Then things took off! Or Jake did. He stripped off the suit to reveal a stunning gown and set of pipes. Behold JEffie:

I cannot tell you how many times I played that clip! Here is a version, if for some reason you still haven't seen it or just want to relive the moment!
Oh, and here's how JEffie might have looked - from dress rehearsal. They definitely picked the better wig:

Some of the other show highlights. I have a soft spot for Frank O'Connor - as did the Bronx Beat ladies:

Finally - who could forget the evil Dr. Scientist from Laser Cats 2:

To go back to the Sands of Time theme from yesterday, I snagged a couple of photos from the Sydney Morning Herald of yesterday's Sydney dust storm. Amazing, beautiful, ethereal - remind you of anyone/anything? Also, no doubt, a huge hassle. But the images are stunning:

And here's the prince who wants to control what controls the sands of time - in Lego form:

Some more photos of the PoP Lego line. Just prototypes. Someone suggested they used Indy's face for the Prince. At least, I think that's what the comment meant.

Oh, and don't forget the Ain't It Cool early PoP review.
(Photos courtesy of IHJ, flickr/The Green Giant and the Sydney Morning Herald.)
Updated the post with some new Lego photos on flickr.
He was just so good on SNL - I loved him singing And I Am Telling You, but I thought Bronx Beat was hysterical, my two faves from that show.
I like the new LEGO prince version best. He always looks good in black. ;)
I keep weird and strange little tchotchkes around my office and desk. I think Lego Dastan might have a new home next year.
Hee, FL. Luckily, you have a history of tchotchkes, so people won't take any notice! Lego Dastan is so funny to me. It kills me that there's such a big wide Lego world out there.
And Jake does look good in black, anon!
I will never get tired of Jake and that opening number on SNL, brilliant!! Love the other skits too, especially Bronx beat.
Love this version of Jake/Dastan lego, I can't believe how many people are into legos now!
Read the AICN review and thought that it was a balanced review. The critisism about the middle part dragging, etc. can be fixed, the chemistry part can't unless the whole thing is re-cast and shot over so that was good news!
I have no past pratice with keeping tchotchkes around my office, but I'm am definitely developing interest in doing so, starting with Legos and "certain types " of action figures.:)
I loved every second of Jake on SNL thanks for that. He picked just the right wig, and actually, it's almost a precursor of Lego Dastan's hair!
(I may get the entire PoP Lego set.)
I think one just may find its way onto my desk too. ;)
LOL at the first wig!
Jake was so funny that night. I bet he would love to make some more appearences on that show. Was never a fan of lego's but I think I will make an exception this time!
That photo in the desert is breathtaking UV.
Sorry, OONP, I should have labeled the photos - they are from Sydney, not the desert. That's the amazing thing. The second one is the Harbour Bridge!
I've been resisting the urge to rewatch all of the SNL skits at work. Sounds like a plan for tomorrow, though!
Here's something Doug Liman and Jake will have to consider for UMP: Moon water findings are a game-changer.
It's an unforgettable presentation.
Here in Brazil some parts of the program were cut.
I like the lego toys. I think it will be so beautiful on my desk.
Awwww! I just noticed, Lego Jake has stubble.:)
Wow, Sidney?? Absolutely stunning.
Stubble on the Jake lego, didn't notice it at 1st Bobbyanna!
That SNL episode is an all-time classic IMO. From Jake's Dreamgirls opening to the laser cats 2 skit, that was some funny stuff!
Looking forward to playing with mini-Jake when it's finally in stores next year!
The Pop posted on AICN sounded positive for the most part but it was screened w/o CG so I can imagine that it will be kick-ass when it hits the screens next year.
What a lucky girl, he looks great!
Thanks monica!
Awww great pic of Jake and @talituna. Sigh...he looks wonderful.
Great picture.... he looks so good!
Thanks, monica!
He looks adorable! Licky, lucky girl!
I hope that's the look for his movie!
That is a great pic, especially in jumbo size. Thanks, Monica - and twitterer!
