you see your office-dweller on Larry King last night? I couldn't watch, but I saw her briefly.
Afternoon babblers, WOW! UV and FL, did you hear me squeal with delight up North?
Thank goodness I make this one of my two online stops...missing all negative remarks...for now:)
Fanboy on my left, says to me: OMG, He looks just like POP...He's got the hair, the body, the everthing; physically he'sthe embodiment of Prince Dastan.
This is purely a techinical question. I was wondering. Does anyone know if, in the many fight scens, does Prince Dastan always have to fight in those hot leggings? .... And if he fights and he is all sweaty, he'd probably need a bath. Persians were very very fastidious.
I was just over at IHJ, looking at the pictures and he looks remarkably fit. You know?
"Oh, and Gabbana, you got to stay at one of these Aman resorts? Lucky you!"
Oh no, a misunderstanding - I spend holidays in Phuket and one day we made a trip and visited the hotel....we were allowed to take a is unbelievably beautiful but also unbelievably expensive....:-))
It will be interesting to see when we will get the next pictures from the set. I am relieved that we don´t have to deal with the ballon pants...
BTW UV and FL you are doing a fine job with this blog - this is the first one I visit every morning because I know if there are some news, I will get them here. Not to forget the friendly athmosphere and the respect for each other and for Jake and Reese, I have neither patience nor understanding for people who claim to be Jake fans but are not able to at least respect the woman in his life.
Thanks for BD wishes *big grin*....I had so much fun last night.. TDK on an IMAX screen is unbelievable. Maybe POP will follow suit. Shia LaBeouf's next movie, Eagle Eye, previewed trailers last night and will show @ the IMAX, so I'm xing my fingers for an IMAX Prince Of Peria showing in 2010.:)
I'll read more later but I had to come on and share a Page 6 photo from today's tab, to show my appreciation, to UV and FL, for this wonderful site that we all enjoy. Please, no comments about Page 6; I know what an awful tab site it is...I live here. :lol:lol :lol
a lil more page 6 Jake/Reese click and make bigger:) ignore captions.
Well Jake is certainly creating a sensation, there's no doubt about it!!! I loved the Defamer article!!! "Jake has the entire internet wondering if it's 22010 yet?" Thanks narcissa. These pictures are really amazing. Just. Amazing.
We must all try to watch E! and some of the other entertainment news shows to see if they have these pictures. I think I must agree with you all. These are creating wuite the sensation all over the world! I think they created the internet because of Jake.
Oh hai, Jake. Love the hat, Reese.
Been reading around a little bit, the PoP fanbois seem to be happy with Jake's look. Which is nice.
Just unbelievably gorgeous. :)
Made my day! Thud.
And I'm so happy Reese is there with him, maybe not with the children so she can, um, give him wardrobe advice.
FL, just noticed, the "manly " label on the previous post, LOL>
How much of an understatement would it be to say that this was worth the wait?
Not really loving the hair, but..... WHO CARES? Everything (and I do mean everything) else is so fine. Just when I think he cannot possibly get any more attractive...... Clearly, I need to quit underestimating him!
Do you think Reese ever gets used to his gorgeousness...... or like us, does she spontaneously thud? :)
Been reading around a little bit, the PoP fanbois seem to be happy with Jake's look. Which is nice.
Glad to hear that, FL because what I have been reading around has been pretty nasty. I don't get how people can be so cruel when I am sure they aren't models or anything.
Anyway, good to see Jake and Reese together. She is so lucky to be able to touch his buffness. :p
I saw those nasty comments, too, get real. It's an interesting thing, how many of them are knocking his look. Because I guess evidently they don't realize IT'S FOR A MOVIE. Man. It must get very claustrophobic under those rocks.
Those are gorgeous photos. I wonder where they came from, I don't think there are any paps hanging out in Morocco.
I'd like to think, evidenced by those photos of her peeking in the window when he was changing, that she still gets swooney when she's around him.
Reese in the Morocco town, I wonder if there are anymore of these pictures,2,0
What a beauty!!! He looks so completely different from anything else he's ever done. He looks as if he just finished work, he is all grimey. Looks like he has some body hair, but not much. Maybe it's the lighting or the make-up. This is going to be huge!!!
Yeah, I totally agree. Reese probably turns to jelly. (sigh.)
No kids on this trip. I think they are home and probably glad to be there.
