It's too hot to be creative. So here's a summer mix of Jake Gyllenhaal items, new and old. Jake is spending some time on Martha's Vineyard. He apparently has a summer job working in a restaurant kitchen and at the farmer's market:
Jamie Reidy, whom Jake portrayed in Love & Other Drugs, talks about Jake's affect on waitresses.
It's a shame Jake doesn't return his e-mails any longer!
Someone did a pitch/sample for the opening credits of An Enemy. They seem to have taken some stuff from pap photos on set, but some of the "scenes" are new. Spoiler warning, perhaps. I have no idea if what is portrayed will be in the film.
Speaking of Jake mystery movies, there's a poster for Nailed.
Again, no idea if it's real or if the movie will ever see the light of day/dark of a theater.
Here's Jake at the White House Down premiere:
The director of Big Easy Express, the documentary about the Railroad Revival Tour, on Jake:
Were there any love connections on board?
EM: Jake Gyllenhaal was on the train and that made the girls narrow in on one individual every night, so that was hilarious. He was just going to ride it one stop to Arizona, and the next thing I know we’re in Marfa, Texas, and he’s playing a trumpet on stage. He never got off.
And from a couple moths back, at the poetry reading:

Great drawing of Jake by Harpreet Ajji. The eyebrows in the drawing are to die for.
Jake has a summer job at a resturant and at the farmers market, so I guess scheduling was not the cause of Jake dropping out of MG. Maybe he was not liking the direction the project was going, not feeling it anymore.
Great pics, UV, fun post. I love it when we get these little accounts from the "road." when Jake did his RRT. That train looked like a party! : )
(Got up way too early to put Youngest Daughter on a plane n a very wet, very gloomy Sunday. :( )
Sam K @SamK2511 14m
Currently standing next to jake gyllenhaal, not gonna lie a lot shorter than I expected #ToldMeToMove
Lauren Hurley @laurenhrly 30m
Hangin w Jake Gyllenhaal #nbd @yoouonlyLIVonce @m0therrteresa
oh God Jake is hot as hell with that shirt!
Boy is it hot in here, thanks:) The Jaime interview was fun listening yo, what a great find UV!
I don't thiny we will ever see Nailed on the big screen sadly.
The first pic the woman's arm on his shoulder is like a movie scene. I guess Jake shaved that beard so he good eat better.
Jake sure is enjoying his MV vacation. Added another photo to the post. From this tweeter:
The fact that jake Gyllenhaal just stopped by my job again and said " how's your day going Sivana" as if we're friends >>>>> 😳😍😍😍🙉
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4:04 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Look who decided to stop by my work place-- Jake Gyllenhaal ❤❤😍😍😍
11:43 AM - 6 Jul 13 · Details
From other tweeters:
Just talking to jake gyllenhaal and his fine ass women at MOGLO. Dude was wearing a Yankees hat
That's Morning Glory farm.
ust met Jake Gyllenhaal at a farm in Martha's Vineyard #soexcited #howrandom
He looks great in that shot buying his launch. I think that's the Chilmark General Store:
jake gyllenhal at chilmark store omg
We'll see where he turns up next.
It was so long since I'd seen Jake so happy!:)
and I'm happy for him!
he deserves it:)
5:40 PM that's me!sorry
I agree, UV. It's fun to know that he's out and about. he seems very relaxed and happy.
Lia @LIDsup 5m
jake gyllenhaal came into my work today, we made eye contact & basically i freaked out also i had dinosaur stickers on my face what is life
Hi everybody, And Hi FP i´ve missing you.
I´m on vacation with the Family and had a few minutes to see the nett and see the blog. It´s great fotos UV.
About this twitter:
joe wannamaker @SwagSandwich508
Just talking to jake gyllenhaal and his fine ass women at MOGLO. Dude was wearing a Yankees hat
PJ @_P3J_
@SwagSandwich508 smh, should have asked him to fight scorpions jarhead style, your fuckin up hardcore joe
joe wannamaker
@_P3J_ I was spitting game at his women , she was giving me the eye
This last twitt what that´s mean? giving me the eye? I try to translate but i did not understand. And women is plural right?!
Good summer everybody
Lara!my darling Hi!!!
how are you?
I was on vacation!
A lot of exciting news from Jake!