Lots of twitter news tonight - Reese is apparently back in Philadelphia and Jake is having his usual effect on others :)
What effect!
Wonder if Jake left Pittsburgh for a few days, or if his shooting schedule has been affected by G20The riot police were out. Demonstrators tear-gassed.
I don't know, I kind of like the 1st wig Jake is wearing, LOL! One of the best SNL openings ever!
Looks like I will have to make room on my desk for some lego figures, they are really cute,
That is a great pic of Jake and that fan, and it looks like some girls in Pittsburgh will need a change of panties!
The Jake Gyllenhaal-Anne Hathaway movie "Love and Other Drugs" continued production at a rented home in the East End. Less than a dozen people gathered to watch the film crew but the scenes were all being shot inside, out of view.
Ellie Feibus, 22, who lives in a carriage house nearby, has glimpsed Mr. Gyllenhaal and even got a wave from actor George Segal, who plays his father.
"Yesterday there was a whole group of cougars standing there waiting for Jake," Ms. Feibus said, referring to some of Mr. Gyllenhaal's older female fans. "It was cool but I'm over it."
I dunno looks like we might be seeing more of these "I'm not impressed by anything, esp. Jake Gyllenhaal" type tweets.
(and dislike the "Cougar" title.)
as said once before we can't tell if it's "kidding" or not. If you aren't interested in something why tweet about it, esp. when they know there are "fans" of the person around. It's a kind of wanting people to know they are "above it all". Tho would be interesting to see the reaction if they actually came face to face with him.
Jake had a blast hosting SNL, I hope he gets to do it again soon.
When I was a kid I always found legos a little creepy but these are Jake/Dastan/Pop legos but i'm a big girl now so I think i'm over the creepy thing, these look adorable!
Regarding the review of Pop : I don't get the quasi-British comment. Doesn't he realize that Gemma, Ben and Alfred are all Brits! Well, I take that as a compliment on Jake's accent. Mixed review but it sounds like Disney will do some fine tuning.
Cougars, LOL!! I had no idea that George Segal is in L&D!
I love the Bronx Beat ladies too - Would ya look at that face? He's a-DOR-able! He's Gorjus! When ya go gamblin' where da ya go - Mohegan or Foxwoods? LMAO when I watched it. Very cute. He's lookin' mighty fine in that latest Pitts pic.
Jake is looking mighty fine in that fan photo!
Things I love:
/Jake taking pics with fans on the set of LAOD and looking mighty fine while doing so.
/The fine people of Pittsburgh who are on top of the tweeting about LAOD/Jake.
/Learning about new cast members for LAOD.
Things I HATE:
/The term "cougar" and the pain I feel just typing that when not referring to a large, lovable feline.
Can we put that term to rest yet? Ugh.
We'll put it to rest! :) Do they have a similar word for the male of the species? Probably not. ;) I love Jake's sweater.
Do they have a similar word for the male of the species? Probably not. ;)
Oh but why would they? Don't you know that it's totally acceptable in this culture for men to be years and years older than their female partners? Pffft. However, "dirty dog" and "letch" are two that readily come to mind. ;-)
I'm sick of the term cougar too, they even have a show called cougartown starring that lame-ass Courtney Cox!
Did I miss the news that George Segal was cast as Jake's dad?? I don't recall hearing about it until now. I always loved Segal, this supporting cast is really shaping up to be great!
Too bad we have to wait for the Pop lego and action figures to come out next year, I would love to get my hands on them right now!!
I will never get tired of watching the SNL when Jake hosted it, I wish he would do it again.
He looks gorgeous in that fan pic and that's his look for the film since it was taken on set !
Ditto on the term "cougar", FL.
Manages to be both silly and insulting at the same time.
I adore George Segal. I remember seeing two really old movies of his on TV a lonnnng time ago, Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox, and The Owl and the Pussycat, still make me smile when I think about them. His TV series was a delight, too. Really glad he's in this. Sounds like the movie will be a lot of fun.
