Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer in the city

Jake Gyllenhaal is back in New York for the weekend. Nice to see that smile.

Cool fanmade poster for End of Watch, posted by likemonalisa on IHJ:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer school

Jake Gyllenhaal has been filming at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus. I think this is our first glimpse of Jake in the classroom. The filming has attracted a lot of attention from students, who've snagged a few photos.

The halls of higher education.

The internationally recognized student pose.

Filming is scheduled for UTSC through Thursday.

Big Easy Express is now available on iTunes. As far as I can tell, Jake is only really in the basketball scene. I have't had time to watch the whole movie. I did a quick scan, and this was the only place I saw him. (He is thanked in the credits.) Thanks to Mumford Castle for the gif.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Site for sore eyes

End of Watch has an official site. Sadly, there isn't anything there except the trailer. Let's hope they kick their marketing back into gear. After a promising start, they have faded.

The new site is really just an excuse to post more outtakes from Jake's old photo shoots.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jake Gyllenhaal, Esq.

Thanks to Gyllencrazy for finding these great unpublished shots of Jake, taken from the Nino Munoz shoot for Esquire UK. I've been hoping we'd see more. It was worth the wait.

You want it?

Here I am.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Poster Watch

Behold the first official poster for End of Watch.

The folks at Open Road films decided to redecorate using a still from the movie. What still from a Jake movie would you like to see on your wall?

For fun, some EoW gifs:


Watch out, Los Angeles: Officer Taylor is watching you...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Motion Capture

Jake Gyllenhaal filming in Toronto yesterday:

The magic of film will transform it, I know. But in stills, Jake's Double is a little dorky :)

Jake's appearance with Bear Grylls was shown in the UK for the first time today, leading to a flurry of tweets. Though most people were watching the Queen's Jubilee concert, I think plenty of Brits got to behold Iceland's natural wonders:

Jake Gyllenhaal filming on a Toronto street yesterday:

If you want to see more of Jake-in-motion in Iceland, click here. Lowercase or uppercase kills me every time!

This tumblr post captures Jake's roving tongue action:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Everything old

Departing for a moment from Toronto filming photos: This was posted on tumblr. It's an old shot by Gareth McConnell, who photographed Jake in 2002 for Dazed and Confused magazine:

It's part of this set, which is on IHJ. But I don't think the above photo is there.

A newspaper snap of filming:

A couple of Toronto fan pics:

A photo of Jake backstage at the Paul Newman event: