90% Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score
A- Cinemascope
76 Metacritic Score
Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeff Bauman have seemingly been everywhere promoting Stronger, which is enjoying raves from audiences and critics alike. Now if only the box office would catch up...
There have been so many good pictures and fun interviews that it was impossible to keep up. Herewith, a random assortment of shots, stories and clips that appealed to me.

From Jane Goodall's Facebook page:
When on the road, Jane is never sure who she is going to meet. Luckily for Jane, fate was on her side when on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and she crossed paths with the incredible Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeff Bauman - a survivor of the horrific Boston Marathon bombing and the inspiration for the new film 'Stronger'. Their conversations reinforced Jane's reason for hope - the indomitable human spirit - as Jeff is indeed the embodiment of strength and kindness.

The first four are from Greg Russell Photography. Love the (literal) framing.

Don't know who took these, but they are fantastic:

Worth flipping through the series on the above IG post.
Boston premiere:

Patients and others at Spaulding Rehabilitation greet the Stronger crew:

Q&A and other videos
Popcorn with Peter Travers:
Another Jake and Jeff interview
Jake discusses the able-bodied/disabled actor issue with The Frame
An hour with Jake!
Jake raps Kris Kriss:
Here's Jake Gyllenhaal doing the rap to the Kriss Kross Sprite Commercial on The @BillSimmons Podcast over the original video. pic.twitter.com/OSyV04gMTo
— Greg Gottfried (@gott31) September 27, 2017
Podcast with Jake and Jeff/Tatiana and Miranda
Don't forget to download Sunday in the Park with George!