Gotham Awards to honor Bigelow, Tucci, Portman
Awards Daily News
Stanley Tucci deserves all the awards!
Jake will all find a Whole foods no matter where he's at!:
rasager: Word on the street is Jake Gyllenhaal was at Whole Foods buying tea just moments ago. nom (via coworker)
3 minutes ago from web
I'm so glad Jake went with wig # LOL!!! He was so funny on SNL, loved the Bronx beat skit.
Yes, Jake always looks good in black, even as a lego figure!
I'm sick of the term cougar too, enough already.
George Segal as Jake's dad, YES!!! So glad to hear that he is still working, it's been awhile since I have seen him in anything.
Jake looks yummy in that fan photo and those poor girls that spotted Jake in his raybans, hee.
Thanks monica for the link, I loved Tucci in Julie and Julia.
Do they have a similar word for the male of the species?
Hugh Hefner
The twitter that UV posted is made all the better by the Dolly Parton pic in the background. And I told youse Jake is panty-creamer ;]
I love Lego!! I'm totally buying little Lego Dastan. I'm so excited for PoP, if only to hear what a "quasi-British accent" is.
Jake's been looking really good lately. He genuinely looks content and relaxed (and so does Reese for that matter). Its nice to see the two of them settled.
Found these great on-set pic over on that ridiculous ONTD thread about the "engagement". Honestly, as UV just said to me, "if Reese accepted THAT as an engagement ring, I have no hope for either of them". Hee.
LOAD on-set 1
LOAD on-set 2
Second one is notable for not only Jake but Josh Gad (playing his brother) and George Segal (on steps in suspenders).
LOL I make myself laugh...sorry, I inverted that acronym for Love and Other Drugs. Ooops. Of course LOAD should be LAOD.
Thank God for cell phones, and we get George along with Jake!!! Thanks FL!
Ok, this tweet is from Pittsburgh. We all know that the President and the First Lady are there for the summit, but what's with the Reese mention? I assume she is there now, she was in Philly yesterday according to the tweets but why mention them in the same tweet??
PSUKELLY: so odd that neither michelle obama nor reese witherspoon wanted to do lunch today...everybody's so overextended right now
21 minutes ago from web · Reply · View Tweet
LOL you guys are funny today. It's so great to see Jake filming again, Josh is cute too, and I love George Segal.
I agree about the ring. :)
Thanks for the pics FL, they are great. I made the mistake of going to the site and reading some of the comments, sigh.
Sounds like the tweeter was just joking around about having lunch with them. Damn, but Jake looks seriously sexy in those set pictures. Lucky, lucky Reese. Damn.
Thanks, FL!
Robert Pattinson vs Zac Efron & Jake Gyllenhaal
The Faster Times
You guys are so funny. JEffie??!! LMFAO. SHe's now becomming as real as Dame Edna is to Barry.
Tehehe FL. You made a new movie that could be even more interesting (Love Others and Drugs).
Jake's fans have been described as the intelligent thinking woman so let them think what they want. He's beloved. Not many people can claim that.
^^:) He is very beloved.
Anne Hathaway was in LA for a charity event on Thursday evening.
Saw it on justjared.
Tehehe FL. You made a new movie that could be even more interesting (Love Others and Drugs).
Hmm...I like that, has a good ring to it! ;-D
Love the on set pictures, FL! And I swear I'm really not totally superficial, but any Jake movie where he looks THAT GOOD...... well, I'm already predisposed to like it.
Seriously, I really like the entire cast of LAOD, plus it sounds like it has the makings of a nice little dark comedy.... so I'm looking forward to this one.
Monica, thanks for the Faster Times link. I love lists. Especially lists that confirm my opinion of Jake. :)
Anon 8:56, Anne's look is great!
Jake looks great in those set pics, great cast too. I love the supporting cast and the addition of Segal is the icing on the cake!
Thanks dor the Fast times link monica and I agree with you and UV regarding that ring FL!
LOAD, ha, ha!!!