I'm so happy for him!:)))))
Hi, Lara. "spittin game" is a slang term for flirting. Hitting on someone. This tweeter wants to give his friend the impression he was flirting with Jake's "women" which yes, is plural, but I think in this tweet maybe it was misapplied. Maybe. : )
Hi FP, I had a feeling that u was on vacation.
I´m great: with sun, Family and good food (not necessarily in the same order):-). It´s so good to have a break.
Yes, great News from Jake, and I think he is very happy too with his summer job as chef, cool.
Big hug and a big kiss to you my friend, and remember: May the Force be with you. :-)
Thanks Bobbyanna, u are awesome as Always.
Jake Is so lucku that he can go to the Vineyards to get away from this beastly weather in NY! Looks and sounds like he is having a great time.
I was spittinggame at his women , she was giving me the eye
LOL! Right joe!dream is not a crime
Lara He thinks that Alyssa has succumbed to its charm as a seducer and has looked at with "some interest"
Lara I wish you and your family to have the best holiday ever!:)))
We will not give in to the dark side of the Force!:)hehe
Oops sorry!
Bobbyanna had already explained it!:)
great photos, UV. Jake seems to be having a good time.
So happy to see Chris again.
I'm glad Jake has gotten a chance to get away. Looks like Alyssa get away with him. And he's hanging out with Chris. And working at the restaurant. Has the chilmark run happened?
No. Chilmark Road Race happens the second Saturday in August.
It is fun to see Chris again and to see Jake back in his CZ.
Pic from the tweeter who saw Jake at the Chilmark General Store:
jakes girlfriend saw me take the picture
Painting by Chinese Jake Fan
"jakes girlfriend saw me take the picture"
Alyssa was not happy, good for her very protective looking of Jake.
Fyi UV, I am seeing alot of comments from people on this blog su being loaded on other blogs via twitter. And some are taking the commments made by others here and making them their own.
Once you post on a blog on the internet, your comments are public. It sucks, but not much you can do.
It's like that with photos too. People post photos and then wonder how they go viral. Du-uhh!
It's always nice to ask permission before using someone's stuff, but lots of people don't.
The worst thing of all is if someone uses your name and pretends there you to post mean comments or lies.
Not sure what you mean, Scott. I know people take pics and videos and links from here without ever saying thanks. But do you mean people are taking the wording of posts and/or comments?
And Sammi, it is very annoying when people try to pass themselves off as someone from here. It's just stupid and unnecessary.
awwww imagine eating a meal cooked by Jake Gyllenhaal?
thanks FP!
subtle messages...
july 5:
"Happy birthday Alyssa!" bball_child
July 6:
..."Are you on MV?"...
FP, I clicked on your link & it took me to a site that's not a Jake Gyllenhaal fan site.
The information is available directly on Twitter, so why go to a site that's not even a Jake fan site, one that regularly posts completely false, inaccurate information about him, and then link it here. Very puzzling and very disappointing.
This blog has absolutely nothing in common with that one. At all.
If you want to post something you find on Alyssa's instagram, just go to her twitter account and link it.
I avoid malicious sites that have nothing to contribute to any discussion about Jake. Reading them is worse than reading tabloid lies.
IMO, There's no news on any fan blog that's more up to date, or more accurate than the information on GB. For that we owe UV a debt of thanks.
We usually know what's going on long before it's reported elsewhere. And we don't have to invent lies or fantasize either.
bobbyanna I went to this place because I read the Notice of Scott to UV on posts and messages stolen and wanted to see what they were doing and to be honest I also had a fight and received a deluge of Insult to defend jake
although I consider those people and their crazy theories utter rubbish, and although I have learned that with some people, indifference is the best thing, sometimes I can not get the slip on the evil lies and slander, and I say what I think at the cost of unnecessary anger and insults
It is not fair to allow these individuals to smear and spit venom on Jake Alyssa and everything about his life with impunity
I know that you're more mature than me and forget about it but I do not and I can not stand it anymore
I do not go in AIissa'account, because it seems disrespectful,
and since they spend their time stealing information from here I thought that they would not have died if they had been rewarded with Ia same coin
if I have offended the sensibilities of anyone I apologize but I talked with my heart
FP, I agree, it's disgusting and makes me angry, too, but I find it's better to avoid that insanity, and ignore it, otherwise it makes you crazy. : )(Speaking for myself. LOL!)
Arguing with them is pointless. Don't make them important by giving them the attention they crave. They are twisted and delusional.