Get real, the hate is dispiriting. I wish we had gotten the first pics of him in costume without Reese by his side, because people are just irrational about her. It's idiotic, but sadly true.
That said, I'm happy they are together. And Reese is one insanely lucky woman.
Double posting, but I don't understand all the folks who are so surprised to see Jake looking like this. For one thing, we've seen him bulking up for months. I know everyone isn't following his every move like we are, but I know some of these same folks have seen the pics.
As FL said:
It must get very claustrophobic under those rocks.
I haven't read anything negative towards Reese, but maybe I'm not on the right sites. Which is a good thing I suppose.
Anyway, love the shot of Reese in town. Very cute.
Enigma, one might say you're reading the RIGHT sites. But if you go to any of the main sites (ONTD, JustJared, TMZ e.g.), there's a lot of Reese bashing. It's ugly and mean-spirited, so consider yourself lucky not to have seen it.
Also, I'm not sure Reese is in "town" in that other picture. Looks like she has her bathing suit under the dress, so she's probably at or close to the hotel. Their very beautiful hotel.
Oh dear god, no seriously, haven't even had my first cup of coffee this morning and I log on to see that! *Iz ded*
*Few gulps of coffee later*
BTW, how mega is this place, we had Reese down as arriving soon, vacination shots etc, and low and behold, there she is - we win!
Those pictures, completely make up for a rain drenched, and AK drenched, Tuesday morning in dismal London Town.
(BTW, that's sooooo my costume design for Dastan, are Disney reading my thoughts! Should I sue :o )
I did gander at the JustJared comments, 1st page only mind you. Nothing bad, but I'm assuming it gets worse through the next pages. But you get a lot of hatred towards all celebrities in general. It doesn't really bother me since these insults are coming from individuals who have very low self-esteem.
Yeah, you're right about the Reese pic. She is dressed rather informally for a town visit.
We did have this all sussed out, didn't we AK? We're good :) Glad to know Jake brightened up another soggy day in London town.
And Enigma, it isn't so much that people are saying cruel stuff about Reese, though they have and will. It's that her mere presence causes people to behave irrationally. Some people can't see past her to Jake. Sad but true. Also, as you said, not really worth worrying about. It just gets exasperating sometimes. For that reason, I wish we had gotten a glimpse of Jake on set with his colleagues first. Then lots of J/R :)
Goodness, is that bruise I spy on the Gyllenbod, ribcage on the same side as Reese! *Packs first aid kit, practices kiss of life and flys to Morocco*
I've made my mind up to no longer read the comments on Justjared etc - although they tend to be mostly positive these days, some of the comments are just so venomous and sick it's just not worth it - I have no idea why some people are like this, but thankfully I don't have to live their sad little lives where they actually get a kick out of doing this. Just like I weened myself of visiting certain sites, I'm going to ween myself off reading these.
I'm content to stay here, coz we rock *does Devil horns sign thingy*
Do we really need to keep bringing up some of the negativity that comes reese and jakes way. Lets be realistic we all know that the haters are out there and they ain't going away.Isn't that why this blog is here in the first place. Do we really need a report everytime someone goes to one of these sites. My advice don't read the comments and ignore them and stay over here where it is posotivity city.
Can we please move past the haters and focus on what really matters, like can jake stay shirtless for the entire movie.
Some of the haters are "walking" from site to site (Like JJ or ONTD) If you read the comments carefully you will see the resemblance. IMO about 10 - 15 people.
OK, after my first excitement I have to kind of agreeing with Popsugar (usually very Jake friendly) with this comment:
"He's walking a fine line between sexy and silly". And someone on a movie board made a comment like "looks more like Conan than the Prince of Persia".
They are obviously going with the "Warrior Within" look. I like that but please Mr. Newell be careful - I don´t want our Jake looking like one of those bulked up stereoid (sp?) taking guys....
Here is a report with some interesting theories of the PoP delay:
(Sorry, I am not at home where my instructions for a proper link lying at the desk)
Loving the bod but not digging the hair, it looked more natural in Paris.
But, damn he looks hot! And yes I agree with you UV, I wish it were just Jake and the set pics and then J&R later, but i'm glad she's there, lucky woman!