I'm glad gossip cop got the full story and that it's not true. I want them to get engaged someday, soon preferably, but not with such an ugly engagement ring. Ew. That thing was ugly. Hey guys!
Just found another pic of Jake on the set of Love Others and Drugs, heh.
I believe it's from a week ago.
Jake on-set 9/18/09.
UAU, FL! thanks!
Bette, I doubt that any of Reese's reps talked to Gossip Cop. Not that I believe the ridiculous story, of course.
And yes, that ring is not acceptable on any level!
I guess I'm the only one, but the George Segal casting does not make me happy. I think he's a bad actor who appears in cheesy projects. Maybe he'll surprise me.
Love the set pics, FL. Jake looks great. Pittsburgh is doing well by us so far!
Who is George Segal?
Suve, don't understand this hype around of Pattison. He is ugly and bad actor.
Awww! He won't be cheesey with Jake, UV. Honest.:)
Hmmm .... LAOD sounds a bit too much like Nailed to me. I just hope it doesn't suffer the same fate.
Well, I wouldn't say the ring is bad, but it's - how shall I say - Small? Nondescript? I'm sure Jake will present Reese will a more than acceptable bling, er, ring soon. She sure got the best part of the deal, didn't she? Damn. Ryan who? ;)
Jake looks happy on set and Anne looked glowing at the event.
I'm looking forward to see them together (again)... in the film, of course. ;)
Set pictures, yay!!! He looks amazing, especially the fan pic, thanks FL!
Jake as Effie, never gets old, a classic.
The the Dastan lego is cute but the hands are weirding me out a bit!
I hope that when and if Jake and Reese get engaged that Jake will buyher a more impressive ring!!
Love the Faster Times list, Jake at #1 Monica, except that I would delete Zac and Justin, blech.
Here is George Segal's IMDB page Monica:
Morning babblers, UV and FL,
Finally I get here. Would it look unseemly for a great-aunt to buy lots of Lego Dastan/Jakes for herself and a few for her nieces and nephews. I'm so loving Lego Dastan/Jake:)
I trust AICN most of the time, so perhaps Hollywood will take note--they have ever since it sunk that awful Batman movie--and speed up the draggy parts.
I understand the look of absolute glee on Talituna's face. Jake is such a good man. Is he still doing the Charity/ACLU set visits? I was been off site for nearly a year and missed Jake news. *sob*
Jake, the G20, President Obama and Michelle Obama in the same city, should make Pittsburgh a happy happy town.
I lost another entry trying to post here again, but I wouldn't miss my favorite blog for the world. I just keep coming back, trying to to keep my posts from disappearing. Copy and paste helps sometimes...:)
loved that Jake tweet...:)
I don't like the cougar label either.Who coined that phrase? Some jealous male Hollywood type who couldn't score any longer? Anyway, the phrase got a series on TV for a C. Cox...it's a ill wind.
TY for Jake's SNL appearances. It's one of the highlights of my life. I love that delicious Man.
back again soon
Bet this season on SNL Jake will be back. POP out in May and the show goes through May. Going to have to figure out what they're going to do with the opening number to have it as spectacular as before.
Bet Jake wears another wig if he does SNL! I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see him there maybe sometime in March or April.
I hate computer problems. Luckily mty antique keeps limping along. Shhh!
Thanks for all the new tweets, pics and especially for bringing back the SNL memories...
A poster at Box Office Mojo forums wrote the following:
"I have some news about PoP.
The reason the trailer wasn't released today is because of test screenings. JB test screened the movie twice so far and he even screened the trailer for a group of people. In all cases, the majority liked what they saw but JB is taking the movie back to the editing board to fix stuff up. The trailer is also in the same process.
Another test screening will take place in October so the trailer will most likely not be out until November for the winter season.
Though we have to wait, it's good to know they are taking this movie seriously."
I don`t know how reliable this info is but the poster is a PoP supporter from the beginning and - after reading the AICN review - it sounds logical.
(((Sass)))!! Good to see you!
Jake arriving on set, from the girl who took that photo with him the other day.
Thanks, Talituna!