The internet has a lot of bad information and garbage out here. Why waste time on garbage, if you already know the difference. You won't change any minds or convince people they're wrong. They don't care.
I understand your wish to respect Alyssa's privacy, but she tweets, and she posts photos of her own life, and what she's doing. She's very careful about it, and if she wants to, she could lock her account. (which she still might do.)It makes me happy to see that they're happy and having fun together. She seems very nice.
There's no difference in linking through another site, as against linking directly from her own twitter/instagram link. There is no real difference. You are still linking to Alyssa's photos. So much for privacy. It's annoying, as UV pointed out, that people would steal or misrepresent stuff on another blog, but attempting to do the same thing they do doesn't resolve anything. It just adds to confusion and creates a mess, IMO.
There are many better ways to use my time than that. Life is short. I'm not going to spend any of it on garbage. : )
bobbyanna they were saying about Alyssa every kind of wickedness, and instead she was so pretty discreet and respectful that made me rage
for once he seems so happy on vacation with his girlfriend cooking with his friend
Why should spread poison and get away with it?
I, like all of you do a lot of research on Jake, with work, family, it is not always easy, as for all of you, and then I have to translate everything, as soon as I find something, I can not wait to post it here, share with you, as you do with me
It takes effort, time, and attention, and it is not fair that someone else steal the fruits of our work, only to further spread poison and lies
sometimes it is right to pay with the same currency
FP, people say ugly things on the internet all the time & it's very annoying, and yes, it often makes me angry if I allow myself to be exposed to it.
But you have a choice to not give it weight and attention. You have a choice to reduce it to a small insignificant speck of dirt. These kind of people want your attention. They are trolls. They want you to argue with them.
They hate it most to be ignored. They aren't spreading their poison anywhere but to each other. They aren't "getting away " with anything. No one really cares about them. That is what I am trying to get across to you.
And frankly, you can't control what goes on all over the internet. You can only control what happens in your own backyard. Fortunately, UV keeps this place free of that nonsense. And that's the point.
We've been having a lovely time here and I for one am certainly not going to let some random assholes spread their negativity to kill my buzz. : )
I hate to think that anyone would start tracking that dirt into this house, no matter what you motive is or how well intentioned you think you are. I really have said all I want to say about this. I'm done. Arguing is pointless. People usually do what they want.
I do not arguing too , because I think, we are on the same side
I did my battles, and I taught myself the paucity of people with whom I was discussing and the consequent uselessness of the battle
I learned to ignore the stupidity and ignorance alone, and immediately
This time, I just wanted to enjoy all these beautiful things, see Jake happy to see that the choices and sacrifices, begin to bear fruit, enjoy Prisoners, An Enemy, I can not wait for In to the Wood
In that spirit of positive thoughts and feelings, I came across these idiots and their bitter dirt
I succumbed to anger, and perhaps I reacted impulsively but I defend what I love, maybe I'm wrong but that's just the way I am, and do not regret it, it certainly was not my intention, "That tracking dirt into this house "if that's the impression I gave, UV, I'm sorry, and I assure you of that was not my intention
yes People usually do what they want.And I'm done too.
they were saying about Alyssa every kind of wickedness, and instead she was so pretty discreet and respectful that made me rage
Stay away from these places. They did the same thing with Reese, with Jake's mother, Maggie ...
The point is, these people aren't fans of Jake. They only care about his personal life.
I don't know why they do it. Perhaps loneliness. I can't imagine that these people have friends, husbands, boyfriends. You know, actually have a social life.
Don't worry, you're just trying to help.
We are on the same side, FP. No problem. Monica says it bestand I agree with her.
FP, I think Monica and Bobbyanna have already said the most important thing: It's much better for your sanity and your blood pressure to stay away from those places. They have their opinions, and nothing will sway them. Its not worth trying and it's not worth engaging them.
Everyone steals from us. We just have to live with that, too. And we get things from other places, too. Though we try to credit other Jake sites if they have something first. But as frustrating as it can be not to have someone acknowledge your finding a photo or a story, it's also not worth being upset over it. Life is too short :)
I'm always impressed with how much work non-English speaking Jake fans have to do. So kudos to all of you!
Someone on a Hugh Jackman forum posted these release dates for Prisoners. Not sure if any of this is new:
Netherlands - 19 September 2013
Sweden - 20 September 2013
USA - 20 September 2013
Argentina - 3 October 2013
UK - 4 October 2013
Russia - 10 October 2013
Brazil - 25 October 2013
Peru - 28 November 2013
At the official site of release dates in Brazil is still September 20, but this is also the date of the debut of Elysium.