Jake also made it into the "People of today" caption of one of our biggest magazines:
" Wer sich Gyllenhaals trainierte Brust anschaut weiß, warum Witherspoon die Strapazen in Kauf nimmt"
"Those looking at Gyllenhaals trained chest know why Witherspoon accepted the extersion" (Flying to Morocco.....:-))
Thanks for the link to the hote, I checked it out and it's to die for!
Luck lucky Reese. :)
Barbara is me. Not very awake yet.
Make sure you look at the pictures of the bathroom if you go to the hotel site.
Oh my god, that hotel and resort is divine, had to stop looking at the pictures as I was drooling on my desk. And the scenery surrounding, breathtaking.
I noticed several of the rooms at the hotel have their own private pools. That would be enough for me to go!
Didja notice the tan lines and costume discoloration lines around his shoulders and arms. Poor thing is having to wear that Warrior Within torso armor out in that sweltering heat. I hope they constructed it out of breathable mesh wicking at the very least.
Yes, A_K, we rock. We rock HARD. :-D
Well, most of the horrible comments about Jake's PoP look have nothing to do with Reese. Although I agree would have liked to see the debut of it alone. And I do agree that you have to wonder who these haters are anyway. And they must live under rocks at FL said. Just accusations of Jake using steriods, this being fake, etc. makes me pissed off. Based on Jarhead and all the exercise he does I bet he worked really hard for this.
Anyway, sorry but just had to get that out.
Now, this site is all about the Gyllenlove so again I drool at the pics and go aww and Jake and Reese holding hands. :)
Just looked at the pics and wow that resort they stayed at is beautiful!
This blog definitely rocks HARD! ;D
Gorgeous hotel!!! I put in a few dates to book something, but alas, they are "not available"...ever! ;)(Starting at $900 per night?) They have suites and villas(or maisons) with their own private bathing pool. The bathrooms are very sexy.
Can you imagine a wedding in such a setting?
Beautiful!Jake looks exhausted in these pictures. I love the way they are holding hands.
gabbana, I have to confess, I've had concerns about him being made to look silly, but I have a lot of confidence in Mike Newell, who is a very fine director. Jerry Bruckheimer blows up lots of stuff, but he is really smart about doing things well.
Roaming around the internets, I've found people out there who just think its clever to be nasty. They think it demonstrates their sense of humor or sophistication. These are jerks who spend a lot of time arguing with each other about whether they are "first" to post, etc. They're on every site and they're just silly.
I agree the hardcore Reese/Jake haters are the same people, certainly not more then a dozen, who post wherever they can. They are kind of sick. They must be miserable people. They used to upset me, but now they are just irrelevant. They get smacked down a lot, too so that's good to see! ;) ;)
Ignore the haters, as you say bobbyanna, it's the same dozen or so, makes you wonder what they get out of it.
Jake has been bulking up for a while now, and he looks hot IMO, but it makes Reese look even smaller if that's possible!
Thanks for the link to the hotel, it's breathtaking, and yes this blog rocks!
Yes gyllenspooner, screw the haters and Jake can go shirtless for the entire movie!!!!
There are a few more pics up on IHJ just more of Jake and Reese holding hands/walking.
If anyone can get a close up of the picture of Reese alone at popsugar wearing a bathing suit under the white dress it would be great! I see a necklace and it's not the same one she is wearing in these pics.
If anyone can get a close up of the picture of Reese alone at popsugar wearing a bathing suit under the white dress it would be great! I see a necklace and it's not the same one she is wearing in these pics.
For a second I thought it was a ring on a chain *and may have possibly squeed quite loudly in the office* - but I don't think it is, possibly the saphires?
We did have this all sussed out, didn't we AK? We're good :)
Oh yeah..... this place does rock!
I'd gladly spend many hours flying thousands of miles if I knew what was waiting for me was Jake in that resort. That place looks incredible..... and seriously romantic. Thanks for the link, UV.
I'm assuming these pics were leaked 'cause TPTB wanted to test the water regarding Jake's PoP "look"?
"I'm assuming these pics were leaked 'cause TPTB wanted to test the water regarding Jake's PoP "look"?"
That sounds logical - I was surprised seeing pictures of him in his Dastan-look so early during the shootings.
I have seen two polls
TMZ Jake's bod ...
Real fake 57%
Real hot 43%
Total Votes: 61,079
Hot — Look at those abs, no wonder Reese trekked to Morocco!
56% (1,604)
Not — Too beefy and that long hair is gross!