A few other links:
This blogger had lunch near Jake at Whole Foods:
News flash: I had lunch with with Jake Gyllenhal today. Well, I had coffee and a croissant and Jake had lunch. Looked like a grilled chicken salad. Not really sure since we weren’t sitting at the same table. However, we were in the same Whole Foods, even though we both should be honoring a boycott. Gyllenhal: I wish I could quit him!
Jake had dinner with Oliver Platt last night, apparently:
Just saw Gyllenhaal and Platt dining in Chaya in Sq. Hill. They seem to be hanging out in that area quite often.
Oh, forgot to say thanks to JakeFan for the Box Office Mojo info on the trailer. Makes sense that htey'd test things a few times before coming out with the trailer. And it doesn't look like they missed any huge audience by not showing it with Surrogates!
Good to know all the audiences so far have liked the movie.
Do you have a link to the discussion there?
Anf hugs to Sass! Is there something with blogger that makes your posts disappear? I haven't had that problem, but let me know if it's a technical glitch.
The link to video does not work UV, youtube says some about malformed video ID.
Think maybe they might be working on the "kind of slow" middle part of POP and taking out a few scenes here and there that might not be that necessary. Even with the test screenings it seems the majority of people are liking it so shows they are on the right track with it.
"Do you have a link to the discussion there?"
Discussion Forums at BOM "Box Office Derby"
PoP Thread
Jake seems to have a really good time in Pittsburgh without being harrassed by the paps. I don´t mind some bloggers or fans.
Talituna is a lucky lady!
Oliver Platt was a riot in "Casanova"....
Doug Liman has updated his blog on Ninjas:
Doug Liman
I love being kind of "involved" in the progress of the film and fingers crossed that he will be getting his budget....
Thanks for the links, JakeFan. I love it, too, that Doug is taking us along for the whole ride.
Sorry for the bad youtube link folks - left the "g" off the end. Here you go.
It's short, but a fun vid.
Great find, UV. The video is darling! Especially cause we know he came back and took a picture :) Those little girls in their school uniforms had quite an adventure that day. Really made me smile.
Thanks for that video of Jake on set UV! I love tracking the UMP via Liman's blog, thanks Jake Fan and thanks for the infoon the Pop trailer.
From twitter:
Mabaran: Saw Jake gyllenhaal at an apple store today in Pittsburgh .
about 1 hour ago from Twitterrific
_iralz: I met Jake Gyllenhaal today. Life is officially complete.
about 2 hours ago from Tweetie
Hi Sass!
thanks for all links!
I need to talk:
The only movie of Jake I saw on the big screen is Brokeback Mountain. Zodiac and Rendition did not pass the cinemas of my city.
Monica - Do you think something as big as Prince of Persia will find it's way to your part of Brazil? I can't imagine not being able to see all Jake's movies on the big screen. :-( Here's hoping a few find their way to you!
All blockbusters are shown in theaters in my city.
Zodiac debuted in Brazil in June 2007. But, all theatres in my city were occupied by blockbusters.
It's a good thing the Pop trailer didn't debut with Surrogates,the movie sounds like a major crapfest!
Pittsburgh has been really great with the tweets/blogging about Jake and L&D, a prefer them keeping tabs then the paps. He looks great and it sounds like he is enjoying getting back to work.
Thanks for all the updates and links everyone!
I found the pictures of POP in largest size:
Jake really seems to enjoy, or at least not mind very much, all the squealing attention he gets from women of all ages.
Yeah, Pittsburgh!
Those are some really good pictures of Dastan, monica.
I think Jake enjoys all the attention too, the fans so far seem respectful so far which is great.
The pictures are even more beautiful, thanks Monica.
And to all that observe :wishing you a peaceful Yom Kippur.
Wow, those are amazing monica , thanks!
From twitter:
tashiaw: Jake Gyllenhal in Apple store again -- now to watch the Hawkeyes thump Penn State.
about 14 hours ago from Echofon
I just want to thank Talituna for making Jake fans very happy! Love the video of him on set, he looks happy to be back at work and looks realy sexy as well! Thanks for posting UV.