Elysium has in the cast two brazilian actors, and one of them is king of the box office in Brazil.
I think this new date,October 24, may be right.
Saw this on FB a little while ago and late yesterday afternoon there was also a sighting in SoHo, so it looks like maybe Jake's back in NYC. :
"lKwaysiDon't worry I just hung out with Jake Gyllenhaal for about 7 minutes...
By hang out, I might mean I stood next to him awkwardly while waiting for my $13 smoothie to be prepared.
God, I love a close-up celebrity encounter it really gives me an opportunity to work on being nonchalant...
A lot of things for a Wednesday morning. What else you got NYC?!"
Jake is enjoying his Summer and so am I! Hope everyone here is as well.
Looking forward to Prisoners in September!
Imo some of Jake's so call fans are maybe jea og Alyssa:))
Dani Sunshine @DaniGroho
Step out of the office with my boss to get ice cream, run into Jake Gyllenhaal and his dog in my favorite store. #NotMadAboutIt
FP, I forgot to thank you for u explanation about that twitt.
"and his dog" ???
Jake in NY: pic
cute dog!
I don´t know but i think that is Alyssa´s dog.
Walking A Friend's Dog In New York City
I wonder whose dog that was and whatever happened to Atticus? He hasn't been seen in two years. I like how he's jamming to the music I wonder what he's listening to
Hello all,
Yes, it is Alyssa's dog (as per her instagram) - i think there were some posts about her being in the process of changing homes, etc so probably the reason. Funny how the press calls it "a friends' dog lol" - do they actually do any research lol??
More importantly, is Atticus still with Jake? I guess he must have left it with friends when he moved from LA :( how sad...
Have a good day...
I think the exact definition of "friend" because none of them are confirmed by the fact that they were together ;)
I also have a friend with whom I do the same things that Alyssa does with Jake
I call him husband
wise sharp sweet Monica thanks:)
UltraViolet I'd love to have the same your patience and zen attitude! I'm a "dashing" as my mom says with resignation!LOL
Lara I can not express the love I feel for you!!:))))
"But do you mean people are taking the wording of posts and/or comments?"
That's exactly what I meant. Sorry but I stayed away from the internet a few days because it freaked me out to see my words on twitter who pass themselves off as fans of Jake but are really hate filled people who are obsessed with Jae because they want him and will not admit it.
Passing off the comments of others as your own Sammi may be ok on the internet but not with me. Just admit it kills you that Jake can't be yours and move on.
And where is Atticus? To be honest I would think Atticus might be with Maggie's family because keeping a dog the size of Atticus in an apartment is not fair to him.
Sorry 9:50 am is scott.
Why do people go to such sites in the first place. If they are that awful, they don't deserve any attention. Jake is not the only person who has hateful lunatics saying ugly things about him.
I come here, to GB, IHJ and WDW. that's it. Between the three I get all the information I need. I also admit I do search twitter for news, too, but I wouldn't even know where these other sites are, much less care what they say to each other.
I also agree that this site has the best news and information about Jake.
Sarah G
Gina Ciotti and I just had a Jake Gyllenhaal sighting. I think will be spending more lunches outside of Ground Support. My day has been made.
Share · 9 minutes ago near New York, NY ·
Scott and FP: Don't let the bastards get you down!
This is a fun time to be a Jake fan. People who are really fans enjoy hearing fun stories. People who are not will never be happy.
From FB:
Cindy Wood just practically knocked over a redsox-hatted Jake Gyllenhaal. — at Bubby's Pie Company.
Yaaay, Bubby's!!!!!!!!!!
yes, UV, this is a fun time to be a Jake Fan!
Jake is happy, his girlfriend seems friendly and she is beautiful. Good for them!!! Wish thema all the best.
Prisoners ...
Argentina october 3!!!
Janna Laverdière @ohnoitsjanna
Just watched jake gyllenhaal and his sports illustrated gf walking in Tribeca.. tehehehe. Can't get passed me with that Boston cap!
"I can not express the love I feel for you!!:))))"
FP, I can tell you i fell the same about u. It´s like we´have been friends for years. Be cool. :-)
From FB:
Jeannie Joshi
Jake Gyllenhaal walking on 7th ave and 12th. Shorter than I expected. He did smile at me!