42% (1,183)
Other — I'll tell you below in comments.
2% (53)
Total votes: 2,840
Interesting also - like FL mentioned - that many of the PoP fanboys who only know Jake from "Donnie Darko" are pleasantly surprised with his "new" look.
IMO they will tone him a bit down.
Lets wait and see....
BTW- the Amanresorts are breathtaking - the most famous one is the Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand - I have visited this one some years ago - it is like a dream come true.
An excellent place to relax after a day shooting in the Moroccon heat...:-))
Interesting also - like FL mentioned - that many of the PoP fanboys who only know Jake from "Donnie Darko" are pleasantly surprised with his "new" look.
Just had a quick look on imdb, and the majority do seem to be coming round to it, although there's some nit picking going on, not entirely sure some of them realise that Dastan, PoP *whispers quietly* is not, nor ever was, a real person - err, and getting an exact double of a cartoon character was always going to be a wee bit tough.
I think this may have been the first weekend they opened the set up to visitors and knowing that the paps had their opportunity to get pics under the disguise of visiting somebody on the set
Looks like Jake is morphing into Dastan quite nicely although I'm getting a Tarzan/Jane vibe from these J&R pics!!
Reese would be lucky even if she was bunking down in a mud hut!
Still can't get over him. Hotter than hell!
How come our guesses are right, and everybody else's guesses are incredibly wrong? :D
How come our guesses are right, and everybody else's guesses are incredibly wrong? :D
I've already answered that, it's because we rock, and they don't ;-)
Actually Anon 10:27AM I think you're right, I can understand leaking photos of Jake, but I can't either Jake or Reese agreeing to leaked one's of them together - plus I think they'd have probably used an 'action' shot, rather then a sweaty, grimey Jake walking away from the set *has a hot flush at the thought of a sweaty grimey Jake*
Why do I have Queen's "We Will Rock You" ringing in my ears? Hee. Not bad for a blog "so few people trust," is it? < /bitterness over random IHJ comment>
What cracks me up are the alleged fans who can't get past the fact that Jake doesn't look like Donnie Darko anymore. For god's sake, this is for a role. He's not going to look like this forever.
For a second I thought it was a ring on a chain *and may have possibly squeed quite loudly in the office* - but I don't think it is, possibly the saphires?
Oh, man, I'd love to see the sapphires again. What did you do with them, Reese??
You can see the necklace in the IHJ embiggened photos. I didn't recognize it, but Reese does like her jewelry. And I think Jake likes giving it to her.
Oh, and Gabbana, you got to stay at one of these Aman resorts? Lucky you!
Not bad for a blog "so few people trust," is it?
UV, I saw that snarky comment at IHJ....... thankfully, a couple of regulars there quickly jumped in to refute that stupid opinion. Good for them!
I also agree with you about fans who are moaning about this PoP look. You are right..... he ain't Donnie Darko (or Jack Twist for that matter) anymore. It's time to move on.
He's an actor...... there's a good chance there will be future roles that will require possibly major alterations to his RL appearance. Luckily for me, I LOVE this particular one...... personal taste totally, but his PoP body is perfect!
Yes, suvee, I was grateful to Vicky and Sheilah for saying nice things. And I've heard form other folks who disagreed. I think it just caught me off guard, since it came out of nowhere. But I don't think it's reflective of the way most IHJers see this place.
And the post was deleted. I'm just whining :)
It's funny how people don't trust us but they sure use all the info they find here over and over again!
It's time to move on.
Hallelujah. Celebrate the past. But don't live in it.
Suvee, I agree with you. Jake is an actor and actors make changes to each character.
Today it is with this body, tomorrow it could make a paper they have to lose muscle mass or stay or go bald or blonde ...
I remember that Jake spoke stated that losing the muscles acquired in Jarhead to Zodiac!
Happy birthday early Sass!
I also do birthday this week. My birthday is on Friday!
I will complete 27 years, the same age as Jake!
Jake is a work in progress, and yes I agree that they leaked these pics to get a reaction. The usual gossip blogs comments are mixed (the ones I visited anyway) but most of the fanboy sites were positive which is good.
He look hot BTW and I will re[peat what others have said that Reese is one lucky woman!!
I do lurk on IHJ and I can't imagine waht was posted there but i'm glad it was deleted, and yes funny how they come here for information!