Thanks for the links to the set pics FL and those Pop pics are even more gorgeous bigger if that's possible Monica.
Jake sighting at Whole Foods Pittsburgh
Thanks for that link anon. I loved reading that,he sure loves Whole foods!
That's the kind of sighting report I like, because people actually asked follow up questions and we got some details. Thanks for the link, anon.
Here's another, from this morning:
ANYWHOO. On a lighter note, yesterday morning, we went to Pamela’s Pancakes. Pamela’s is a really good pancake place (even Obama likes it!) voted Best in Pittsburgh. They don’t have a website, but word of mouth (and their myriad of awards) gets them all the attention they need. Especially from high profile celebrities. So I went to Pamela’s. I went to the one in Shadyside with six girls from the floor above mine. We walk through the drizzly rain and arrive to a smallish crowd in the lobby. All of a sudden, one of the girls whispers something to another, and the message goes around the group: “is that him?” I had no idea who they were referring to. A very familiar looking man in a blue beanie was pointed out to me, and I was told “I think that’s Jake Gyllenhaal” (as if I would know who that was…). A few minutes go by, we leave the crowded lobby to stand outside and give newcomers room to put their names on The List. We stand talking about him, and I learn that he’s a famous actor, in a bunch of movies (most of which I haven’t seen). We go back in, and the lady with The List calls out, “Jake?” He hops down from the ledge he was sitting on, says “yes,” excitedly to the man he was with, and they get seated. It was indeed Jake Gyllenhaal.
From the photos, it looks like Jake was having breakfast with Josh Gad, who's playing Jake's brother in LAOD. Jake had adorable hat/bed head.
In other news, someone tweeted that they saw a PoP preview. No details at all.
I love sigtings like that too UV, lots of follow-up and details! Love the sighting you posted, details and pica and yes that's Josh!!!
Wish there was more derails from that twitter regarding the Pop preview.
Pittsburgh and D.C. are in a very tight race for "best" twitter/spotters! :)
I just shook my head & had to smile at those girls discussing Jake's movies. They sure need educatin'.
He looks so sweet in the "pancake" pictures.
Aww look at him and Josh Gad at the pancake house. :)
I wonder if Josh was having trouble lift fork to mouth this morning? His tweet from yesterday made me laugh:
What happens when an out of shape actor works out for an hour? His arms have a two inch radius they can comfortably move. I look like a Trex
We go back in, and the lady with The List calls out, “Jake?” He hops down from the ledge he was sitting on, says “yes,” excitedly to the man he was with, and they get seated. It was indeed Jake Gyllenhaal.
I love this. :)
He does look sweet doesn't he Bobbyanna? Hat/bed head and all.
I can't believe she knows so little about Jake's movies, tsk, tsk!
Pittsburgh has been as good as DC with tweeting and sightings. I think that the reason for the lack or the few sigtings/twitting in Philly was that he was probably staying at the place in Ardmore, away from Philly. You only heard about him if he was visiting the set, dropping off the kods or having dinner after filming.
So far, Pittsburgh is doing a great job reporting Jake sightings!
Many thanks, anon, for the Whole Foods link. It's so nice to read those accounts that actually include details! I never tire of hearing RL eyewitness descriptions of Jake's "normalcy" (as opposed to celebrity entitlement).
UV, love the Pamela's pic! Sweet bed head Jake....... sigh.
I never tire of hearing RL eyewitness descriptions of Jake's "normalcy" (as opposed to celebrity entitlement).
Me either, it's very lovely. :)
I prefer reading about encounters like these instead of the stalkarazzi shots where he has increasing looks more annoyed.
His interactions with fans has always been great and i never tire of reading about them, thanks!
I prefer reading about encounters like these instead of the stalkarazzi shots where he has increasing looks more annoyed.
Me too.
Thanks for all links, bablers.
same here thanks to all the twiters from pittsburg their doing a great job
New PoP article - new post :)
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