Apparently Rush, Ron Howard's Formula 1 movie, has been moved back a week, to September 27. So Prisoners won't face that competition, which is good.
Hopefully a good sign that Rush is the one that moved.
Some fun tweets/posts from today:
Donnie Darko just ran under my Lillet tent in TriBeCa and made my Lillet ladies blush and giggle. Ladies, ladies...
2:57 PM - 11 Jul 13
dream celeb sighting while @laurwelsh takes a selfie: jake gyllenhal #swooning
1:33 PM - 11 Jul 13
Jake Gyllenhaal looked into my eyes tonight!
In person or on the tv screen lol
I was walking home and I saw him in person sitting outside a restaurant. I stared at him trying to figure out if it was really him and he turned around and looked at me!
And yesterday:
Jake Gyllenhall today at Café Habana ! #SohoStarSightings #DailyShit #NYCLiving #FuckYourTouristShit
Ohhhhh! I want a cupcake too.
Jake Gyllenhaal Spotted at Little Cupcake Bakeshop on Prince
Jake just looks so happy these days, the spark is back in his eyes it seems.
On a side note UV, Ben Affleck is in talks for the lead role in Gone Girl.
More Venice film festival speculation:
"Nel programma potrebbe entrare anche l'atteso «Salinger», con Philip Seymour Hoffman, John Cusack, Edward Norton guest star. E anche «Prisoners», il film di Dennis Villeneuve («La donna che canta») con Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Melissa Leo"
2 more weeks until the official announcement. Frankly I want "An Enemy" in Venice, not "Prisoners". They'll both go to Toronto anyway. For Prisoners there'll be plenty of promotion, An Enemy needs the festival push.
Josh Gough
Just worked out at Barry's Bootcamp with Jake Gyllenhaal. Nbd. #swooning
Share · 2 hours ago near New York, NY
'Gone Girl' -- Five Actors Better Suited than Ben?
ETonline's first choice is Jake. Too bad it won't matter.
(Sha)Ciara Barry @ciara_e_barry 1h
Celeb spotting of today: Jake Gyllenhaal ladies and gentlemen
@davidhasalife in soho last night! Proper stared him out of it
did you ask him why he was wearing that stupid human suit?
elle @elle2fab 1h
wow so a few girls in the other dorm building met Jake Gyllenhaal I'm so mad
New pics of Jake out walking with Alyssa and his mom on IHJ.
Can't see the pics on I heart Jake, could you sent the link?
Sorry anon I don't know how to do that but sometimes when Stephanie posts certain pics you have to log in to see them.
Anon 11.40, I have seen the pics and you must to log in to see them.
Hi everybody, I saw the pics, they are beautiful, I just feel like they were like "unquiet"(i hope i had use the word fine).
Don´t have one pic of them smile, but it´s just i thought or bc of the paparazzi.
Hey Lara your word unquiet is fine know what you are trying to say and yes I'm sure once they saw the paps taking pics they stopped smiling also if you noticed Noami's fast gait I think they were trying to get away from the paps
My they make a dazzling couple. Beautiful!
I can't login, how sad! I used to have a login account for the IHJ but can't find it anymore, can someone help?
How do I get a new account set up?
Something must be amiss. I tried to log in several times, and failed, too. I was just on IHJ a couple of days ago, so it should not have cause a problem, but it did.
I went to the fprim and logged in, then went to the thread for "Eye Candy" and I was able to see them.
I meant "forum". : )
Hi Maria, when you do your log in is said down: I forgot my password. so u click ok and u see your e-mail and there have the steps and a new password. it´s better u write somewhere.
While walking at the mall I saw my first posters for prisonersone with Jake and one with Hugh:)
Hi girls,
Managed to get it to work, many thanks - had forgotten that I had to login through the community website, doh!
How wonder how they get these great exclusives, hey?
Love the pics, Alyssa looks very pretty and natural ... However Jake doesn't seem at ease... checking his back to ensure there's no paps, always with the dark sunglasses - I think it got worse after the Taylor Swift fiasco... I feel very sorry for him, it must be really hard to live your life when your watched 24x7... Must make the relationships hard too...
Have a rest of good Sunday
great exclusives?!?
A movie star who lives in nyc and pretty much everyone knows with his girlfriend who lives in nyc too?
Hey ???