"...not entirely sure some of them realise that Dastan, PoP *whispers quietly* is not, nor ever was, a real person - err, and getting an exact double of a cartoon character was always going to be a wee bit tough."
Bless you, Agent K. That was my first laugh out loud all day!!!;);)
"...I think Jake likes giving it to her."
ITAWTS!!!!!!!!!!! ...about the jewelry, UV.
Happy early Birthday to Sass. In my family we celebrate birthdays fow a week.
(My iced tea just went up my nose!!)
"fow" = "for" ^
Don't know why, but I'm havinjg trouble with even the most basic stuff today!
Bobbyanna, a lot of people seem to be having trouble typing for some reason. Can't imagine what's distracting them!
Early happy birthday, Monica! The same age as Jake, you lucky thing. And you and Sass are Leos - my astrologically inclined colleague tells me that Leos are the best: loyal, kind, generous, caring.
Fits the bill for you two :)
Office of Nancy Pelosi - did you see your office-dweller on Larry King last night? I couldn't watch, but I saw her briefly.
The Sun ran a picture of Dastan and Reese with the headline "Legally Buff!"
Afternoon babblers,
WOW! UV and FL, did you hear me squeal with delight up North?
Thank goodness I make this one of my two online stops...missing all negative remarks...for now:)
Fanboy on my left, says to me:
OMG, He looks just like POP...He's got the hair, the body, the everthing; physically he'sthe embodiment of Prince Dastan.
Hi UV, no I missed my "boss" on Larry King last night didn't know she was on (bad staff member!)
I'm not too thrilled with her lately for reasons that are best posted on!!!
Thanks for posting the link to the Hotel where J&R are staying, WOW!!
And happy early birthday to sass and monica!
I'm sorry I forgot!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MONICA!
This is purely a techinical question. I was wondering. Does anyone know if, in the many fight scens, does Prince Dastan always have to fight in those hot leggings? .... And if he fights and he is all sweaty, he'd probably need a bath. Persians were very very fastidious.
I was just over at IHJ, looking at the pictures and he looks remarkably fit. You know?
"Oh, and Gabbana, you got to stay at one of these Aman resorts? Lucky you!"
Oh no, a misunderstanding - I spend holidays in Phuket and one day we made a trip and visited the hotel....we were allowed to take a is unbelievably beautiful but also unbelievably expensive....:-))
It will be interesting to see when we will get the next pictures from the set. I am relieved that we don´t have to deal with the ballon pants...
BTW UV and FL you are doing a fine job with this blog - this is the first one I visit every morning because I know if there are some news, I will get them here. Not to forget the friendly athmosphere and the respect for each other and for Jake and Reese, I have neither patience nor understanding for people who claim to be Jake fans but are not able to at least respect the woman in his life.
In Germany we believe in no congratulations and celebrating before the actual birthday takes place - so I will wait....:-))
Thanks for BD wishes
*big grin*....I had so much fun last night.. TDK on an IMAX screen is unbelievable.
Maybe POP will follow suit.
Shia LaBeouf's next movie, Eagle Eye, previewed trailers last night and will show @ the IMAX, so I'm xing my fingers for an IMAX Prince Of Peria showing in 2010.:)
I'll read more later but I had to come on and share a Page 6 photo from today's tab, to show my appreciation, to UV and FL, for this wonderful site that we all enjoy.
Please, no comments about Page 6; I know what an awful tab site it is...I live here. :lol:lol :lol
a lil more page 6 Jake/Reese click and make bigger:) ignore captions.
Jake Reese POP set
In Germany we believe in no congratulations and celebrating before the actual birthday takes place - so I will wait....:-))
Defamer asks:
Is it 2010 yet?
Well Jake is certainly creating a sensation, there's no doubt about it!!! I loved the Defamer article!!! "Jake has the entire internet wondering if it's 22010 yet?" Thanks narcissa.
These pictures are really amazing. Just. Amazing.
Yes sally, Jake is causing a sensation, he looks incredible!!!
We must all try to watch E! and some of the other entertainment news shows to see if they have these pictures. I think I must agree with you all. These are creating wuite the sensation all over the world! I think they created the internet because of Jake.
Love the Defamer headline - so much that I co-opted it for the new post. No new pics, just wanted to show the big versions.
There was another fun headline - "Prince of Purr-sia." Hee.)
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