Not really sure what you point was... If those were not such a great exclusive then how come no else has managed to get pics of the two of them - even though as you say they both live in NYC??
My point was simply to thanks Stephanie for the great pics she provides to us all.
And what was your "point" in saying "Taylor Swift fiasco ..."?
I had problem acessing the site at first. I had to log in which I didn't have to do before. They do make a beautiful couple.
I thought that Stephanie worked at a photo agency that's why she is able to get photos so quickly.
Anastasia @AAAAAnastasia 7m
Jake gyllenhaal online in front of me in Whole Foods #HeyBoo 😍
Hey ???,
When I talked about His relationship with Taylor, I meant about the Fiasco with the paps (which were following them everywhere) nothing else - not sure why it would cause offense?
Can we leave it there please? I was just thanking someone for some good pics...
No offense taken, Maria. I think someone is having a bad day ???
These aren't exclusives. I'm sure they'll be available everywhere soon. But it is wonderful that Stephanie so often gets them up sooner than many.
They are a beautiful couple.
Active Sunday afternoon for Jake:
Just saw jake gyllenhall walking his dog in Washington square park ME=BOOM DEAD
3:04 PM - 14 Jul 13
If any1's wondering what happened to Jake gyllenhal, he's sporting a graying beard,muscle T & making out w/a hot model type at Barnes&noble
3:55 PM - 14 Jul 13
Jake Gyllenhaal was just at the store casually trying on sneakers
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4:33 PM - 14 Jul 13 ·
Jake Gyllenhaal sitting a few feet away from me in the park #holyfuck
5:15 PM - 14 Jul 13
I don't know if that's Jake on the left of this photo:
Wear shorts, Jake!
George Arnett @outwithgeorge 8m
By the way, I saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Barnes & Noble today. Jeez Louisa May Alcott, he's yummy.
Dave Reddy @DaveReddyBoss 10m
I got a "hey, watsup?!" From Jake Gyllenhaal in work today. Love my job!!!
Melody Song @melodaysong 6m
Jake Gyllenhaal and his girlfriend are literally 20 feet away from me o m f g
Yu Jin @yjin1 4m
Met Jake Gyllenhaal while in the city today
Melody Song @melodaysong 10m
Visited NY and who do I see but Jake Gyllenhaal and his girlfriend at Washington…
Melody Song @melodaysong 11m
Visited NY and who do I see but Jake Gyllenhaal and his girlfriend at Washington…
Wow she's really pretty but what is wrong with Jake's beard from profile view?
And where in the world is Atticus, no offense to Alyssa's puppy but I wouldn't mind an Atticus pic.
Scott, I don't think anyone knows if something happened to Atticus.
An article about the Beach Plum Inn Restaurant.
"Jeez Louisa May Alcott" made me laugh.
Yu Jin @yjin1 5h
Met Jake Gyllenhaal while in the city today
Michael Tobias Lazar @lazar_art 24m
A lifelong prophecy fulfilled. I just biked past my #1 celebrity crush on HIS bike. Jake Gyllenhaal I almost died rubbernecking you. Hallelujah.
Frankly I want "An Enemy" in Venice, not "Prisoners". They'll both go to Toronto anyway. For Prisoners there'll be plenty of promotion, An Enemy needs the festival push.
Me too, mainly because it needs a U.S. distributor.
I want to see a teaser or clip, something.
interesting photo of Jake and Alyssa, I looked up the building they were heading into and it said it was student housing for NYU.
or should I say building heading towards, you can't see if they went into the building.
I wonder if this is the area Alyssa moved to or Jake lives in the area.
This is not a put down of you anon at 5:53 -5:54 pm but twitter is perfect ground work for stalkers. I think that area is a popular tourist attraction at least he was when I was there.
Lala @lizbethlauren 36m
I think I just walked by Jake Gyllenhaal being disappointingly heterosexual.
Hi to all!
I learned last week about the new love of Jake
They make a beautiful couple together, I hope that she is the right woman for him.
Kisses!!! :D
Corey Rosen @corey_rosen 18s
Just me, Jake Gyllenhaal (and his girlfriend) in Washington Sq. park
Daniel Feldman @danfeldman31 29m
Jake Gyllenhaal wears a Red Sox cap whenever he wants to go unnoticed. It's getting old, Jake. I noticed you right away, buddy.
I'd much rather see An Enemy in Venice, as well. We need something here, people!
New post.
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